Saturday, January 21, 2006
ZoneAlarm phones home
Zone Labs denied the flaw for nearly two months, then eventually chalked it up to a “bug” in the software -- even though instructions to contact the servers were set out in the program’s XML code.Full Article
The Truth Behind Polio?
Polio incidence began its sharp plummet in 1952. This is 3 years before the vaccine was licensed by HEW in 1955. Thus, the Salk polio vaccination did not significantly correlate with declining polio incidence. However, a significant correlation with declining polio incidence is found with reports in 1952 that nursing cow calves were dying with of symptoms and physiology when their mother's were fed fodder that had been treated with DDT.Full Article
The plummet also correlates with the 1951 government/industry debate over pesticide safety.
The plummet also correlates with the phase-out of persistent pesticides production in the early 1950s. ("Persistent" pesticides are those which do not easily biodegrade, such as DDT, BHC, arsenic compounds, and lead compounds.)
Will the Real Osama Please Stand Up
Bush's Fowl Play
So I'm reading along in The New York Times, and it casually says this: "This bird flu has infected about 120 people and killed 60. But the virus has yet to pass easily among humans, as is necessary to create a pandemic. Experts debate whether it ever will, but most believe that a pandemic flu is inevitable someday."
So we've gone from hundreds of infections to "several." And when you look at the specifics, most were not human-to-human infections but people in closer contact with sick birds than most anyone ever is. And even among them, most patients recovered. For example: "A (H9N2) infection was confirmed in a child in Hong Kong. The child was hospitalized and recovered." In another case in Canada, infections resulted in "eye infections." Among those who did die, it was not a clear case of Avian, though the site offers the following odd phrasing: "the possibility of person-to-person transmission could not be ruled out."Full Article
For this, we get a presidential news conference? As far as I can tell, the prospect of millions dying from bird flu is pretty remote. If it does happen—and anything canhappen—why must government be involved at all? Economists might invoke a public-goods rationale: pandemic disease protection is a service that can be consumed by additional consumers at no additional cost and the beneficiaries cannot be excluded from the good once produced, and thus this service will not be produced in sufficient quantity in the private sector.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Wayne Madsen On Phony Bin Laden Tape
However, the tape is an obvious fake being used by the Bush administration to scare Americans into believing "Al Qaeda" is making plans for another attack and an attempt to link Bin Laden to Democrats.Full Article
The reason the tape is as phony as Niger yellowcake documents and Saddam's weapons of mass destruction is as plain as day. Bin Laden quotes from the introduction of a book written by long-time Washington, DC progressive author and journalist and a friend of mine, Bill Blum. Bill was once an editor and contributor to Covert Action Quarterly, a magazine devoted to exposing CIA operations like the arming, funding, and training of Bin Laden and his mujaheddin guerrillas during the Afghan-Soviet war.
Nice how he conveniently pops up any time the polls are down!
Square Wave 'Zapper' Skepticism
I just got a reply from someone with MS that has tried it and says it's doodoo. The marketing and price just doesn't seem right for something that would work for so many things and be so wonderful. (It should be cheaper, and not need flashy web pages). Also lacking is the word-of-mouth. If I were someone cured of something like MS by it; I would be singing it's praises all over the net.-madthumbs
Do You Exhibit Signs of Acidification?
- Lack of energy; constant fatigue, loss of physical tone and psychic drive, sensation of heaviness in the limbs, feelings of inability to cope.
- Lower body temperature; frequently feels cold.
- Tendency to get infections.
- Loss of drive, joy, and enthusiasm.
- Depressive tendencies.
- Nervousness: agitation without cause, hyperactivity, sensitivity to high-pitched noises and easily stressed.
- Very pale face.
- Headaches.
- Eyes tear easily.
- Conjunctivitis.
- Inflammation of the corneas and eyelids.
- Acidic saliva.
- Loose teeth.
- Inflamed, sensitive gums.
- Mouth ulcers.
- Cracks at the corners of the lips.
- Recurring infections of throat and tonsils.
