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Saturday, February 18, 2006


Usenet NZB Files Post

NZB: Proof that Chenney Lied About Shooting (wmv) 22.3 MB

NZB: Resistance2 -A Message to Americans from Iraq (wmv) 21.5 MB

NZB: Bill Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse (avi) 2.06 Gbytes

-Are these worth posting here?


Policing Porn Is Not Part of Job Description

Montgomery Homeland Security Officers Reassigned After Library Incident
Two uniformed men strolled into the main room of the Little Falls library in Bethesda one day last week and demanded the attention of all patrons using the computers. Then they made their announcement: The viewing of Internet pornography was forbidden.

The men looked stern and wore baseball caps emblazoned with the words "Homeland Security." The bizarre scene unfolded Feb. 9, leaving some residents confused and forcing county officials to explain how employees assigned to protect county buildings against terrorists came to see it as their job to police the viewing of pornography.

After the two men made their announcement, one of them challenged an Internet user's choice of viewing material and asked him to step outside, according to a witness. A librarian intervened, and the two men went into the library's work area to discuss the matter. A police officer arrived. In the end, no one had to step outside except the uniformed men.

They were officers of the security division of Montgomery County's Homeland Security Department, an unarmed force that patrols about 300 county buildings -- but is not responsible for enforcing obscenity laws.
Full Article by Cameron W. Barr


Study Supports Use Of Glucosamine And Chondroitin For Osteoarthritis Treatment

Arthritis experts and orthopaedic surgeons are discussing the results of the NIH study that shows a supplement to be as effective as the most expensive NSAIDs for moderate and severe pain from arthritis.
Full Article
Just make sure you're not getting silicon/ silica/ silicon dioxide/ etc with it! Those common additives (exipients) probably cause arthritis, auto-immune disease, etc.


Homeland Security Clamps Down On Boise Navy Veteran and Federal Employee For Anti-War Bumper Stickers

Dwight Scarbrough has filed a lawsuit to protect his freedom of speech rights in the face of Gestapo-like tactics geared at keeping Americans in step with draconian Bush administration policies.
Full Article by Greg Szymanski


Hidden history of US germ testing

In the 1950s, the Seventh-day Adventist Church struck an extraordinary deal with the US Army. It would provide test subjects for experiments on biological weapons at the Fort Detrick research centre near Washington DC.

The volunteers were conscientious objectors who agreed to be infected with debilitating pathogens. In return, they were exempted from frontline warfare.

Fort Detrick was working on weapons it could use in an offensive capacity as well as ways of defending its troops and citizens.

Hotel Anthrax uses declassified documents, evidence from Senate investigations and personal testimony to trace the American bio-weapon programme during this period.

The research involved anthrax, other lethal bacteria and biological poisons. The scientists also conducted tests on an unsuspecting American public.
Full Article


Commercial photos show Chinese nuke buildup

Commercial satellite photos made public recently provide a new look at China's nuclear forces and bases -- images that include the first view of a secret underwater submarine tunnel.

A Pentagon official said the photograph of the tunnel entrance reveals for the first time a key element of China's hidden military buildup. Similar but more detailed intelligence photos of the entrance are highly classified within the U.S. government, the official said.

"The Chinese have a whole network of secret facilities that the U.S. government understands but cannot make public," said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "This is the first public revelation of China's secret buildup."
Full Article by Bill Gertz


'Dog whistle' to control youths

A high-pitched "dog whistle" device is to be used by police in north Staffordshire to stop groups of nuisance youths hanging around shops.
The Mosquito sends out a pulsing 80-decibel frequency noise which can usually only be heard by teenagers and those in their early 20s.

It is now being piloted at two locations in Leek.

The device, which costs £622, is fitted outside the shop and can be turned on by shopkeepers to move youths on.
Full Article

I've got an idea! Why don't they find something else for the kids to do instead of simply driving them away from the public eye where they'd likely be more destructive?

Friday, February 17, 2006


How well is the safety of the American public assured today by the system we have for approving and monitoring drugs?

In the 31 years that I've been monitoring the Food and Drug Administration, what has gone on in the last five and six years is unprecedented. There have been an unprecedented number and percentage of drugs taken off the market; in many cases, drugs with known problems before they came on the market.

There's an unprecedented turnover of top scientists and physicians at the FDA. We now have three former FDA scientists on our staff. The absence of congressional oversight to sort of hold the FDA accountable has also been devastating. So the outcome of all of this is that we've had more drug safety-related problems in the last four or five years than really almost any comparable period of time.

The sad thing is these were preventable. They could have been avoided. In most, if not all of the cases, there were strong danger signals even before the drug came on the market that there was a problem. In all cases, once they came on the market, there was a very dangerous and reckless slowness to respond to the signals that came after marketing -- signals in the terms of deaths and serious injuries to people who took the drug once it was on the market. So I think the combination of problems in the pre-approval phase, combined with a very defective system for post-market safety surveillance have really been devastating.
Full Article by Sidney Wolfe, M.D.


Device Won Approval Though F.D.A. Staff Objected

A top federal medical official overruled the unanimous opinion of his scientific staff when he decided last year to approve a pacemaker-like device to treat persistent depression, a Senate committee reported Thursday.

The device, the surgically implanted vagus nerve stimulator, had not proved effective against depression in its only clinical trial for treatment of that illness. As a result, scientists at the Food and Drug Administration repeatedly and unanimously recommended rejecting the application of its maker, Cyberonics Inc., to sell it as such a treatment, said the report, written by the staff of the Senate Finance Committee.
Full Article by Gardiner Harris


Calcium supplements may not be the way to healthy bones after all

A large, seven-year study of healthy women over age 50 found no broad benefit from calcium and vitamin D supplements in preventing broken bones, despite widespread endorsement by doctors for the supplements.

The study also found no evidence that the supplements prevented colorectal cancer, and it found an increased risk of kidney stones.

