Saturday, February 11, 2006
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Video surveillance outfit chips workers
A Cincinnati video surveillance company now requires employees to use Verichip human implantable microchips to enter a secure data centre. Until now, the employees entered the data centre with a VeriChip housed in a heart-shaped plastic casing that hangs from their keychain.Full Article by Jan Libbenga
ESSIAC: Nature's Cure for Cancer
People interested in this may also be interested in researching Amygdalin or Laetrile.
Rene left the hospital in 1922 at age 33, and went to Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada where she began administering Essiac to all who came to her. The majority of those whom she treated came on referral with letters from their physicians certifying they had incurable or terminal forms of cancer and they had been given up on by the medical profession as untreatable.Full Article by Elisabeth Robinson
Rene began gathering the plants and preparing the herbal remedy herself in her own kitchen, in a building lent her for her patients. She administered Essiac both orally and by injection. In cases where there was severe damage to life support organs, her patients died - but they lived far longer than the medical profession had predicted, and, significantly, they lived free of pain. Still others, listed as hopeless and terminal, but without severe damage to life support organs, were cured and lived 35-45 years (many are still living).
So startling was the effectiveness of this simple herbal remedy, it could not be ignored, and the Canadian Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Parliament became involved. Friends, former patients, and grateful families petitioned Canadian officialdom for Rene Caisse's right to administer the remedy to anyone who asked for it without the threat of interference from authorities. Fifty-five thousand signatures were collected on the petition. In 1938, Essiac came within three votes of being legalised by the Ontario government as a remedy for terminal cancer patients.
People interested in this may also be interested in researching Amygdalin or Laetrile.
How Good is Microwaved Food?
Dr Hans Hertel of Germany did the first and only, small but well controlled study of the effects of microwaved nutrients on the blood and physiology of humans. The blood of those who consume microwaved food for two months showed pathological changes compared to matched controls eating food cooked with heat. The changes included a decrease in all haemoglobin values and deterioration in cholesterol, especially the HDL and LDL (high and low density cholesterol) values and ratio. Lymphocytes (white blood cells) showed a more distinct short term decrease after the intake of microwaved food than after normally cooked foods.Source
Moreover, warming breast milk in a microwave oven destroys 98% of its immunoglobulin - A antibodies and 96% of its liposome activity, reducing the milks resistance to infectious E.coli.
A Spanish study published in the Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture showed significant loss of nutrients in micro-waved broccoli. There was 97% loss of flavanoids and 74 to 87% loss of antioxidants and other cancer-fighting plant chemicals. The researchers found that steaming resulted in the least damage of all cooking methods.Source
Their findings will most likely apply to other vegetables and foods, but this remains to be studied. These findings were reported in the Medical Post, November 11, 2003.
It appears that the tastiest and most nutritious method of vegetable preparation is to saute with olive oil or animal fat, preferably until veggies are still crisp in texture.
A bit of garlic is good for the heart, but sixty seconds in the microwave can destroy all the benefits. Results of research by Song Milner, published in the American Society of Nutritional Sciences, show that just 30 seconds in a microwave destroys 90 per cent of the enzyme, alliinase, which converts the alliin of garlic into a highly beneficial compound, allicin.Source
The enzyme is activated when garlic is chopped, and allicin produces the characteristic odour. Apart from lowering blood lipids, allicin is a powerful antiseptic, and it inhibits the development of cancers.
Not safe:
Fun things to do with your microwave
Unwise Microwave Oven Experiments
Why We Don't Care - Fluoride Poisoning
"In the 1930s, Hitler and the Nazis envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism. The chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies. By this method they could control the population in whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place....Source
"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus rendering a condition of submission. [A convenient light lobotomy] "The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children's teeth. If this were the real reason, there are many ways this could be accomplished that are much easier, cheaper, and more effective. The intended purpose behind the Nazi program of water fluoridation was to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control [see also Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins, Iconoclast Books, Ketchum USA]
Controversial fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUoride).Source
Sodium fluoride, a hazardous-waste by-product from the manufacture of aluminum, is a common ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, anesthetics, hypnotics, psychiatric drugs, and military nerve gas. It has historically been quite expensive properly to dispose of, until some aluminium industries with an overabundance of the stuff sold the public on the terrifically insane but highly profitable idea of buying it at a 20,000% markup, injecting it into our water supplies, and then DRINKING it.
Fluoride Deception is available in alt.binaries.multimedia (14 days old).
Taser Use Legal on Florida Children
First it was private school vouchers, now it’s Tasers. Florida politicians are at it again, now not only trying to hinder children mentally but injure them physically. According to a recent Associated Press article, it remains legal to Taser children under 16 in Florida, despite Senate bill proposals to stop the arguably inhumane practice.Full Article by Alexis Colvard
"Killing One Person Is Murder: Killing Thousands At 9/11 Is Domestic Policy": This Bumper Sticker Slogan On Seattle Resident's Car Has Led To MKULTRA
Tactics Used Against Her.
Many others like Susan Elmes of Seattle have had 'physical abuse and gang stalking' tactics used against them for simply expressing their freedom of speech rights. Although spygate is a problem, FBI/CIA hired thugs are in force doing the administration's dirty work as illegal wiretapping and surveillance campaign goes on in the background. 11 Feb 2006
Many others like Susan Elmes of Seattle have had 'physical abuse and gang stalking' tactics used against them for simply expressing their freedom of speech rights. Although spygate is a problem, FBI/CIA hired thugs are in force doing the administration's dirty work as illegal wiretapping and surveillance campaign goes on in the background. 11 Feb 2006
The Bush administration spy campaign is reaching epidemic proportions, as well as taking a page right out of Nazi Germany or the old Soviet Union 'destruction of civil liberties handbook.'Full Article by Greg Szymanski
"The state of the Union is deplorable," said Seattle citizen, Susan Elmes, who recently has been tailed and harassed by government agents for displaying anti-administration bumper stickers on her car and trying to organize 9/11 truth rallies at local libraries. "It's gone beyond spying. They even entered my house and tried to poison my cats."
To show how the U.S. has deteriorated as a country, Elmes was investigated by government thugs for bumper stickers like "Killing One Person Is Murder: Killing Thousands At 9/11 Is Domestic Policy" as well as such things like MKULTRA street hacks carve satanic symbols in library tables during a recent 9/11 film presentation.
And what gets lost in the Bush Spygate story, where people are calling for his impeachment for bugging phone lines through the NSA, are the horrendous violations of civil liberties going on to thousands of others like Elmes, violations sanctioned by the Nazi-like White House authority run by a paranoid coward Bush.
