Saturday, January 13, 2007
Sacred Weeds
Sacred Weeds - Henbane
- Did the story of witches come from the sensation of flight induced by applying this with broomsticks to vaginal walls? Discussion: Henbane - Witches and BroomsticksVideo:
Sacred Weeds - Salvia Divinorum
- Discover this newly discovered hallucinogenic plant that has yet to be legally regulated.Video:
Sacred Weeds - Amanita Muscaria
- Discover what may have lead to the origins of religions and fairy tales. Discussion: Amanita MushroomsVideo:
Sacred Weeds - Blue Lilly
- Contains nuciferine which is soluble in alcohol but not known to be psychoactive."Nineteen fresh flowers of the lily were soaked in wine for a few days. The flowers were then removed and the wine drunk by two volunteers, Marie and Robert."
Arrest Threat for Voting, and other Voter Fraud Videos
Video: George Allens Campaign Tries to Suppress Votes from Democrats
"Tim Daly from Clarendon got a call saying that if he votes Tuesday, he will be arrested. A recording of his voicemail can be found online at: The transcript from his voicemail reads: "This message is for Timothy Daly. This is the Virginia Elections Commission. We've determined you are registered in New York to vote. Therefore, you will not be allowed to cast your vote on Tuesday. If you do show up, you will be charged criminally." Daly has been registered to vote in Virginia since 1998, and he has voted for the last several cycles with no problem. He has filed a criminal complaint with the Commonwealth's attorney in Arlington."Video: Election Day 2006
Video: Voting and Paper Trails
"Pat Buchanan and Bob Shrum asked by Scarborough why Republicans are against paper trails on the voting machine. The conversation turned into a debate on the electronic voting machines, where all three indicated displeasure with them."Video: Hacking Democracy (HBO Special)
"Hacking Democracy (HBO Special) Electronic voting machines count about 87% of the votes cast in America today. But are they reliable? Are they safe from tampering?"Video: NOW "Votes for Sale?" | PBS
"Can "clean campaigns" save our democracy? Check out this eye-opening preview to a special one-hour version of the PBS newsmagazine NOW airing October 20, 2006 (check local listings). The show examines "clean campaigns," a movement to rid political elections of big money and special interest influence."More videos: Election Hacking - Vote Fraud Collection
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The Jesuit Order - Why I don't Subscribe
The people I see pushing the 'Jesuit's Did It' notion, not only tend to have far reaching evidence to support their theories; but they give little or no reason for exposing Jesuits over Zionists or world bankers. They appeal to people's urge to 'dig deeper' as if they're on to something even more sinister and secret. They often appear to have religious propaganda to mix in with some incredible story telling.
Zionism is easy to understand, it's effects are visible, the evidence against it is plain to see; once you know what it is and how it works (through religion). Exposing Zionism, religion, world bankers, and commercialism's control of the masses appears to me to be the most effective things we can expose to instill change and halt the genocide, rape and torture in Palestine and Iraq. The Jesuit Order propaganda appears to be a diversion from what is effective.
Are it's Advocates Credible?
After reading the Arctic Beacon by Greg Szymanski for a while, I started to feel like I was reading a tabloid.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Taser Video Collection
Olberman's Follow-up on Tabatabainejad's Tasering - Racial Profiling?
Acceptable Use of Torture in the USA [Gwinnett County, Georgia]
Iranian-American Student Abused By UCLA UCPD With Taser GUN
Tasers, K-9's used at Counter-Recruitment Demonstration
Guy gets tasered
Woman Tazered !! Ouch !! Insane Clip !
How to make a Taser from a Disposable Camera
How Much Did it Really Caust?
How much did it really caust?

Curious? Click Here
To be a part of the official truth movement: we must accept the lies of the truth tellers.
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Waking up the Sheeple
Is it:
Morphing Space Lizzards?
Biblical Prophecy?
Radio Mind Control?
Wouldn't it be especially insulting to be called sheeple by people who are pimping this stuff? How receptive are people towards people who are condescending to them?
What happens when we merge some of this stuff with reality? Doesn't it come out in words and labels like:
Germanic Death Cult?
Blood Sucking Satanists?
To a Christian (who is already mind controlled *real mind control*) these may sound like perfectly acceptable labels. I'm not putting these Christians down, as I was once one myself, and it did have a mind-controlling effect on me and does whether it's real or not -(already discussed).
Should we censor, and not discuss these labels or topics that ALIENate us? I don't think so. How about we just stop referring to others with misused labels like sheeple, satanic, and anti-semitic. Stop promoting the wannabe star whack jobs that run around wearing sunglasses and black outfits and occasionally bull horns passing out the most errant 911 conspiracy dvds. Many of these people are deliberately causing a negative stereotype for truth seekers.
How many normal people actually watch a documentary on the same topic after they've seen a debunking of the first documentary? This is what happened with Loose Change. How can we put others down calling them sheeple when we're passing on truth coated with intentional hogwash?
Want to help spread truth? Try acting like normal people. Try accepting the fact that you aren't always right and need some "waking up" yourself. -I know I'm still learning.
Why is the so called truth movement divided? -To be a part of the official truth movement: you MUST accept their lies. These lies MOST of the time involve religion (which leads to racism, slavery, oppression, sexual deviancy, etc). The oldest and still the best form of mind control to persuade the masses throughout history has been RELIGION. If you're religious; you can still see this, but probably not accept it of your own religion. See how powerful it is! I just prophesied about YOU! The thing is; the way our minds work is not exclusive to you.
Why aren't people noticing that most of the people leading the so-called truth movement are pushing an agenda of religion? -This is NOT coincidence!
Why I don't like Jesus Propaganda
Why I don't like Jesus propaganda:
- He encourages rape and sex slavery
- He's the reason my penis is butchered.
- He supports racial slavery
- He is a blood-thirsty terrorist
- He is a plaigiarist
- His servants are con-artists
- He is the wannabe sun of God
- His Apostles are frauds
No comments will be accepted on this blog. Resources given all have appropriate forums for discussion.