Osteoporosis specialists said the study, published today in the New England Journal of Medicine, is likely to put a dent in what has become a widespread medical practice of recommending that all women take calcium and vitamin D supplements starting at menopause if not sooner, as a sort of insurance policy against osteoporosis. But beyond that there is no agreement on what, if anything, healthy women should do.
Full Article by Gina Kolata

Osteoporosis is a condition where you're losing calcium; not caused by lack of calcium. Cutting back on meat protein, milk (yes milk) and other acidifying foods should help prevent it I would think. Just because calcium is the most abundant does not make it "better". We should get a good balance of all good minerals. A container is not full just because it's full of large stones, you can still add small stones, sand, and water.


Orwell wrote Bush's script

The resemblance grows between the Bush administration and the sinister, monolithic political party INGSOC, from George Orwell's novel "1984," with every twisted and evasive defense for the violation of American civil rights.

Bush and Co.'s battle against terrorism has turned into a power grab and a war on Americans. Fear and contorted language are the weapons of choice.

The administration's assertive actions after 9/11 might have made sense in the raw aftermath of nearly 3,000 dead. With time and distance comes perspective. Those new presidential controls awarded to help ensure the safety of Americans now look more like the political clubs wielded by INGSOC.

Orwell might have got the year wrong, but his nightmarish vision of a super-nation at perpetual war, dominated by a government only concerned about control and party preservation, could gain purchase in 2006.
The use of powerful and well-placed words and images worked for INGSOC. Its slogan — war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength — fits like a truncheon in the cradle of shattered bone with Bush's recent State of the
Full Article by Ryan Blethen


EU Steadfast in Rejecting Genetically Engineered Food, Despite WTO Pressure

Sometimes you have to agree to differ. Europe has done that with the U.S. over Iraq, over Kyoto, over the International Criminal Court, over US antipathy to the UN, over the torture of prisoners and extraordinary rendition, over hormone-laced beef and over GMOs. And those leaders, like Tony Blair, who have sought to go along with the U.S., are widely - and rightly - despised.

EXCERPT: Despite the ongoing [WTO] case in Geneva, European governments voted with a clear majority in 2005 to retain existing national bans on GMOs and individual countries continue to reject GMOs. Greece last week announced an extension of its ban on seeds from a type of GM maize produced by Monsanto. Austria also recently announced its intention to ban the import of a GM oilseed rape. These bans, in addition to those imposed last year by Hungary and Poland, 172 regions in Europe which have declared themselves GMO-free zones, and a Swiss moratorium decided by public referendum, show that Europe is steadfast in rejecting GMOs.
Full Article


Alzheimer's Progresses Faster in Educated People

High levels of education speed up the progression of Alzheimer's disease, according to a study published in next month's issue of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry.

Mental agility dropped every year among Alzheimer's disease patients with each additional year of education, leading to an additional 0.3 percent deterioration, the researchers from the Columbia University Medical Center in New York found. The speed of thought processes and memory were particularly affected.

Previous studies have shown that people with high levels of education are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. The new study shows that the brains of more educated people can tolerate changes for longer periods of time, meaning signs of decreased mental agility typical of Alzheimer's disease appear later. When those signs do appear, the disease progresses faster than it does in less educated patients.
Full Article

If you really want to avoid alzheimers: avoid aluminum. It's in cookware, wasabi, anti-persperant, backing powder (Rumford is aluminum free), and other things you wouldn't normally suspect. Chelation therapy can be used to remove it, but no one should jump into the therapy without researching it a bit and coming up with a good mineral replacement regimen.


'Sleeping on it' best for complex decisions

Complex decisions are best left to your unconscious mind to work out, according to a new study, and over-thinking a problem could lead to expensive mistakes.

The research suggests the conscious mind should be trusted only with simple decisions, such as selecting a brand of oven glove. Sleeping on a big decision, such as buying a car or house, is more likely to produce a result people remain happy with than consciously weighing up the pros and cons of the problem, the researchers say.
Full Article by Gaia Vince Forum Doesn't Want You Healed

"While we respect the opinions of others on this board, please refrain from any talk about the HIV/AIDS conspiracy. It is just too sensitive a topic for those afflicted with the disease and will probably just cause more bad than good.

Thanks for understanding."

-That was in response to a post mentioning that some top scientists don't agree with the HIV causes AIDS theory.

I was a member of the forum for two days. I posted advice for handling depression which included sunlight, walking, dietary advice, ect. -Deleted: No explanation.

Check out this thread where all 3 of my posts were edited by staff: GERD Thread

They also wasted no time deleting the information I posted about how I recovered from Lupus.

They clearly want people to stay sick.


New Orleans Evacuees Given "Raw Deal" As FEMA Money Running Out;

Baton Rouge Motel Manager Says He Didn't Try To Evict Evacuees As Media First Reported
Many displaced New Orleans residents may have nowhere to go after March 1 deadline when FEMA money runs out.

The manager of a Baton Rouge motel, housing Katrina evacuees, Thursday said stories claiming he was evicting residents indiscriminately "were just not true," as media reports were initially blown out of proportion.

Brent Servario, manager of the Pines Motel, said local television and news reports "got the real story all wrong" by saying he tried to clear out all 30 rooms of evacuees against a recent federal court ruling protecting evacuees from eviction until March 1.

Instead, Servario claims authorities of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are the real culprits for leaving the hotel in disrepair and not reimbursing management for damages caused by a small group of unruly tenants.
Full Article by Greg Szymanski


Booze Britain? Drink-fuelled crime and violence slump after new licensing laws take effect

We were warned: Liberalisation of drink laws would fuel disorder
The sober truth: Serious violent crime has fallen 21% - and is down by twice that in some towns - while there are 14% fewer woundings
As for drinks firms? They are reporting no windfall profits
Serious violent crime has fallen by more than a fifth since the licensing laws were liberalised, police figures show.

Major industrial cities, seaside resorts and market towns from the south coast to Cumbria are reporting dramatic falls in alcohol-fuelled assaults and woundings after the country's antiquated drinking laws were overhauled.