While constitutional law scholars like Professor John Turley, formerly of Tulane University, rake Bush over the coals for illegally authorizing intelligence gathering by the FBI, CIA and NSA, the center of attention should be on the authorization of "torture and abuse" by street thugs, not merely the wiretapping and data gathering.
"They gather data and wiretap so they can then muscle in on the activist organizations with hired street gangs and MKULTRA-trained individuals in order to stop dissenters before they reach the critical mass," said one former San Diego Air Force Captain now trying to expose the rampant neo con corruption filtering down to even local peace and charitable organizations, not in step with the Bush agenda.
NASA secret transmissions smoking gun ufo revealed
During this end of the century the man became unaware of his on space and still beliave that we own the universe. Well , this cable guy manager find out stuning images of the space with cameras that belong nasa . Thanks to google we are about to make this video available worldiwde and martins stubbs must be happy with it. Canahan as well. The true is out there guys . The revalations of apocalipse is inside this movie .Video
From what I can see, they seem explainable and not well defined. Take for instance all the flickering lights that aren't actually moving, but the background is. I believe the guy that dug this up watched weeks or months worth of video to find these anomolies.
Outrunning China's Web Cops
Net-savvy outfits are finding ways to let citizens see banned sites
From an undisclosed location in North Carolina, Bill Xia is fighting a lonely war against China's censors. From morning till well into the night, the Chinese native plays a cat-and-mouse game, exploiting openings in Beijing's formidable Internet firewall and trying to keep ahead of the cybercops who patrol the Web 24-7 and have an uncanny ability to plug holes as quickly as Xia finds them.Full Article
Homeland Security To Confiscate Bank Safe Deposit Box Contents
Maybe BS; but it's worth pondering.
A family member from Irvine, CA (who’s a branch manager at Bank of America) told us two weeks ago that her bank held a "workshop" where the last two days were dedicated to discussing their bank’s new security measures. During these last two days, the workshop included members from the Homeland Security Office who instructed them on how to field calls from customers and what they are to tell them in the event of a national disaster. She said they were told how only agents from Homeland Security (during such an event) would be in charge of opening safe deposit boxes and determining what items would be given to bank customers.Full Article
At this point they were told that no weapons, cash, gold, or silver will be allowed to leave the bank - only various paperwork will be given to its owners. After discussing the matter with them at length, she and the other employees were then told not to discuss the subject with anyone.
Maybe BS; but it's worth pondering.
Friday, February 10, 2006
There Are Cures For Cancer And Excellent Preventatives. The FDA And Pharmaceutical Cartel Prevent The Public From Securing The Information
As incredible as it may sound, or as hard as it may be to believe the FDA and certain factions of the pharmaceutical industry prevent the public from securing truthful information about products that are very effective against cancer and other serious illnesses. Additionally, both have consistentlyblocked not only the research of products effective with cancer and other serious diseases; they have stopped the testing and introduction of such products.Full Webpage
This subject is discussed in depth under FDA - Death By Deprivation.
The Age of Autism: Doctors for mercury
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 (UPI) -- As doctors and health authorities fight state bans on mercury in vaccines and keep giving it to kids and pregnant women, one fact stands out: their certainty.Full Article by Dan Olmsted
The image of pediatricians and public officials as valiant defenders of mercury takes a bit of getting used to, given their longstanding efforts to keep the toxic element out of our food, our bodies and the environment.
No reasonable person -- let alone health professional -- would advocate keeping mercury in childhood vaccines unless they were absolutely certain it was an exception to this lethal legacy.
That's especially so because vaccines can be made without the mercury preservative, called thimerosal. You can take it out and still protect the health of American children through vaccination, and if you had a shred of doubt about its safety, surely you would.
If you keep it in, you had better be right.
But what is the real degree of certainty that thimerosal is safe? Is it absolute? Beyond a reasonable doubt? A preponderance of the evidence -- the lesser standard that applies in civil cases but not when someone's freedom (or life) is at stake?
The fake persuaders
Corporations are inventing people to rubbish their opponents on the internet
Persuasion works best when it's invisible. The most effective marketing worms its way into our consciousness, leaving intact the perception that we have reached our opinions and made our choices independently. As old as humankind itself, over the past few years this approach has been refined, with the help of the internet, into a technique called "viral marketing". Last month, the viruses appear to have murdered their host. One of the world's foremost scientific journals was persuaded to do something it had never done before, and retract a paper it had published.Full Article by George Monbiot
While, in the past, companies have created fake citizens' groups to campaign in favour of trashing forests or polluting rivers, now they create fake citizens. Messages purporting to come from disinterested punters are planted on listservers at critical moments, disseminating misleading information in the hope of recruiting real people to the cause. Detective work by the campaigner Jonathan Matthews and the freelance journalist Andy Rowell shows how a PR firm contracted to the biotech company Monsanto appears to have played a crucial but invisible role in shaping scientific discourse.
Monsanto knows better than any other corporation the costs of visibility. Its clumsy attempts, in 1997, to persuade people that they wanted to eat GM food all but destroyed the market for its crops. Determined never to make that mistake again, it has engaged the services of a firm which knows how to persuade without being seen to persuade. The Bivings Group specialises in internet lobbying.
ADHD Myths — What If There Really Isn’t Anything Wrong with ADHD Children?
An ADHD diagnosis can often signal a lifetime of struggles for children. But consider the case of Robbie Raffino.Webpage
Robbie used to rise every day like most eight-year-olds. He'd wipe the sleepiness from his eyes, throw on shorts and shirt that don't match and eat cereal while watching cartoons.
But the innocence ended there. He'd swallow his Ritalin, hop on the school bus and enter a world where teachers, therapists and psychiatrists would try to “fix what is wrong” with him.
Children like Robbie-who have tremendous energy, don't respond to classroom lectures and prefer independent work-are often diagnosed with ADHD or Attention Deficit Disorder.
Kirk Martin, Founder of educational organization Celebrate!ADHD, insists, “Most 'experts' begin with the premise that these children suffer from a disorder, meaning an 'abnormal' functioning of the brain. This flawed premise leads to a natural conclusion-that society must change these children to make them learn and behave like everyone else.”
Parents Shelley and Andy Raffino of Chicago express a common frustration. “We spent so much time trying to fix our son's weaknesses that we never focused on his strengths.”
Not surprisingly, children subjected to the endless chorus that “there is something wrong with you” often lack confidence.
But what if there really isn't anything wrong with these children? How would our attitudes, treatment and children be affected if we recognized that these children are wired differently for a distinct purpose?