- Teeth are sensitive to hot, cold, or acidic foods.
- Teeth have a tendency to crack or chip.
- Pain in the nerves of the teeth.
- Acid regurgitation.
- Gastritis.
- Ulcers.
- Nails are thin and split and break easily.
- Hair looks dull, has split ends, and falls out.
- Dry skin.
- Skin tends to be irritated in regions where there are heavy concentrations of sweat.
- Hives.
- Leg cramps and spasms.
Full Article
Illustrated Symptoms
Alkaline and Acid Food Chart
New Mexico Begins Legislative Process To Ban Aspartame
Fifteen state senators sponsored a bill to rid New Mexico of what some have called "Rumsfeld's Disease."
Regarding the adverse health affects from aspartame, a recent report from a highly respected international medical team has now linked the toxins in aspartame to lymphomas and leukemias.
Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, MD, one of the world's leading authorities on aspartame neuro toxicity, extensively reviewed the Soffritti report.
"This study confirmed the previous study by Dr. Trocho and co-workers (1998), which also found the formaldehyde breakdown product of aspartame to be damaging to cellular DNA and that this damage was cumulative," said Dr. Blaylock. "The type of damage was a duplicate of that associated with cancers. These two studies strongly indicate that drinking a single diet cola sweetened with aspartame every day could significantly increase one's risk of developing a lymphoma or leukemia.
"Since aspartame can increase obesity and may even cause the metabolic syndrome that affects 48 million Americans, there is no reason to ever consume this product. At the least, it should be immediately banned from all schools."Full Article
Bill Gates bullies bloggers
This is not the first time Microsoft has played a heavy hand with Internet dissenters vulnerable to the Chinese communist government.Full Article
Microsoft began generating criticism last summer, soon after the launch of its portal, because MSN Spaces users frequently experience restrictions whey they used certain words prohibited by the Chinese state.
Guardian Angels come to Houston to assist communities
They're called the Guardian Angels and that's exactly what many southwest Houston residents hope they are. Residents in Sharpstown -- an area that's seen a rise in gang activity and violent crime -- have asked the vigilante group to patrol their streets.
The most interesting part of the story is their illuminati inspired logo:

Full Article
About the Founder
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Feedback Request: The Zapper/ Square Wave Generators
The Ultimate Zapper Claiming to cure MS and other "uncurable" diseasesWebsite
Freqgen - Build your own squarewave generator with your PC/ sound card/ stereo using free software!Website
Zapper Schematics: Build your own various modelsWebsite 1
Website 2
Website 3
-If you have any experience with these be it positive or negative: Please leave a comment to share with others.
FDA’s Drug Label Rule Fails to Guarantee Access to Vital Information and Includes ‘Sneak Attack’ on Patients’ Legal Rights
Bush Administration Abuses Executive Powers in Attempt to Override State Liability LawsFull Article
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, though it has improved a drug labeling regulation through revisions announced today, continues to ignore the fact that its rule will not guarantee patients the most accurate, up-to-date information about their medications, Public Citizen said today.
Further, in an end-run around Congress, the FDA has added to the rule a preamble designed to preempt lawsuits filed by patients under state law, potentially leaving victims of FDA-approved drugs with no remedy for any harm caused by the approved drug.
Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government
Osama bin Laden is dead. The news first came from sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan almost six months ago: the fugitive died in December [2001] and was buried in the mountains of southeast Afghanistan. Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, echoed the information. The remnants of Osama's gang, however, have mostly stayed silent, either to keep Osama's ghost alive or because they have no means of communication.Full Article
Urine Therapy - Too Skeptical for Your Own Good?
urine therapy
**Important Note:
Full Article
A Nutrient Rich Powerhouse
Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well. (The Book of Proverbs 5:15)*
More than three million Chinese drink their own urine in the belief it is good for their health, according to the official Xinhua news agency.