Scientific Proof Cheney's Shooting Story is a Lie

Harry Whittington Shooting Ballistics Tested, Cheney shot at Whittington from 15 feet not 90 as claimed
Harry Whittington was shot at close range, between 15 and 18 feet, not the 90 claimed by Dick Cheney and the Secret Service. It is now clear why they refused to let Sheriff's Deputies interview Cheney for over 13 hours and why they claimed that Whittington's injuries were superficial when in truth they were grievous.
Full Article by Alex Jones


Lawmakers Want Info On Cheap Oil From Venezuela

A top House Republican is questioning Venezuela's motives for offering cheap heating oil to poor Americans.

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Joe Barton said he suspects politics, not charity, is behind the offer, given Venezuela's increasing anti-U.S. rhetoric.
Full Article


Gonzales Withholding Plame Emails

Sources close to the investigation into the leak of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson have revealed this week that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has not turned over emails to the special prosecutor's office that may incriminate Vice President Dick Cheney, his aides, and other White House officials who allegedly played an active role in unmasking Plame Wilson's identity to reporters.

Moreover, these sources said that, in early 2004, Cheney was interviewed by federal prosecutors investigating the Plame Wilson leak and testified that neither he nor any of his senior aides were involved in unmasking her undercover CIA status to reporters and that no one in the vice president's office had attempted to discredit her husband, a vocal critic of the administration's pre-war Iraq intelligence. Cheney did not testify under oath or under penalty of perjury when he was interviewed by federal prosecutors.

The emails Gonzales is said to be withholding contained references to Valerie Plame Wilson's identity and CIA status and developments related to the inability to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Moreover, according to sources, the emails contained suggestions by the officials on how the White House should respond to what it believed were increasingly destructive comments Joseph Wilson had been making about the administration's pre-war Iraq intelligence.
Full Article by Jason Leopold

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Anti War swf Video

Thanks: Jo


Music/ Humor -Dick Chenney's Got a Gun

Thanks: Jo


EPA Board: Teflon Likely Carcinogen

PFOA is a processing aid used in the manufacturing of fluoropolymers, which have a wide variety of product applications, including nonstick cookware.
A group of scientific advisers to the Environmental Protection Agency voted unanimously Wednesday to approve a recommendation that a chemical used in the manufacture of Teflon and other nonstick and stain-resistant products should be considered a likely carcinogen.
Full Article

I find no advantage and only disadvantages to cooking on teflon coated pans.


Toxic Toads Evolve Long Legs and Take Over Australia

Toxic toads bound across the northern tropics of Australia faster than ever, thanks to the evolution of longer legs in the few short decades since humans introduced them to their own little paradise.

Cane toads (Bufo marinus) were first brought in from Hawaii in 1935 to control the spread of beetles that were ravaging Australia's sugar cane crop. But instead of controlling the pests, the toads have become pests themselves. A deadly chemical defense system disposes quickly of potential predators.
Full Article by Ker Than

When will they learn?


Scaling the firewall of digital censorship

TORONTO — More than fifteen years after the Berlin Wall was shattered with hammers and bulldozers, a Canadian-designed computer program is preparing to break through what activists call the great firewall of China.

The program, in the late stages of development in a University of Toronto office, is designed to help those trapped behind the blocking and filtering systems set up by restrictive governments. If successful, it will equip volunteers in more open countries to help those on the other side of digital barriers, allowing a free flow of information and news into and out of even the most closed societies.
Full Article by Oliver Moore


Positive health trends accelerated by consumer education and champions of health freedom

Optimism #1: Food companies are removing trans fats from their products
Optimism #2: The public is seeking alternatives to prescription drugs
Optimism #3: People are realizing they really do need natural sunlight
2006 goal: Teach people that food is medicine
All made possible by Free Speech on the Internet
Full Article by Mike Adams


A consumer campaign to boycott Bush's biggest funders

This website was established on April 12th 2001 by Ethical Consumer magazine, following the rejection by President Bush of the Kyoto Agreement on global warming. Since that date, he has gone on to offend many more people around the world by his illegal invasion of Iraq and other regressive steps such as opposing weapons proliferation treaties.

What we want
On this website we call on consumers who oppose any or all of Bush's activities to boycott the brands of his biggest corporate funders until they:

* publicly call on him to support the Kyoto protocol, and
* cease all political funding of the current administration until he does so.

Our Consumer Guide helps you to identify the products of companies giving the most money to this most misguided of governments. We have also produced a Boycott Bush Report on our ethiscore website with facilities to help you email the Top 10 UK Brands.
Full Webpage


RFID Tags in New US Notes Explode When You Try to Microwave Them

Want to share an event with you, that we experienced this evening.. Dave had over $1000 dollars in his back pocket (in his wallet). New twenties were the lion share of the bills in his wallet. We walked into a truck stop/travel plaza and they have those new electronic monitors that are supposed to say if you are stealing something. But through every monitor, Dave set it off. He did not have anything to purchase in his hands or pockets. After numerous times of setting off these monitors, a person approached Dave with a 'wand' to swipe why he was setting off the monitors.

Believe it or not, it was his 'wallet'. That is according to the minimum wage employees working at the truck stop! We then walked across the street to a store and purchased aluminum foil. We then wrapped our cash in foil and went thru the same monitors. No monitor went off.
Full Article with pics

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


The Tobacco Industry's Secondhand Science

Source: British Medical Journal, February 2006
A new study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco found that the tobacco industry "recruited and managed an international network of more than 80 scientific and medical experts in Europe, Asia and elsewhere in a bid to avoid regulations on secondhand smoke." In 1991 alone, the industry spent $3.3 million (2.8 m Euros) on the program, according to company documents. The program's goal was "to influence policy makers, media and the public" by having industry consultants attend conferences, present papers and lobby, all while hiding or obscuring the tobacco industry's role. The program began in 1987. By 1991, "every member of the organising committee of an international conference on indoor air quality in Bangkok ... was a tobacco industry consultant." And, "as of early 2004, no document has been located indicating that the program has been terminated."


Report: Deadly errors made in intensive care

More than 38,000 mistakes reported in U.S. between 2000 and 2004
WASHINGTON - A patient given three separate prescriptions for blood thinners. Patients who do not get needed insulin. Someone given seven times the proper dose of a heart drug.