Ironically, the very society that has labeled and devalued these kids desperately needs the unique qualities that only children with ADHD possess. Who else possesses the energy, creativity, innovation, passion and persistence that lead to breakthroughs in science, the arts and business?
An inordinate amount of time, energy and money is spent trying to change behaviors and qualities that don't need to be changed-time that would be better spent cultivating the child's natural gifts, talents and passions.
After Robbie Raffino's parents began focusing on his strengths and working with his nature, instead of fighting it, they noticed an immediate change.
“By changing the way we reach and teach Robbie, we can improve his confidence, social skills and school performance,” Shelley Raffino states.
Robbie still has his struggles-as all people do-and his wiring presents challenges. But the Raffinos are thrilled with the changes.
“It's like we have our little boy back. He's himself again, and that is priceless.”
Tough U.S. Steps in Hunger Strike at Camp in Cuba
United States military authorities have taken tougher measures to force-feed detainees engaged in hunger strikes at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, after concluding that some were determined to commit suicide to protest their indefinite confinement, military officials have said.Full Article by Tim Golden
Illuminati Up To Its "Dirty Tricks" and Deception Campaign With Nerve Gas Scare And Outrageous Mohammad Cartoons
Don't fall for the tricks by the 'masters of deception' who also may be behind the nine church fires in Alabama.
Don't believe for a second the nine Alabama church fires, the scurrilous Mohammed cartoons and the retaliatory holocaust depictions are random acts of hatred and violence.Full Article by Greg Szymanski
Put in the mix Thursday's nerve agent scare, clearing out a U.S. Senate office building, and what's happening worldwide is a good old fashioned psy-ops fear and hate campaign, geared at raising the public's tension thermometer to a boiling point to prepare the West for a nuclear war against Iran and Islam.
The Illuminati's evil worldwide hate campaign to enrage the world into is now in full swing, as the Luciferians attempt to pit religions and societies against one another by stirring up a caldron of contrived hatred.
For example, the Alabama fires of both white and black congregations have grown from six churches burned down to nine, which just so happens to be one of the most important Illuminati secret code numbers.
Couple that with the fact all nine fires, linked now by authorities to the same perpetrator, all strangely occurred about 25 miles south of Birmingham, which just so happens to be right near the 33rd longitudinal parallel, 33 of course being the most important number in Illuminati scheme of things.
So They Want To Read Your E-Mail? Give Them Something Good To Read!
So the U.S. government wants to scan our e-mail, blogs & websites for “our own protection?” I say let’s give them something good to read! Let’s overload their systems.Full Article on Jesse's Blog
I think every e-mail that is sent, every website and every blog should include a sentence or two that will trigger an alert. We should never say (or do) anything threatening but we should say things that can be misinterpreted by a computer. Add a trick line to every e-mail. Make it your signature. Here are some examples:
* My garden is so overcrowded that I think we will have to kill a bush or two this weekend to make room for our veggies.
* We are way behind in our paperwork but my staff is planning to attack this problem immediately.
* We were going to get married in a civil ceremony but my spouse is planning to have a mass. She wants the altar boys to wear black capes. They will look like a murder of crows!
Police blotter: Patriot Act e-mail spying approved
What: The Justice Department asks a judge to approve Patriot Act e-mail monitoring without any evidence of criminal behavior.Full Article by Declan McCullagh
When: Decided Feb. 2, 2006 by U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan in Washington, D.C.
Outcome: E-mail surveillance approved.
What happened: As part of a grand jury investigation that's still secret, the Justice Department asked a federal magistrate judge to approve monitoring of an unnamed person's e-mail correspondents.
The request had a twist: Instead of asking to eavesdrop on the contents of the e-mail messages, which would require some evidence of wrongdoing, prosecutors instead requested the identities of the correspondents. Also included in the request was header information like date and time and Internet address--but not subject lines.
The federal magistrate judge balked and asked the Justice Department to submit an additional brief to demonstrate that such a request would be legal.
Instead, prosecutors asked Judge Hogan to step in. He reviewed the portion of federal law dealing with "pen register" and "trap and trace" devices--terms originating in the world of telephone wiretapping--and concluded it "unambiguously" authorizes the e-mail surveillance request.
The Tomato Effect
Please check the site for screening schedule - tonight it is in AZDescription:
The Tomato Effect is a startling and rare look at a battle raging in medicine. Director Faun Kime chronicles ten doctors in the San Francisco bay area who lose their licenses while practicing Environmental Medicine and diagnosing chemical illness. Faun's father, Zane R. Kime M.D., was one of these physicians who responded with a spectacular legal battle that progressed to the appellate court and was about to set precedent. But when he ends up dead after a mysterious mountain climbing accident, Faun picks up a camera and investigates. She uncovers not only shocking secrets about her father¹s death, but the disturbing truth about the state of health care.Website with Trailer
The Tomato Effect - 1 - A term coined in medicine meaning the rejection of effective medical treatments because they conflict with curently accepted medical theories; 2 - the tomato was not eaten in the US until 1820 because it was thought to be poisonous - even though Europeans had been eating tomatoes for years with no ill effect.
In The Flatiron
Thanks to Lorri's Blog
You've probably heard about the recent newsmakers -- authors who publish "autobiographies" and "memoirs" that were deliberately toned up and down to suit the writer's idea of what makes a good story. You'll find none of that here. But what you read will soon make the news.Full Webpage
This is the 100% true story of my experience as a 19- and 20year-old peacemaker on overseas assignment in a two-person team that included my older sister. A mission in the Flatiron is serious and includes serious risks. The rewards for accomplishing a mission are neither riches nor vain glory; it is the knowledge that lives and souls will be more easily saved, and that the enemies of humanity will sooner be forced to concede perpetual defeat.
Two full years ago, all seven of my younger siblings -- four sisters and three brothers -- were stolen by the US State Department during a visit to our dad's homeland, QuisqueYah. Maryland's Republican government brought up blasphemous charges of educational neglect, nutritional neglect, forced seclusion, and other absurd lies meant to give an "understanding" of why they had to do their wicked work.
The real reasons: my family has been outspoken and engaging in matters of international importance, such as our pre-Iraq-attack warning to the world community that George Bush had no intention to abide by the rule of law. He is a Skull and Bones Satanist determined to trespass the birthplace of our forefather Abraham, and the rest of the Holy Land. Bush has taken revenge for those messages, received by many in positions of influence around the world.
What makes this story so riveting, so unpredictable, is its discovery of how the very individuals trusted by so many patriotic citizens are in reality working against the greater good -- because for the losers, there’s nothing left to lose. On the other side, there are winners...