Urine therapy refers to one of several uses of urine to prevent or cure sickness, to enhance beauty or to cleanse one's bowels. Most devotees drink the midstream of their morning urine. Some prefer it straight and steaming hot; others mix it with juice or serve it over fruit. Some prefer a couple of urine drops mixed with a tablespoon of water applied sublingually several times a day. Some wash themselves in their own golden fluid to improve their skin quality. Many modern Japanese women are said to engage in urine bathing. The truly daring use their own urine as an enema. Urine is not quite the breakfast of champions, but it is the elixir of choice of a number of holy men in India where drinking urine has been practiced for thousands of years. The drink is also the preferred pick-me-up for a growing number of naturopaths and other advocates of "nature cures." The main attractions of this ultimate home brew are its cost, availability and portability. It is much cheaper than that other "water of life," whisky (uisge beatha), which also has been hailed for its medicinal qualities. Unlike whisky, however, urine is always available, everyone carries a supply at all times, and, for most people, there are no intoxicating side effects. Furthermore, the urge to overindulge is almost absent when drinking urine. The same can't be said for good single malt such as Highland Park or a good whiskey such as Black Bush.
Many advocates claim that urine is a panacea. There is practically nothing it won't cure. Urine is said to be effective against the flu, the common cold, broken bones, toothache, dry skin, psoriasis and all other skin problems. It is said to deter aging and is helpful with AIDS, allergies, animal and snake bites, asthma, heart disease, hypertension, burns, cancer, chemical intoxication, chicken pox, enteritis, constipation, and pneumonia. Urine is said to be effective against dysentery, edema, eczema, eye irritation, fatigue, fever, gonorrhea, gout, bloody urine, small pox, immunological disorders, infections, infertility, baldness, insomnia, jaundice, hepatitis, Kaposi's sarcoma, leprosy, lymphatic disorder, urticaria, morning sickness, hangover, obesity, papilloma virus, parasitoses, gastric ulcer, rheumatism, birth marks, stroke, congestion, lumbago, typhus, gastritis, depression, cold sore, tuberculosis, tetanus, Parkinson's disease, foot fungus, diabetes and other endocrine related diseases. Some enthusiasts see urine therapy as a divine manifestation of cosmic intelligence. They use urine to unleash their kundalini, sending it straight into the third eye, bringing instant enlightenment.*
With such wondrous properties, it is amazing that science bothered developing medicine when it had the key to good health already in the bottle, so to speak. Each of us is a walking pharmacopoeia. Homer Smith (Man and His Gods) once wrote that "man is a machine for turning wine into urine." Little did he know that man is a machine for turning just about anything into a medicinal tonic. According to urninophiles, the medical establishment has conspired to keep us ignorant of the wonder drug we all carry in our bladders. One self-proclaimed expert on the subject claims
...the medical community has already been aware of [urine's] astounding efficacy for decades, and yet none of us has ever been told about it. Why? Maybe they think it's too controversial. Or maybe, more accurately, there wasn't any monetary reward for telling people what scientists know about one of the most extraordinary natural healing elements in the world.*
**Important Note:
Unfortunately, however, not everybody can just jump right in and start drinking their own urine without negative side effects. The Chinese Association of Urine Therapy1 warns that
Common symptoms include diarrhea, itch, pain, fatigue, soreness of the shoulder, fever, etc. These symptoms appear more frequently in patients suffering long term or more serious illnesses, and symptoms may repeat several times. Each episode may last 3-7 days, but sometimes it may last one month, or even worse over 6 months. It is a pity that many give up urine therapy because of such bad episode [sic]. Recovery reaction is just like the darkness before sunrise. If one persists and overcomes the difficulty, one can enjoy the eventual happiness of healthy life.