These mistakes are typical of more than 38,000 errors reported from U.S. intensive care units between 2000 and 2004, and documented in a report from the U.S. Pharmacopeia on Wednesday.
Full Article

What about the unreported incidents, and straight up quackery?


New England Journal of Medicine accuses Merck of deleting important Vioxx information from study

As if things weren't bad enough for pharmaceutical giant Merck and Co., the picture just got a little grimmer. Already facing tremendous heat and a long line of lawsuits over Vioxx -- its arthritis medication that was pulled off the market in September 2004 after it was determined to increase heart attack and stroke risk -- the editors of a prominent medical journal are now accusing Merck of withholding crucial study data that showed the drug's heart risk.
Full Article by Alexis Black


BREAKING - New Abu Ghraib Photos Released

Australia's SBS Dateline and Sydney Morning Herald will show and publish some of the Abu Gharib photos which have been until now supressed by the Bush Administration.

UPDATE:Several of the pictures have now been released. They are shown below the fold AND ARE DISTURBING - PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Thanks to limaike for pointing out the link.

Sydney Morning Herald story here.

Tonight the SBS Dateline program plans to broadcast about 60 previously unpublished photographs that the US Government has been fighting to keep secret in a court case with the American Civil Liberties Union.

Although a US judge last year granted the union access to the photographs following a freedom-of-information request, the US Administration has appealed against the decision on the grounds their release would fuel anti-American sentiment.

Some of the photos are similar to those published in 2004, others are different. They include photographs of six corpses, although the circumstances of their deaths are not clear. There are also pictures of what appear to be burns and wounds from shotgun pellets.There are appromately sixty photos in total, six have been released at this point. UPDATE: THERE ARE SEVERAL MORE BELOW THE ORIGINAL ONES, THEY ARE EVEN MORE DISTURBING, PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
Click for more: Marine's Blog

Fluoride and other drugs making us apathetic should be no excuse. If you pay taxes you should see where they go. If you can't bear to look; you shouldn't be paying taxes which help support this mass murder/ torture/ terrorism!


UK holds Microsoft security talks

UK officials are talking to Microsoft over fears the new version of Windows could make it harder for police to read suspects' computer files.
Windows Vista is due to be rolled out later this year. Cambridge academic Ross Anderson told MPs it would mean more computer files being encrypted.

He urged the government to look at establishing "back door" ways of getting around encryptions.
Full Article by Ollie Stone-Lee


Screw the IRS and get away with it!

I do appreciate all the effort of those who are posting all these informative bulletins, blogs and links that are circulating around. I want to add something we can actually DO to make a difference. Anyone can do this if you have a "regular" on-the-books job.

it's simple. Just go the accountant and say you want to change your w-4 claim to be 9 dependents. that's all. you can fill in any number you want. the IRS doesn't care and neither will your employer. (not more than 9 because then you would need other forms) it's only a CLAIM. No one's gonna go to your house and check. the accountant is still gonna take out social security. can't get out of that. but there will be very little witheld for federal or state tax. so there will be more money in your pocket to spend, save or invest as you see fit.

The purpose of form w-4 is "so that your employer can withold the correct federal income tax from your pay" (I'm quoting the instructions)

What this means is that you give your employer and interest-free loan with every paycheck so they can take your money and go out and spend it, presumably to invest with, and hopefully not piss away. Then every quarter, they turn that money over to the IRS, the private, run-for-profit collection agency of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed then uses your money to finance war, covert operations, martial law, and George Bush's coke habit. (actually his daddy pays for that from his CIA coke sales profits. But I digress......) after plundering your paycheck for about a year, they MIGHT give SOME of it back next spring after the dollar has depreciated by 20% or more (at the rate things are going) and you can forget about seeing any interest.

If you have 401k that means you are voluntarily handing over even more of your pay to your employer to be used in the same way. Sure, you earn interest on it, but it is crumbs off your employer's table. and you get "locked in" to a contract that, by the time you are ready to cash in, the interest earned will never match up to the rising cost of living.

And if you really wanna be dumb, play the stock market. this way big corporations can borrow your money, piss it away, and they don't have to give you jack shit.

if, at the end of the year, you feel sufficiently coerced by the IRS to file form 1040, at least by pocketing the money and using it wisely you will have at least enjoyed some benefit from it. Possibly even earned some profit from gold or silver coins, or using it as capitol to start your own little enterprise.

there are other things you can do to annoy the IRS and get away with. you can wait 'til the last minute to send in your 1040, and forget to sign it. try it. they are not allowed by their own rules to claim you owe them anything unless you sign the form. Signing essentially gives them your permission to take your money. Even if you eventually do fork over some tax money, the least you can do is make the bastards sweat for it.

If you don't earn much money on the books, that is if you "owe" less than a grand, you can get away with not filing at all. you're too small of a fish for the IRS to even care about you.

You can also get your earned income credit in advance if your paycheck is so pitiful that you qualify for it. get form w-5 from

There are those who'd rather let the IRS hold their money so they can get that "big check" in the spring. Apparently some people feel too irresponsible with their own money to manage it themselves, so they let the government be their mommy. (please see political structure of a nation - Dependency ) To them I say PLEASE grow the fuck up. if you choose to be a slave then don't complain about your masters.
Source: BEharp


The Legal Trade in Illegal Drugs

I never intended to become a drug dealer. In fact, even now, I don’t want to be a drug dealer. But a man has got to earn a living; put food on the table, and make sure the kids have shoes on their feet. I could not do this without dealing drugs. Besides, dealing drugs makes me a lot of friends. In addition to some of my patients; hospitals, pharmacies, drug companies, and the government at all levels encourage me to deal drugs. Doing so makes them all my friends, and they all receive a cut of the profits.

You can come to me for narcotics, tranquilizers, speed, sometimes even marijuana. The best part of all this, is that if you buy from me, it is completely legal and I am obligated by law to take care of you even if you never intend to pay. My place of business is your local Emergency Department. I am your legal drug dealer. I am your physician. Here is how it works:

Plausible deniability – it’s not just for Presidents any more. Plausible deniability is the key that unlocks the narcotics cabinet.
Full Article by David Wiggins


Another Former Devoted Republican Calling Bush "Worse Than Hitler"

Keefe Callum of the Northern Plains says every freedom-loving American needs to come forward before it is too late.
Every last person who believes in God and truth needs to come forward, speak out and erect a barricade of peace and freedom in front of the devilish New World Order's blackened front door.