The Flatiron organization is a worldwide group of people in all levels of society who often do not personally know each other, yet are bonded by a love for Truth, Justice, and Peace, and the faith that perfection is not only attainable, but of the essence. Many members are children.
To join the organization, one need be ready to confront death itself. To fear none but the Giver of Life. A member is inducted, and never discharged. Usually, an officer’s career in the Flatiron begins with a life-shaking event, such as the loss of friends and family -- as it happened to us. The new agent becomes aware of his or her assignment through a series of educational experiences that build a sharp thinker, humble friend, fierce fighter, and above all, a strong believer.
Flatiron free agents may hold formal office, have a regular job, or be activists in a particular good cause. But they never use the name Flatiron, because in fact the organization itself does not go by that name. The acronym describes, for this story, the gravity of an occupation in which one is pitted against all odds to hold and gain ground on the battlefield of Good vs. evil -- a battlefield shrouded in darkness, seemingly forgotten by the Light.
Thanks to Lorri's Blog
W.House knew of flooding night of Katrina: documents
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Numerous witness accounts of the New Orleans flooding, including from federal officials, reached Washington the night before the White House has said it learned of the disaster, congressional investigators said.Full Article by JoAnne Allen
A Federal Emergency Management Agency spokesman sent an e-mail at 9:29 p.m. on Monday, August 29, the day Hurricane Katrina made landfall and broke the levees protecting New Orleans, to John Wood, the chief of staff to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.
The e-mail, obtained by Reuters on Friday, said conditions "are far more serious than media reports are currently reflecting."
"Finding extensive flooding and more stranded people than they had thought -- also a number of fires," the e-mail said.
At 8:30 a.m. on August 29, Col. Terry Ebbert, New Orleans homeland security director, cited a 20-foot (6 meter) tidal surge during a conference call with FEMA, the American Red Cross, the National Weather Service and Louisiana emergency officials.
"The tidal surge came up and breached the levee system in the canal, so we're faced with major flooding both in the east, East New Orleans, and then out on the lakefront," he said. according to documents compiled by congressional investigators.
There was no immediate comment from the White House.
White House officials have told congressional investigators that the report of the levee break arrived there at midnight, The New York Times reported on Friday. The newspaper said White House spokesman Trent Duffy acknowledged that in an interview this week, but he said there were conflicting reports.
Reposted Here
Banned drugs still being prescribed for children -UK
Tens of thousands of children are still being prescribed powerful antidepressants despite guidance that they should not given to patients under 18 because of serious safety concerns.Full Article by Maxine Frith
Campaigners warned that vulnerable teenagers were being treated with a potentially dangerous "chemical cosh" of drugs because of long waiting lists for more suitable therapies such as counselling.
More than 85,000 prescriptions were given to children in 2004 for antidepressants that the regulatory agencies had ruled should only be given to adults.
One in three of all child antidepressant prescriptions were for drugs on the "banned" list drawn up by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in 2003.
The drugs, which include Seroxat and other common antidepressants known as SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) raise the risk of emotional distress, self-harm and suicidal thoughts among children.
Ministers compromise on ID cards -UK
Ministers have compromised on plans to introduce identity cards in an effort to head off a Commons defeat.
The government has accepted that completely new legislation will be needed to make the cards compulsory, following defeats in the Lords.Full Article
Home Secretary Charles Clarke said he had "listened to the concerns that people have expressed".
Government plans, opposed by Lib Dems, Conservatives and some Labour MPs, go before the Commons on Monday.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Author Eric Jon Phelps Says the "Black Pope" And Jesuits Have The Evil Serpent's Body Wrapped Firmly Around America And Going In For The Kill
In the new edition of Vatican Assassins, Phelps traces the destruction, manipulation and deception of the Jesuits going back to ancient times and to the JKF assassination, the murder of Pope John Paul I and 9/11.
Forum about Jesuit Order
He lives in Borgo Santo Spirito, one of the older sections of Rome near the Tiber River and St. Peter's.Full Article by Greg Szymanski
His master plan, as written in the "Protocols," is for the serpent of death to wrap its ugly body around the earth's sphere with its viper's head - the son of Lucifer - finally ruling from Jerusalem.
And inside this cluster of 8th century ancient Roman buildings were deadly fires burn brightly, resides the real leader of the Vatican, Illuminati and New World Order - the emissary of Lucifer and the feared 'Black Pope' better known as the Jesuit General, Count Hans Kolvenbach.
"Remember that he is the master of the Pope, Archbishop Edward Cardinal Egan of New York, and President "elect" George W. Bush of the Bush crime family descending from England's House of Stuart, as well as the petty military dictators of Communist Russia and China,," said Eric Jon Phelps, author of the compelling book coming out in March, called Vatican Assassins 3 rd Edition, a historical look at the Jesuits corrupt Order.
"About the Jesuits, we would do well to meditate on the words of Napoleon recorded in his memoirs, the Emperor having been betrayed into the hands of his captors by his Jesuit masters, while imprisoned on the island of St. Helena in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean:
"The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is POWER. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man...
Forum about Jesuit Order
If you want to make money invest in Cannabis drug comp.
GW Pharmaceuticals are now producing Sativex for many ailments including MS ...the stock price is around 120p but the potential is huge...could seriously damage the wealth of the big drug companies who pump out their bitter pills of deathForum post by mason-free party
For more information go to and search GWP in quote box
GW pharmaceuticals is developing a portfolio of cannabis medicines the first of which, “Sativex®”, received an Approval with Conditions from Health Canada in April 2005 for use as an adjunctive treatment for the symptom relief of neuropathic pain in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Sativex® was launched in Canada in June 2005.
A fact sheet, “Dear Healthcare Provider” letter and product monograph for Sativex® are now available via the Bayer Canada website. These documents are intended for use only by patients and healthcare professionals in Canada.
For any other enquiries please use the contact details below.
Canadian Enquiries:
For enquiries regarding Sativex® in Canada please contact Bayer Canada, GW’s marketing partner for Canada:
Tel: (1) 800 265 7382
Fax: (1) 866 232 0565
UK Enquiries:
For enquiries regarding Sativex® in the UK please contact Bayer Healthcare, GW’s marketing partner for the UK:
Direct Tel during working hours (9am-12:30pm, 1:30-5pm) 01635 563116
Direct Fax 01635 563657
Switchboard 01635 563000
Urgent Enquiries (between 12:30 - 13:30)
07876 577704
Out of hours enquiries 01635 563000
Interesting. It's mentioned that synthetic THC hasn't helped Cancer and AIDS patients. Best form is probably the natural stuff by inhaler. The economic advice is not mine. I'm just resposting this from a forum topic.