Full Article
A Nutrient Rich Powerhouse
In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A. H. Free, published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound (purer than distilled water), but that it is now recognized that urine contains literally thousands of compounds. Among the urine constituents mentioned in Dr. Free's treatise is a list of nutrients that will knock your socks off. Here's just a few...Full Article
Alanine, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Allantoin, Amino acids, Bicarbonate, Biotin, Calcium, Creatinine, Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Inositol, Iodine, Iron, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Melatonin, Methionine, Nitrogen, Ornithane, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalaline, Phosphorus, Potassium, Proteins, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Urea, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc/
In India, urine therapy is called "shivambu": "Had our shivambu rishi (sage), great devotee, propagator and mighty supporter of shivambu movement, centenarian former Prime Minister of India, respected (late) Morarji Desai not boldly and emphatically declared before the world that lie drank his own urine regularly and that was the secret of his longevity and exuberant health, the most valuable and beneficial information that is being given to you through this booklet, which can prove to be a boon to our poor country and which is capable of curing a host of diseases ranging from common cold to cancer and arthritis to AIDS, would have remained hidden in some unknown quarters and the entire mankind would have been deprived of shivambu. Really speaking, late Shri Morarjlbhai by his frank and honest declaration has accorded world recognition, glory and greatness to this free yet priceless therapy otherwise considered to be nauseating. The whole world shall ever remain indebted to him for rendering this great humanitarian service. " G.K.ThakkarFull Article
Face transplant patient uses new lips to smoke
TUCSON, Ariz. - The world's first face transplant recipient is using her new lips to take up smoking again, which doctors fear could interfere with her healing and raise the risk of tissue rejection.Full Article
Suicide is only illegal if you do it quickly. Disgusting ways are honored, while humans are either denied or uneducated about inhalation of inert gas (probably the most humane way to go) in favor of possibly very extremely painful ways (Kevorkian) or unsuccessful but debilitating ones.
Searching for a New Direction
The Abramoff scandal has been described as the biggest Washington scandal ever: bigger than Watergate; bigger than Abscam; bigger than Koreagate; bigger than the House banking scandal; bigger than Teapot Dome. Possibly so. It’s certainly serious and significant.Full Article
It has prompted urgent proposals of suggested reforms to deal with the mess. If only we have more rules and regulations, more reporting requirements, and stricter enforcement of laws, the American people will be assured we mean business. Ethics and character will return to the halls of Congress. It is argued that new champions of reform should be elected to leadership positions, to show how serious we are about dealing with the crisis of confidence generated by the Abramoff affair. Then all will be well. But it’s not so simple. Maybe what we have seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg, an insidious crisis staring us in the face that we refuse to properly identify and deal with.
Bin Laden Warns of Attacks, Offers Truce
CAIRO, Egypt - Al-JazeeraFull Article
on Thursday broadcast portions of an audiotape purportedly from Osama bin Laden, saying al-Qaida is making preparations for attacks in the United States but offering a possible truce to rebuild
Iraq and
The voice on the tape said heightened security in the United States is not the reason there have been no attacks there since the Sept. 11, 2001, suicide hijackings.
Instead, the reason is "because there are operations that need preparations," he said.
The last video we got from him "supposedly" was sufficiently debunked. Now they resort to audio. I guess the US gov has something planned for us.
Marijuana Links
DEA raids medical marijuana clinics
Marijuana megadose may build better brains
Marijuana Arrests For Year 2004: 771,608
Cannabis and the Christ: Jesus used Marijuana
Cannabis, or marijuana, has proven medical benefits and few, if any, toxic side-effects.
Pot TV
Closing the Loop on the Contra-CIA Drug Connection
Forum for these here: NWOWatcher
'Fossil fuel' theory takes hit with NASA finding
"This finding confirms one of the key arguments in 'Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil,'" claims co-author Jerome R. Corsi. "We argue that oil and natural gas are abiotic products, not 'fossil fuels' that are biologically created by the debris of dead dinosaurs and ancient forests."Full Article
Curry Fights Prostate Cancer, Study Finds
Though they don't often make the favorite menus of most men, cauliflower and kale -- along with cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, watercress and turnips -- contain a chemical that is a significant cancer-preventive.Full Article
But add curry powder to the mix, the researchers say, and the vegetables and spice are effective in treating established prostate cancers, the second-leading cause of cancer death in American men.