No stone can be left unturned and each of Satan's evil doors needs to be immediately exposed and opened wide, including the front doors of the White House and 10 Downing Street.

The battle has reached a critical stage, with nuclear war on the horizon, that no longer can any freedom loving man or woman afford to run and hide behind the cloak of apathy.

And for months freedom's call has been heard as thousands of average Americans have been stepping forward and speaking out against tyranny, realizing the deception, lies and mass killings of their fellow citizens can no longer be tolerated by their government and evil puppeteers behind the scenes.
Full Article by Greg Szymanski

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion

Many Religious Right activists have attempted to rewrite history by asserting that the United States government derived from Christian foundations, that our Founding Fathers originally aimed for a Christian nation. This idea simply does not hold to the historical evidence.

Of course many Americans did practice Christianity, but so also did many believe in deistic philosophy. Indeed, most of our influential Founding Fathers, although they respected the rights of other religionists, held to deism and Freemasonry tenets rather than to Christianity.
Full Article by Jim Walker
Yeah; It's old, but it's an interesting read and something most people seem disinformed on.


Regarding New York Times Aspartame/ Methanol/ Formaldehyde in 6000 Manufactured Food Products:

Article FEB.12, 2006 BY Melanie Warner
New Mexico Governor William Blaine Richardson III has been requested by 10 New Mexico State Senators in a letter to declare a state of public health emergency, in accordance with NMSA 12-10A-5.

To wit:

"The nature of the emergency derives from 70% of the adults and 40% of the children in New Mexico having consumed methanol and formaldehyde, the resultant metabolites from their ingestion of aspartame. The conditions that cause the emergency are the fact that the G.D. Searle Corporation ramrodded the approval of this illegal drug through the United States Food and Drug Administration in 1981 as a 'food additive.' It is now found in over 6,000 food products and over 600 children's medications, vitamins, and aspirin." "The expected duration of the emergency is more than thirty days necessary to prevent further instances of methanol/formaldehyde poisoning, and will end when all products containing aspartame, a poisonous and deleterious food additive are removed from sale in New Mexico in accordance with statutes in the New Mexico Food act."

Richardson has been requested by the 10 Senators to recognize aspartame disease as a public health emergency on February 13, 2006.

The Senators include Judiciary Chairman, Cisco Mc Sorley; Indian Affairs Chairman, John Pinto, Navajo; Rules Chair, Linda Lopez; Conservation Chairman, Carlos Cisneros, Finance Committee Vice Chair, John Arthur Smith; Corporations Committee, Bernadette Sanchez; Indian Affairs Vice Chairman, Lidio Rainaldi; Rules Vice Chair, John Grubesic; Gerald Ortiz y Pino, and Leonard Tsosie, Navajo.

Most of the New Mexico Legislators have been given copies of Cori Brackett's DVD, Sweet Misery, to educate them during the Interim before next Session for the New Mexico Legislature.
Full Article by Stephen Fox


3 studies link tumor risk with cell phones

Adding new fuel to the debate over cell phone safety, three European research groups in separate studies have found an increased risk of brain tumors in people who have used the phones for 10 years or more.

Two of the studies found a correlation between the tumor's location and the side of the head where people reported they held the phone. One also suggests the greatest risk is in people who began using the phones before age 20, but researchers said the study group was small and more research should be done.

Two of the studies, one in England and one in Germany, are part of the 13-nation Interphone Study, an effort sanctioned by the World Health Organization to assess possible health risks from the radiation emitted by cell phones.

Both studies found an increased risk of glioma, an often deadly brain cancer, in people who had used cell phones 10 years or more.

An earlier Interphone study, reported in October 2004 by researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, found an increased risk for a non-cancerous brain tumor called acoustic neuroma after 10 years of cell phone use, but not for glioma.
Full Article by Nancy McVicar


New York Times Examines Pharmaceutical Lobby, Effect On States

The New York Times on Tuesday examined how pharmaceutical lobbyists are active in all 50 states because "the industry knows that controlling drug costs is a subject with nearly universal popular appeal." All state legislatures have weighed legislation involving pharmaceuticals, and last year state lawmakers considered more than 600 bills that address prescription drugs. Some proposals were pro-industry, including measures to protect manufacturers from product liability claims and to expand access to brand-name drugs, but "several states have passed laws that represent a barely perceptible shift toward regulation" of drug costs, the Times reports.
Full Article


Congresswoman Says America Run By Criminal Syndicate

McKinney: American citizens could be put in forced labor camps
Cynthia McKinney, the only House Representative to stand up to the Bush White House crime syndicate, has gone further than ever before in her efforts to warn people about what the Neo-Cons' ultimate goals actually entail for freedom in America.

During a recent radio interview on the Alex Jones Show, McKinney illustrated the nature of a corrupt occupational government, stating that the administration was "stolen in 2000 and stolen again in 2004." McKinney said that it was doing the government a favor to describe them as a "criminal syndicate."

"It appears to me that our country is literally being hollowed out....our economy is being hollowed out," said McKinney.
Full Article


Warning: Toxic chemical triclosan can turn your toothpaste into chloroform

For years, I have warned people of the danger of personal care products. If you look at the ingredients manufacturers put in their products -- soaps, deodorants, toothpastes and so on -- you will be horrified. These ingredients are highly toxic and cause cancer. They promote leukemia, nervous system disorders and liver problems. Now, some new information has come from Virginia Tech. Researchers that have found that the chemical triclosan, which is found in a lot of antimicrobial soaps and toothpaste products, can react with chlorine in the tap water. Guess what you get? (This is the horrifying part.) Chloroform. This is a toxic chemical that can give you cancer. In the old movies, you might have seen someone give a person chloroform to knock them unconscious. If you breathe enough chloroform, you will die.