The Invisible Machine
ElectroMagnetic Warfare
Soldiers Face Debilitating Diseases
Soldiers Face Debilitating DiseasesFull Article
They served their time in the military in places like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and more recently, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Most returned in good health.
But an NBC 30 investigation has found that for some soldiers, their service has meant a long and debilitating death sentence with mysterious diseases.
"I have good days, I have bad days," said M. Sterry, of New Haven. "There were eight of us that served together. Six of my friends are dead."
She looks healthy, but Sterry is a very sick woman who has no idea how much longer she will live.
"I've had three heart attacks, two heart surgeries. I have chronic headaches, chronic upper respiratory infections. I get pneumonia two or three times a year," she said. "I have chronic fatigue, joint aches, muscle aches. I have a rash that migrates all over my body."
Sterry figures the initial symptoms began in Saudi Arabia in September of 1991 while she was serving with the National Guard. Three years later, after completing her tour of duty and coming back home, the symptoms were still there, but much more severe.
State Sen. Gayle Slossberg said one of the sources of the diseases may be depleted uranium. She was one of those who helped pass legislation last year setting up a health registry in Connecticut, strictly to keep records on our military personnel.
NOTICE how they call it "disease" and not "poison". Remember kids: "only a drug can cure, treat, or prevent a disease!"
NIH seeking private funds for genetics research
Project hopes to uncover what makes some people vulnerable to disease
It's amazing how ignorant they are to environmental factors. Sure Asian people are more lactose intolerant making them "more susceptible" to related issues, but why fixate on "genetics" when we could just eliminate the environmental issue: "dairy" -especially; "pasteurized" dairy! Isn't there any money in that? -madthumbs
Government scientists are launching a major project to uncover elusive genetic variations that make people vulnerable to some of the most common diseases, and then determine what in the environment — pollution, behavior, diet — pushes those people into full-blown illness.-Full Article
The surprise: The National Institutes of Health is trying to raise $60 million from drug companies to help do the work, saying an industry-government partnership is crucial to speed research.
First to donate is the world’s largest drug maker, Pfizer Inc., followed by a leading producer of gene-detection equipment, Affymetrix Inc.
It's amazing how ignorant they are to environmental factors. Sure Asian people are more lactose intolerant making them "more susceptible" to related issues, but why fixate on "genetics" when we could just eliminate the environmental issue: "dairy" -especially; "pasteurized" dairy! Isn't there any money in that? -madthumbs
MySpace users angry over News Corp censorship of YouTube
A blogstorm is starting to gather pace in the MySpace blogging community after the now News Corp owned company started deleting links and references to YouTube videos.Full Article
Ellis Yu wirtes to the Blog Herald and says:
“My friends and I are trying to make the blogging community aware of a stealth censorship campaign that is being conducted by MySpace. They are not admitting to it, and are trying to do this in secret.”
I can tell you that censorship is being done in the Health forums at myspace as well. You'll see people giving accounts of how they overcame a disease or illness only to be met with harassment (a form of censorship), from "regulars" who just happen to be doctors, or "cheerleaders". Many people are driven from the forum by such childish antics, and people who harass back appear to be censored. If you use myspace; I suggest ignoring ads there (they're supported by ads). Don't click on them! A good tool to help is Mozilla FireFox with NoScript and Adblock extensions.
US plans massive data sweep
Little-known data-collection system could troll news, blogs, even e-mails. Will it go too far?
The US government is developing a massive computer system that can collect huge amounts of data and, by linking far-flung information from blogs and e-mail to government records and intelligence reports, search for patterns of terrorist activity.Full Article by Mark Clayton
The system - parts of which are operational, parts of which are still under development - is already credited with helping to foil some plots. It is the federal government's latest attempt to use broad data-collection and powerful analysis in the fight against terrorism. But by delving deeply into the digital minutiae of American life, the program is also raising concerns that the government is intruding too deeply into citizens' privacy.
Argentine 'Dirty War' Suspect Arrested
AP Spanish police have arrested a former Argentine police officer in Madrid wanted in connection with kidnappings and torture during his country's "dirty war" against leftist dissidents, authorities said Thursday.Full Article
Yahoo accused in jailing of 2nd China Internet user
Yahoo Inc. provided evidence to Chinese authorities that led to the imprisonment of an Internet writer, lawyers and activists said on Thursday, the second such case involving the U.S. Internet giant.Full Article by Lindsay Beck
The latest storm over Western Internet companies in China comes just weeks after Web search giant Google Inc. came under fire for saying it would block politically sensitive terms on its new China site, bowing to conditions set by Beijing.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
US may press Africa on GMOs
LUSAKA - The U.S. may push Africa to accept gene-altered (GMO) food now that the World Trade Organization (WTO) has ruled the EU broke rules by barring GMO foods and seeds, but Africans vowed on Wednesday to resist. "We do not want GM (genetically modified) foods and our hope is that all of us can continue to produce non-GM foods," Zambian Agriculture Minister Mundia Sikatana told Reuters in Lusaka. "The decision by the WTO does nothing to change our stand in this matter."Source
# U.S.: WTO Ruling Should Benefit Farmers AP
# GM food: What the fuss is all about AFP
# Q&A: GM food trade battle at BBC Discuss
Operations Manual for How to Have a Good Time Laughing at the Farce Called Conventional Medicine
David Wright wrote:
> Oh, stick it in your ear, Carole. First I get that tired old whine
> from you "You're not interested in alternative medicine, you're just
> here to trash it." Then I get that numbskull Gohde trying to trash me
> because I *am* using alternative medicine, as I've mentioned in
> another thread that you're apparently too busy to read.
David, here is something to stick in your ear. :)
I have received no reports of factual error, to date.
The best way to attack strength is by constantly picking at its weakest
Medicine has some very well known weak points that are worthy of
everyone's scorn.1. Knock the high cost of health care in America.
2. Knock iatrogenic deaths.
3. Knock the sleaziest people of medicine.
4. Knock instances of health fraud being committed by conventional
5. Knock the flu vaccination industry.
6. Knock the well known failures of conventional medicine.
Knock the high cost of health care in America
The most favorable response will come from attacking the high cost of
medicine. Physicians are directly affected by the high cost of
malpractice insurance just as much as the patients are. Why does
health issuance cost so much? And, why in a few decades is the cost of
health insurance expected to be totally unaffordable? Why are people
without health insurance, but willing to pay cash, being forced to
endure all manner of verbal abuse as part of the process of receiving
health care? Why are physicians forcing patients to pay for tests that
serve no purpose other than to protect doctors from lawsuits?