Korea: Police, Army Robots to Debut in 5 Years
By the 2010s, Korea is expecting to see robots assisting police and the military, patrolling the neighborhoods and going on recon missions on the battlefield.Full Article
Feds after Google data
By Howard MintzFull Article
Mercury News
The Bush administration on Wednesday asked a federal judge to order Google to turn over a broad range of material from its closely guarded databases.
The move is part of a government effort to revive an Internet child protection law struck down two years ago by the U.S. Supreme Court. The law was meant to punish online pornography sites that make their content accessible to minors. The government contends it needs the Google data to determine how often pornography shows up in online searches.
Pentagon Strike Flash Video
Focusing on just the pentagon strike on 911
For a more complete 911 video:
Loose Change/
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Europe: Albanian Hemp Farmers Freed as Judge Rules It's Not Marijuana
For the second time in five years, Albanian police have arrested farmers growing industrial hemp, and for the second time in five years, an Albanian judge has told the cops to knock it off.Full Story
Makeshift studio, piracy software found at Capitol
State investigators have stumbled onto a basement office in the West Virginia Capitol outfitted with computers, video and audio gear, and software used to pirate movies and music recordings, according to a document obtained by The Associated Press.Full Story
Enron owned Flight 77!
American Airlines Flight 11 was owned by First Union Bank, and subsequently sold to Wachovia bank during the merger on September 1, 2001, 10 days before it was flown into the North Tower.
American Airlines Flight 77, which has been proven to have NOT hit the Pentagon, was owned and commissioned by the trustee for a conglomerate accused of insider trading...
Nice. I'm giving you all the dots...go draw some lines. Full Article
American Airlines Flight 11 was owned by First Union Bank, and subsequently sold to Wachovia bank during the merger on September 1, 2001, 10 days before it was flown into the North Tower.
American Airlines Flight 77, which has been proven to have NOT hit the Pentagon, was owned and commissioned by the trustee for a conglomerate accused of insider trading...
Nice. I'm giving you all the dots...go draw some lines. Full Article
How Bush Tricked Saddam Into Invading Kuwait
According to the book Unholy Babylon by Adel Darwish and Gregory Alexander (Gollancz Paperback 1991):
The US before the first Gulf War gave Saddam to understand that it would not interfere in its quarrel with Kuwait. US Ambassador April Glaspie conveyed the message to Saddam that the US 'had no opinion' on Iraq's future intentions with regard to Kuwait. (Kuwait as a state separate from Iraq was a creation of the British to protect their oil interests.) The book makes the situation painfully clear: Washington sent many messages to the Iraqi leader, all of them with the same theme. 'We won't interfere. We apologise for anything the nasty journalists have written about you, we prefer you to those fanatic Iranians.' This is the 'how' of American diplomacy. The reasons are now clearer.. Full Article
According to the book Unholy Babylon by Adel Darwish and Gregory Alexander (Gollancz Paperback 1991):
The US before the first Gulf War gave Saddam to understand that it would not interfere in its quarrel with Kuwait. US Ambassador April Glaspie conveyed the message to Saddam that the US 'had no opinion' on Iraq's future intentions with regard to Kuwait. (Kuwait as a state separate from Iraq was a creation of the British to protect their oil interests.) The book makes the situation painfully clear: Washington sent many messages to the Iraqi leader, all of them with the same theme. 'We won't interfere. We apologise for anything the nasty journalists have written about you, we prefer you to those fanatic Iranians.' This is the 'how' of American diplomacy. The reasons are now clearer.. Full Article
The Ultimate "Make It Yourself" Super Thread
RFID Is Great?
You can get on and off toll roads without stopping or waiting in line... what's wrong with that?
Avoid toll roads, speak out against them. Educate yourself and others about RFID.
- The roads are most often already paid for by us
- Where is the money from petro and car taxes going?
- RFID is a "Big Brother" control system for thier benefit; not for us
- Toll booths should have been outlawed to begin with considering the environmental impact
Avoid toll roads, speak out against them. Educate yourself and others about RFID.
Lawyer: Authorities Were Told Student's Gun Was Fake
The eighth-grader is clinically brain dead and being kept on life support to harvest his organs, attorney Mark Nation said. Full Article