If you are brushing your teeth with toothpaste that has triclosan in it, and you are rinsing with tap water that has chlorine in it, you are getting a little chemical reaction right in your mouth. What a wonderful gift from the toothpaste manufacturers. That's not to mention that some of the toothpastes contain fluoride that isn't really fluoride but fluorosilicic acid, which is a toxic waste product that is molecularly similar to fluoride but has a much different effect on the human body -- a toxic effect. When you wash your hands with antibacterial soap that contains triclosan, you are getting the fumes emitted from this chemical reaction.
Full Article by Mike Adams

Monday, February 13, 2006


March for Truth N.Y.C. 2006

When? February 20th 2006
Where? “Ground Zero” New York City 10:00am

  • On February 20th 2006, 9/11 Truth activists will convene at “Ground Zero” former site of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan New York City to march against the U.S. Government’s mass murder of 2,986 Americans on September 11th 2001.

  • Since our Government is a totally illegitimate criminal enterprise for perpetrating these attacks, we have chosen President’s Day as an appropriate
    Occasion to march to restore the rule of law and order to our Republic.
    We demand an international independent tribunal akin to the Nuremberg Trials to seek justice for the crimes committed on 9/11 2001 and for all crimes committed against humanity in its wake.

  • Protesters will proceed to march to Attorney General Elliot Spitzer’s office with a letter demanding his resignation for his failure to investigate this crime committed in his jurisdiction despite overwhelming evidence.

  • We will then confront the media organizations The Nation Magazine, Democracy Now, The New York Times, and A.N.S.W.E.R as symbolic targets of de facto complicity with their silence and neglect of journalistic duties in the face of the greatest crime of the 21st century on American soil –This despite an abundance of specific credible evidence for the Government’s role as the source of the attacks.

  • The rally will conclude at the office of former N.Y.C. Mayor Giuliani in Times Square, where we will deliver citizen’s warrant for his arrest for his role in the attacks at The World Trade Center and criminal complicity in removing evidence from a crime scene. Civil disobedience will then be encouraged by protesters in an effort to call on fellow Americans to speak out against the colossal crimes being committed in the name of a fraudulent ‘War on Terror” and to demand the U.S. Government be arrested for treason and mass murder.

  • We ask for all to come and march to uphold the moral principle that all human life deserves to live free from the tyranny of a rogue government, a government which committed mass murder on its very citizens for political expedience and financial enrichment. The weaponry in the hands of the forces of evil occupying our government has the capability of ending all life on this planet. It is therefore of the utmost imperative that this be dealt with over all other political concerns.

  • Please spread the word to any and all to come to Ground Zero on February 20th and make their voice heard that this frame-up on humanity in the name of ‘The War on Terror” Ends now. March for Truth N.Y.C. 2006!

Contact: Greg Nixon:


Center for Food Safety

The Center for Food Safety (CFS) is a non-profit public interest and environmental advocacy membership organization established in 1997 by its sister organization, International Center for Technology Assessment, for the purpose of challenging harmful food production technologies and promoting sustainable alternatives. CFS combines multiple tools and strategies in pursuing its goals, including litigation and legal petitions for rulemaking, legal support for various sustainable agriculture and food safety constituencies, as well as public education, grassroots organizing and media outreach.
Website: Pressroom


Sibel Edmonds: A Patriot Silenced, Unjustly Fired but Fighting Back to Help Keep America Safe

Date: Feb 12, 2006 7:50 PM

We have been trying to get an interview with Ms. Edmonds for about a week now. She has been told to sandbag information, whitewash the story of 9/11 and allow unqualified and sustandard research to prevail. She was informed to follow certain leads due to "budget" referrals, and has been told to obfuscate the truth. She has been given a gag order to keep her FBI mouth shut, yet she is still the biggest 9/11 whistleblower out there.
-August Harper

Even though she followed all appropriate procedures for reporting her concerns up the chain of command, Edmonds was retaliated against and fired.

Even though its own inspector general has found much of what Edmonds has to say to be correct, the Justice Department--first under Attorney General Ashcroft and now under Attorney General Gonzalez--have invoked the arcane States Secrets law to shut her up. The department simply declared everything in her case secret, in the interest of national security.


click here

Learn More at www,

Thanks to Lorri and many others for relaying this information!


Web Films

Nice little collection here:

Thanks to Bharp for the bulletin on "None Dare Call it Genocide"


Secret report reveals 18 child deaths following vaccinations

Eighteen babies and toddlers have died following childhood vaccinations in just four years, a secret Government report reveals.

Four deaths have been linked to suspected adverse reactions to the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) triple jab, according to documents prepared for the Government's expert advisers on immunisation.

The controversial jab has been beset by fears of a link to autism and bowel disease, although since its introduction in 1998, yearly deaths from measles have fallen from 16 to zero, while the jab against meningitis C is thought to save 50 lives a year.
Full Article by Beezy Marsh


Tips for coping with PMS (for the woman)

a.. If necessary, change your food choices Drop the junk food, especially foods rich in saturated fats and sugars. Focus mostly on whole foods like fruits, veggies, nice lean protein, and whole grains. Replace refined, processed foods with high-quality carbohydrates-kidney beans, black beans, oatmeal, and nuts. Buy bags of pre-washed baby spinach, cook lightly, and top with olive oil, lemon, and capers. I promise you that eating well makes a tremendous difference in your PMS.

b.. Exercise, every day Women who keep moving have a lot less PMS than couch potatoes. Try this for the next 60 days: brisk walking outside, 20 minutes a day. Start with that, and do more if you choose. Work these walks into your commute by getting off the bus earlier, parking your car at the far end of the lot, or getting up 20 minutes early to walk outside. But do it every day.

c.. Reduce stress in whatever way works for you. Stress is central to many disorders, and surveys of women with PMS indicate that symptoms worsen during stressful times. My prescription for you: a hot relaxing bath once a day with no interruptions; a massage twice a week; a regular yoga class, where you'll focus on stretching and breathing and nothing else for an hour. Reducing stress is essential, and I consider it a badge of honor that I send more women to health spas each year than to the hospital.

d.. Try evening primrose oil, an essential fatty acid that increases your body's levels of prostaglandins, a chemical involved in both kinds of PMS symptoms. Take 1000-1300 mg of evening primrose oil three times daily with food (to increase absorption). Or you can take two capsules with breakfast and one with dinner if that's easier.
Copyright © 2006 David Edelberg, M.D.


Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the "Quiet War," being conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought with "silent weapons."

This book contains an introductory description of this war, its strategies, and its weaponry.
This manual is in itself an analog declaration of intent. Such a writing must be secured from public scrutiny. Otherwise, it might be recognized as a technically formal declaration of domestic war. Furthermore, whenever any person or group of persons in a position of great power and without full knowledge and consent of the public, uses such knowledge and methodology for economic conquest -- it must be understood that a state of domestic warfare exists between said person or group of persons and the public.


Satanic Child Sacrificing Rituals First Reported At Vatican And Now At LDS Temple In Salt Lake City

True Ott, a former Mormon excommunicated from the LDS church, woke up one morning at his Cedar City, Utah, home to find a large red cross or X painted on his doorstep.

And this evil sign, according to Ott, is the LDS's symbolic equivalent to the KKK's cross-burning tactics used against Southern Blacks.

Although waking-up to a blood-red cross is terrifying, it was only the beginning of the church-led terror campaign he experienced once "crossing LDS leaders," as his life was subsequently threatened on several other occasions for getting too close to LDS top secrets.

"I am not anti-Mormon or anti any other religion, but just feel the corruption goes so deep into the hierarchy, the truth about the connections needs to be exposed before it's too late for America," said Ott who recently appeared on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal.

A audio version of Ott's entire two-hour interview, exposing top level LDS affiliation with Masonic and less than honest U.S. government-compromised policy makers, can be found under The Investigative Journal archives page at
Full Article by Greg Szymanski


Food as Medicine

Cancer, Nutrition & Healing
In 1999 Jerry Brunetti was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and given 6
months to live. He did not submit to chemotherapy, but rather, developed his own
unique dietary approach to enhance his immune system.

In this informative DVD, Jerry shares his personal experiences and provides his
recipe for healthy living. You will learn about the crucial importance of
minerals, which foods to choose for your best health requirements and what to
avoid. After viewing this DVD you'll realize the remarkable value of food in
building good foundations, and providing buffers, to keep your body healthy.

"Food as Medicine" Features:

  • The power of pigments - Make your plate a rainbow.
  • Protection from cruciferous vegetables.
  • The good oils.
  • Fabulous fermentation.
  • Eggs - The ultimate food.
  • Butter vs. Margarine - The power of raw milk.
  • What major minerals do - Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorous and Sulfur.
  • The trace mineral catalysts - Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Boron and Iron.
  • The forgotten five - Iodine, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Selenium and Chromium.

NZB:Food as Medicine


Los Angeles Protest - March 23, 2006 9:00AM



Hunter Shot by Cheney Is 'Very Stable'

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas - A 78-year-old hunting companion of Vice President
Dick Cheney was recovering in stable condition Monday after Cheney accidentally shot him during a weekend quail hunting trip, a hospital official said.
Full Article by Lynn Brezosky

More Questions Raised About Delay in Reporting Cheney Misfire

The more than 18-hour delay in news emerging that the Vice President of the United States had shot a man, sending him to an intensive care unit with his wounds, grew even more curious late Sunday. E&P has learned that the official confirmation of the shooting came about only after a local reporter in Corpus Christi, Texas, received a tip from the owner of the property where the shooting occured and called Vice President Cheney's office for confirmation.

The confirmation was made but it is not known for certain that Cheney's office, the White House, or anyone else intended to announce the shooting if the reporter, Jaime Powell of the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, had not received word from the ranch owner.
Full Article by Greg Mitchell

Sunday, February 12, 2006


The Dental Amalgam Issue

"a terrible sin against humanity"
Dr. Alfred Stock, 1926

Ever since dentists first started installing amalgams in patients' teeth there has been an issue as to whether mercury is released and causes health (pathophysiologic) problems. Then in 1984 a group of conscientious dentists formed the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). One of their objectives was to scientifically explore the safety of amalgam restorations. Since 1984, members of the IAOMT have inspired many renowned medical scientists at universities around the world to research possible pathophysiologic effects associated with mercury leaking from amalgam restorations. Consequently, there are a growing number of scientific studies that document pathophysiologic effects associated with amalgam mercury.

Another report I read indicated that chewing caused the release of a lot more mercury vapor - "test results". I know someone that seemed to be going crazy, then had the fillings removed and returned to normal. They attribute the change to the fillings when I thought it was from artificial sweeteners.


ADHD drugs warning

DRUGS used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may be required to carry the most serious type of warning on their labels after health regulators found the medications might cause heart attacks and strokes.
Full Article by Clara Pirani


ADHD Kids Should Be Celebrated, Not Medicated

The gravest danger of overmedicating is destroying a child's confidence, self-worth and sense of identity.

“When we seek to change our children by first medicating,” Martin insists, “we send the insidious message that they are inherently inferior and incapable of self-control. We should not tell our children that they can be successful only if we change who they are.”

Contrary to the prevailing fatalistic view of ADHD, Celebrate!ADHD celebrates and cultivates the advantageous qualities specifically afforded by ADHD. The organization advocates positive strategies to increase focus, improve school performance and build confidence.
Full Article


The Myth of the Expensive Baby

How many times have you heard young couples say they don't want children or they don't want a large family because "it's just too expensive to raise children these days?" This is just a myth to continue the depopulation agenda.

The first myth is that it's expensive to have a baby. A hospital birth in my city now costs $10,000 for an uncomplicated and unmedicated birth. Caesareans, at a whopping rate of 25%-33% in my local hospitals, cost a whole lot more.

Caesareans are very lucrative for hospitals and the doctors who perform them. The doctor looks like a hero as he performs emergency surgery and the parents thank him profusely for saving the life of mother and child. Little do the parents realize that it was the very protocols commanded by the doctor and his insurance carrier that caused the mother to need a Caesarean in the first place.