Knock iatrogenic deaths
Deaths from adverse drug reactions (ADR) has widely been reported to be
the 3rd leading cause of death in America. The practice of
conventional medicine can be dangerous to your health. Why is there a
conspiracy by conventional medicine to cover up totally unnecessary
deaths caused by conventional medicine? And, why are doctors not
routinely prosecuted for manslaughter or criminal negligence for these
wrongful iatrogenic deaths? The demographic group mostly likely to be
receiving highly dangerous polypharmacy by physicians are the elderly.
Knock the sleaziest people of medicine
Try knocking the sleaziest people associated with conventional
medicine. Quackpots are the easiest targets to pick on. Nobody likes
bigotry, even in medicine. Attack the bigots of medicine: The
Academic science kooks, like Montygram, are also good choices because
they exhibit nutty behavior.
The sleaziest physicians are the shrinks. Shrinks write more multiple
drug prescriptions than any other branch of medicine. Shrinks write
prescriptions for the medicalization of life, such as for social
anxiety. Shrinks, also, are the ones who are turning our school
children into life long drug addicts.
Knock instances of health fraud being committed by conventional
Nobody is in favor of health fraud. Point out instances of health
fraud, like hospitals promoting through advertisement medically
unnecessary diagnostic tests, like expensive CT scans, for very
questionable health benefits. Ask whether routinely recommended
diagnostic tests, like mammograms are really medically necessary, or
are they just conventional medicine trying to scam the public out of
their money? Many public health authorities are actually against them.
Knock the flu vaccination industry
Are you against vaccinations in general? Then the easiest vaccine to
attack is the flu vaccine. It has very little going for it. The
theory behind it is laughable. The people most in need of the shots are
documented to have received little benefit from taking them. Try
knocking the annual health scare that is always being manufacture by
the vaccination industry, such as the coming bird flu pandemic to your
Every year, flu vaccine manufacturers have to predict which strains of
the flu will be prevalent, and the vaccine is a mixture of three flu
strains. But if the manufacturers guess wrong, the vaccine is useless,
and nobody is protected against the flu. This is a fact, NOT wishful
thinking on my part.
These decisions are made by a WHO-sanctioned committee in the spring
because it takes several months to gear up for vaccine production. So,
comparing it to weather forecasting these flu industry crackpots think
that they can accurately predict what the weather will be nine months
from today. Does anybody take the flu vaccination industry seriously?
The success of a given influenza vaccination depends largely on the
antigenic match between the 3 influenza vaccine strains and the virus
strains actually circulating during a given flu season. Each year the
influenza virus experiences what these crackpots call an antigenic
drift or a shift. Shift variants cause people to escape any immunity
from prior vaccinations or infections. This was the case for the
influenza pandemics of 1918, 1957 and 1968. "In fact, in almost all
years, by the end of the flu season, some new strain or some new drift
species will show up," said Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the CDC,
during a press conference on Nov. 17, 2003. The 1997/1998 season is on
record for having had a considerable mismatch between the H3N2 vaccine
component and the prevalent epidemic influenza A(H3N2) virus. In the
2003-04 flu season the vaccination protected against H3N2 Panama, H1N1
New Caledonia and Influenza B Hong Kong. As expected, a Fujian variant
of the H3N2 Panama was detected by global surveillance in Australia
early in 2003. Since the flu vaccination industry is so slow to
respond it was too late to include that strain in the influenza vaccine
for that flu season. This missing strain was in fact responsible for
most of the influenza-related deaths during the 2003-04 flu season.
Knock the well known failures of conventional medicine
One of the most dramatic failures of conventional medicine was their
campaign to wipe out tuberculosis (i.e., TB). It was a miserable
failure that has been widely reported upon.
Holme C. Tuberculosis: story of medical failure
BMJ. 1998 Oct 31;317(7167):1260.
PMID: 97948
Conventional medicine's failure to control malaria worldwide will
provide you with an even bigger laugh! Conventional medicine has failed
miserably at trying to control malaria worldwide. This fact alone
strongly suggests that medicine had nothing to do with the eradication
of malaria in America. Medicine's malaria vaccine is a total farce
"In 1987, Dr. Manuel Elkin Patarroyo, a biochemist from Colombia,
developed the first synthetic vaccine against the Plasmodium
falciparum parasite. The vaccine is still being developed and has not
yet proven to reduce deaths in Africa."
Malaria was eradicated in America by controlling the mosquitoes, just
like the plague disappeared from Europe with better rat control.
Medicine had next to nothing to do with it. It was a natural
bi-product of land development in the South, that drained the swamps,
that conquered malaria in America. Even if the use of DDT helped to
control the mosquitoes it certainly was NOT the result of medicine.
For more vaccine failures see:
by John Gohde
Report all factural errors in this message to:
Drug Companies Influence Medical Research By ALICIA CHANG, AP Science
Many U.S. medical schools are willing to give companies that sponsorSource Given From:
studies of new drugs and treatments considerable control over the
results, according to survey results that some doctors found
Half of the schools said they would let pharmaceutical companies and
makers of medical devices draft articles that appear in medical
journals, and a quarter would allow them to supply the actual results.
But academics draw the line at gag orders that keep researchers from
publishing negative findings.
"This is totally beyond reasonable practice. What you're seeing here
is a willingness by some institutions to give more leeway than they
should," said Dr. Harlan Krumholz, a Yale University cardiologist and
epidemiologist who was not involved in the survey.
Private industry funds more than two-thirds of medical research at
U.S. universities, a situation that has led increasingly to
conflict-of-interest suspicions. Two decades ago, the federal
government was the main benefactor.
The study, led by Michelle Mello of the Harvard School of Public
Health, appears in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine.
Harvard researchers sent surveys to the nation's 122 accredited
medical schools to gauge what kinds of standards exist between
researchers and sponsors. All but 15 responded.
The researchers did not directly establish exactly how much control
universities actually give to companies.
But the medical schools overwhelmingly agreed that they would not
enter into contracts that would allow companies to edit research
articles or suppress negative results. The schools were split on other
issues. Fifty percent would allow companies to draft research papers,
while nearly 25 percent would let them provide the data.
Three-fourths had disputes over payment after a contract was signed,
and 17 percent argued over access to data.
