This website was established on April 12th 2001 by Ethical Consumer magazine, following the rejection by President Bush of the Kyoto Agreement on global warming. Since that date, he has gone on to offend many more people around the world by his illegal invasion of Iraq and other regressive steps such as opposing weapons proliferation treaties.
What we want
On this website we call on consumers who oppose any or all of Bush's activities to boycott the brands of his biggest corporate funders until they:
* publicly call on him to support the Kyoto protocol, and
* cease all political funding of the current administration until he does so.
Our Consumer Guide helps you to identify the products of companies giving the most money to this most misguided of governments. We have also produced a Boycott Bush Report on our ethiscore website with facilities to help you email the Top 10 UK Brands.
Full Webpage
# posted by madthumbs @ 9:55 AM