The media has created this image that birth is scary and high-risk, necessitating a lot of medical procedures, a sterile environment, masks, oxygen tanks, anesthetics, and a neonatal intensive care unit across the hall in case of emergency. Whatever happened to the peaceful welcoming of a new little one into the family circle right in the bed where the child was lovingly conceived? Why can't mothers give birth at home the way it has been done for millenia? Why not ask a friendly midwife or some experienced mothers to attend the birth? This costs very little by comparison.
Forum -Donna


Glenn Greenwald: Silencing Bush Critics with Prison

The significance of this article from today's New York Times cannot be overstated. In essence, while the President sits in the White House undisturbed after proudly announcing that he has been breaking the law and will continue to do so, his slavish political appointees at the Justice Department are using the mammoth law enforcement powers of the federal government to find and criminally prosecute those who brought this illegal conduct to light:

Federal agents have interviewed officials at several of the country's law enforcement and national security agencies in a rapidly expanding criminal investigation into the circumstances surrounding a New York Times article published in December that disclosed the existence of a highly classified domestic eavesdropping program, according to government officials.
Full Article


CIA chief sacked for opposing torture

The CIA’s top counter-terrorism official was fired last week because he opposed detaining Al-Qaeda suspects in secret prisons abroad, sending them to other countries for interrogation and using forms of torture such as “water boarding”, intelligence sources have claimed.

Robert Grenier, head of the CIA counter-terrorism centre, was relieved of his post after a year in the job. One intelligence official said he was “not quite as aggressive as he might have been” in pursuing Al-Qaeda leaders and networks.

Vincent Cannistraro, a former head of counter-terrorism at the agency, said: “It is not that Grenier wasn’t aggressive enough, it is that he wasn’t ‘with the programme’. He expressed misgivings about the secret prisons in Europe and the rendition of terrorists.”
Full Article Sarah Baxter and Michael Smith


Electronic Harassment

Directed Harmful High Energy Devices
This is the most dangerous form of electronic harassment and is quite easy to implement against a person. Directed harmful high energy microwave devices and weapons can include such devices and equipment that are easily available almost anywhere in the World where there are people. Microwave ovens can be modified to focus and direct up to 1200 watts or more, depending on the model, of microwave energy at a person or property and are easy to produce. The results of an attack by a high energy device can be lethal, they can kill or at the least disable a human being or other animals. Attacks from high energy microwave weapons leave blisters, cause internal bruising and/or bleeding, stimulate cancer, cause cataracts, encourage tumors to grow, generate boils, or leave red patches on the skin. Directed Harmful High Energy Weapons will have effective ranges from the point of contact to several hundred yards. Directed Harmful High Energy Weapons can be used to destroy electronic devices and cause severe interference in computers and alarm systems which can allow forced entry or destruction of vital data. Radar guns are available from surplus stores most anywhere and can be obtained from ex-military sources or even police departments. Radar gun power outputs range from a two or three watts to 3 Megawatts! Portable radar guns range in size from small hand held devices to vehicle mounted long range high power models. These devices have very long ranges due to their greater power, higher frequencies and shorter wavelength. Radar guns emit long or short pulses of high energy capable of causing instant damage or death to living creatures. Semiconductor destruction or malfunction, brain damage & stopping vehicles are other uses for these devices. Other forms of directed harmful high energy include devices such as tasers, klystron guns (radar guns), ion beam guns, plasma pulse guns, soliton bombs, and many more devices.


911 Lies: Whistleblower Attacked By Microwave Beam

Dan Nelson has lost faith in his country, lost faith in most everything.

Disillusioned, he's had a bitter taste of what it's like to buck city hall, a bitter taste of getting pushed around by government thugs.

For most of his life, Nelson, 45, lived peacefully as a carpenter in Livingston, Montana, a place where the biggest excitement comes from inside the bowling alley and bingo parlor

Then six months ago, "all hell broke loose" after he stumbled across some sensitive 9/11 evidence.

And, looking back, he should have stuck to bowling or bingo because ever since taking on 9/11, his life has turned into nothing but "a living hell," including death threats as well as being zapped by high-powered microwave weaponry.

Simple Montana Carpenter Targeted by Microwave Weaponry

Although it sounds clandestine and complicated, Nelson's misadventures unraveled in a relatively straightforward manner. All he did was peruse 9/11information from every source on the planet and then take a magnifying glass to the video tapes, a technique not used by many people but one that ingenuously turned up some rather unusual results.

Whatever Nelson uncovered, it definitely "struck a government nerve" as only hours after he tried to publicize his information on radio and television, government helicopters and agents were swarming down on Livingston, something Nelson admits never happened before in his small hometown.

In order to finally go public and protect his life, Nelson recently appeared on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, on the Republic Broadcast Network at (see archives), telling this incredible story about the treatment he received after trying to go public about 9/11.
Full Article by Greg Szymanski


Supreme Court turns down Watsonville's appeal to keep fluoride out of its water

For the past three years, the city has waged a legal fight against state officials to uphold a voter-approved measure that essentially banned the controversial public health effort.

But the city lost its battle Wednesday against a state law that mandates fluoridation under certain circumstances when the state Supreme Court declined to hear the city's final appeal.

"The council felt it was important because of the public vote that every legal means should be exhausted," City Manager Carlos Palacios said. "Now that the courts have made the decision, we'll have to follow it."

Previously, the Santa Cruz County Superior Court and the 6th District Court of Appeals said state fluoride law trumps local ordinance. The appeals court ruling set a precedent that opens the door for fluoridation in communities statewide.

Santa Cruz also is among several California communities where voters have turned down fluoridation.
Full Article by Donna Jones


Better living through video games?

Before you assume gadgets and video games fry the minds of the future, consider this: Canadian researchers are finding evidence that the high-speed, multitasking of the young and wireless can help protect their brains from aging.

A body of research suggests that playing video games provides benefits similar to bilingualism in exercising the mind. Just as people fluent in two languages learn to suppress one language while speaking the other, so too are gamers adept at shutting out distractions to swiftly switch attention between different tasks.
Full Article by Carolyn Abraham

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