"These results are really bothersome," said Dr. Jerome Kassirer,
former editor in chief of the journal and author of a recent book
about conflict of interest in research. "Some investigators may be
willing to accept constraints just to maintain good relations with the
company," said Kassirer, who had no role in the survey.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, a trade
group, insists that corporate sponsors do not interfere with
researchers' independence.
The group publishes voluntary research guidelines stating that
companies will sometimes help analyze and interpret results and have
the right to review articles before publication. The guidelines also
note that sponsors own the data and have sole discretion over who has
access to the information.
Recent controversies involving companies accused of suppressing
unfavorable results have led to demands for more public disclosure of
industry-sponsored research. Drug manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline and
Merck were recently accused of hiding information about the
antidepressant Paxil and the painkiller Vioxx, respectively.
An accompanying editorial noted several efforts under way to change
the situation, among them:
_The American Medical Association is working with the industry to
eliminate gag clauses in research contracts.
_The Association of American Medical Colleges is developing a set of
principles for researchers and sponsors of studies.
_A bill is pending in Congress that would require public and private
sponsors to register their studies in a government database.
_Eleven members of the International Committee of Medical Journal
Editors last year promised not to publish any studies not registered
in the database.
Chemical Deception
- Dr. Marc Lappe
Chapter Eight - An Overview
By the 1930s, no one would dream of intentionally putting raw silica
into the human body because silica dust had been shown to cause acute
illness and death or a chronic lung-damaging disease known as
silicosis when the dust was breathed. When silicon dioxide in the form
of crystalline silicon is injected into the body, it stimulates a
florid inflammatory response. It is so potent an inflammatory agent
that many laboratories use it as a "booster" or adjuvant to provoke
the most massive immunologic response possible in test animals.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has since found that silicone
breast implants were "intentionally adulterated" with silica that was
added as a filler in the envelope to change the properties of the
silicone in the eslastomer envelope. In the 1940s, Dow Chemical
Company acquired the patent rights and gave them to an independent
subsidiary formed between Dow Chemical and the Corning Glass
Corporation, the Dow-Corning Corporation of Midland, Michigan.
(Corning had the most expertise in the world in dealing
with silica, the basic ingredient of glass. Although the original
1966 patent described these implants as being a totally implantable,
nonreactive device to be placed within the human body, adequate safety
testing or formal trials of the new device were never conducted. That
is, neither the degree of nonreactivity nor the adequacy of the
containment of the silicone had been established prior to its
marketing. In fact, according to Tom Talcott, the scientist who
helped design the first envelopes, they were "never
designed to hold and retain silicone." The slow oozing of silicone gel
from breast prostheses manufactured in the early 1970s is evident to
any person who has held them in his hands; they are greasy to touch.
Yet the company has maintained that it could not have known that a
"bleed problem" existed in their product until after researchers
outside their laboratories tested them.
Keith Polmanteer, a Dow Corning's scientist, was granted a mammery
prostheses patent: Patent: #4,138,382, dated February, 1979, which
"In the unlikely event of breakage of container 21 or in the event of
seepage of gel 22 through container 21 (e.g. by osmosis), the
infinitely swellable gel is observed to be absorbed and dissipated by
the body. The dissipation of the hydrophilic gel by the body
represents an improvement over previously known hydrophobic gels."
Polmanteer's patent also states: The funnel is about half filled with
alumina (obtained from Alcoa) then added along with 0.04g. of
Vazo 64 r (an azobis(isobutyronitrile) free radical catalyst to
initiate polymerization, available from DuPont.)
-from (usenet)
*note the newshosting and additives links on the side bar
Sweden plans to be world's first oil-free economy
· 15-year limit set for switch to renewable energy
· Biofuels favoured over further nuclear power
· Biofuels favoured over further nuclear power
Sweden is to take the biggest energy step of any advanced western economy by trying to wean itself off oil completely within 15 years - without building a new generation of nuclear power stations.Full Article by John Vidal February 8, 2006
The attempt by the country of 9 million people to become the world's first practically oil-free economy is being planned by a committee of industrialists, academics, farmers, car makers, civil servants and others, who will report to parliament in several months.
Democrats assemble an army of veterans to beat Bush
ANDREW HORNE, clear-eyed, clean-cut and ramrod straight, never wanted to be a politician. But then something happened to the Marine Reserves lieutenant colonel who once supported the invasion of Iraq. He was sent to fight there.Full Article by Tim Reid
It was an experience that turned him vehemently against President Bush and a war he now believes can never be won definitively.
“Iraq is a symptom of what’s wrong with this Administration,” Mr Horne told The Times over coffee near his Kentucky law office.
“It’s hubristic. It’s wedded to political cronyism. It hides the truth. It ignores advice. I want to go to Washington to be part of a solution.”
Mr Horne, 44, is not alone. He is one of a dozen Iraq war veterans running for congressional seats in the November mid-term elections. What makes this new band of political brothers extraordinary is that all but one are running as Democrats, and against a war that only months ago they were fighting in.
David Gergen and Alex Jones Confrontation Staged?
"The part that gets me is that if you watch when Alex first confronts him, Gergen seems to be walking very slow, like he was giving Jones time to tap him on the arm and get his attention. Gergen did not appear at all startled as one might be when a stranger taps you from behind. This is somewhat troubling and while i'm not totally convinced it was staged, I am suspicious." -RealityCheck
"It seemed a little manufactured or something, especially when Alex basically starts heckling him when he walks away and telling the camera man to zoom in a get a close up shot of him.. I mean, and when Alex tells him 'Yep, i'm the man who blew that whole thing wide open at Bohemian Grove with my documentary', i mean, who in that situation would, or should, act like that??" -MAD
Blake Johnson wrote:
"I've seen many people suggest that it was staged, the part I dont get is what would the point be of staging it?"
Adramelech Replies:
To give Jones' phony "infiltration" of Bohemian Grove more validity.
"considering AJ spent a good 45 minutes of that video explaining in detail how tight security was, how much surveillance police snipers blimps & whatever else there was
I find it ****** unlikely that u could just walk up to somebody like gergen for an on the spot interview" sy1
"AJ always claims he "blew it wide open", but he didn't!!
He didn't provide ANYTHING that wasn't already published and admitted to! They talked about the owl and the human sacrifice, and they gay porn stars all in published magazine before, even AJ's own films states that. So he really just showed us a video of what was already know (or at least suspected to be true based on what their own member said)." -RealityCheck
The Law They Hope You Never Read
Discuss in New Forum
Everyone knows you must pay federal income taxes. There are people in jail right now for income tax evasion. The vast majority of those persons, if not ALL of them, have voluntarily (you can't be forced to swear an oath) signed a return under penalty of perjury, swearing that they were subject to the income tax, and that all or most of their income was taxable according to the IRS code, (federal law Title 26). Then, they lied about how much income they earned giving the government everything they need to prosecute them successfully. The tax return becomes a signed confession of guilt.Full Article by William A. Shields
Most Americans have never seen the law that requires them to file a return, and most have never researched the IRS code to determine how much, if any, of their income is taxable under the law as it is actually written. But everyone knows there is such a law, and everyone knows that all of their income is taxable.
What if everyone was wrong? It has happened before. Once upon a time, everyone thought the earth was flat. Today, almost everyone believes they owe federal income taxes. However, when the actual words, written in the IRS tax code are examined, an ugly truth begins to emerge. And the truth is, that most Americans have been systematically and intentionally defrauded into paying a tax they do not owe.
Discuss in New Forum
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Buffalo NY Man Learns of 'Daddy' Bush's Ties With Illegal Virgin Islands Drug Smuggling While Finding Out His Family Deeply Connected To Illuminati
Once learning one side of his family had connections with the evil Illuminati through a company called Gibraltar Industries, Kent goes on a soul-searching quest for the truth.
The darkness and evil surrounding the Illuminati knows no boundaries or limits.Full Article by Greg Szymanski
With the cut of a knife or the stroke of a crooked accountant's pen, these purveyors of destruction won't be content until every last soul on earth is either wiped out or safely put to rest under their power.
In cult terms, these people are demons dressed in black with murder and mayhem the order of the day. In reality, they are cowards dressed in suits with business, government and entertainment their working tools.
"Their goal is to destroy America. The freemasons and Illuminati are everywhere and deeply imbedded in the fabric of the American society," said best selling author Texe Marrs.
But for Kent of Buffalo, NY "everywhere" like Marrs talks about, means right in his own back yard, since one side of his family have been involved for years with high-level members of the cult.
"The Bush family, including George H and W would make unofficial, unannounced visits to my cousin's house in Buffalo," said Kent, limiting reprisals and harassment by only using his first name, but adding he was left out of the corrupt Illuminati circle, although he would not have joined anyway, due to his hemophiliac condition.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Solar Energy Becoming More Pervasive
TheUploader writes "RenewableEnergyAccess is reporting that Solatec LLC has released a stick-on solar panel kit that charges your hybrid while parked. In related news, the world's largest photovoltaic system will be built, not on the roofs of Priuses, but on the ground of Nevada, and will provide clean energy for the US military."Source
Time to let the truth be known that the reason for the higher mileage on these cars is because they start them on full batteries!
Cook an Egg with Cell Phones!
Weekend Eating:
Mobile Cooking
Maybe this will convince people that cell phones aren't safe?
Mobile Cooking
How To Do It:Note: We cooked our egg during the evening using free local calls, if you were to cook an egg for lunch it would cost £3.00 - not cheap but you do have the convenience.
- Take an egg from the fridge and place it in the egg cup in the centre of the table.
- Switch on the radio or hifi and turn it up to a comfortable volume.
- Switch on phone A and place it on the table such that the antenna (the pokey thing at the top) is about half an inch from the egg (you may need to experiment to get the relative heights correct - paperbacks are good if you have any - if not you may be able to get some wood off cuts from your local hardware shop).
- Switch on phone B and ring phone A then place phone B on the table in a similar but complementary position to Phone A.
- Answer phone A - you should be able to do this without removing it from the table. If not, don't panic, just return the phone to where you originally placed on the table.
- Phone A will now be talking to Phone B whilst Phone B will be talking to Phone A.
- Cooking time: This very much depends on the power output of your mobile phone. For instance, a pair of mobiles each with 2 Watts of transmitter output will take three minutes to boil a large free range egg. Check your user manual and remember that cooking time will be proportional to the inverse square of the output power for a given distance from egg to phone.
Full Article by Suzzanna Decantworthy
additional research: Sean McCleanaugh
Maybe this will convince people that cell phones aren't safe?
Former Military Assassin and Green Beret In Vietnam Wins Federal Libel Case Backed By CIA And Pentagon
Pentagon brass caught with their dirty fingers in the 'assassination cookie jar' as jury found former Colonel in Special Forces told the truth in tell-all book exposing CIA-backed assassination attempts and U.S. government policy aimed at killing its own soldiers during the Vietnam War.
Col. "Dangerous" Dan Marvin, once asked to assassinate a military officer at Bethesda Naval Hospital holding damaging pictures of the JFK autopsy, has "stuck it big time" to the Pentagon brass.Full Article by Greg Szymanski
With a recent federal court victory this week revealing hit squads and assassinations are accepted military policy, Col. Marvin fought off a long and costly legal battle for libel concerning statements made in his controversial 2003 book, The Expendable Elite.
After hearing evidence, the jury quickly decided in Col Marvin's favor after only deliberating two hours, coming back with a decision that essentially quashed any attempts by the Pentagon in calling him a liar by what was printed in his book.
"The most difficult part of the whole trial was that the Pentagon bribed and coerced some of my men to lie on the stand about what really happened in Vietnam," said Col. Marvin this week on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, where he emphasized the importance of the trial verdict, saying it was "an ultimate victory for the truth and for the American people."
Humor - Bush Address
Using cell phones to track employees
Advances in mobile phone tracking technology are turning British firms into cyber sleuths as they keep a virtual eye on their staff, vehicles and stock.
In the past few years, companies that offer tracking services have seen an explosion in interest from businesses keen to take advantage of technological developments in the name of operational efficiency.Full Article
The gains, say the converted, are many, ranging from knowing whether workers have been "held up" in the pub rather than in a traffic jam, to being able to quickly locate staff and reroute them if necessary.
NASA Science Under Attack
The Bad Astronomer writes "The New York Times is reporting that NASA science is being harassed and even sometimes suppressed by presidential political appointees. The article details how NASA scientists dealing with such topics as global warming and the Big Bang are under attack for ideological and religious reasons." The submitter also has a running commentary summarizing a bit of the background of the story on his blog.Source
Iraq Pre-War Intelligence
PBS recently aired an interview with Col. Lawrence B. Wilkerson (Ret), Chief of Staff at the Department of State from Aug 2002 - January 2005, addressing some of the skepticism surrounding the pre-war claims made by the Bush administration. Wilkerson claims in no uncertain terms that he "participated in a hoax on the American people, the international community and the United Nations Security Council." This is not the first time that Wilkerson has spoken out against the administration and intelligence community.Source
Hitachi advances paper-thin RFID chip
Hitachi was due to present details of the 0.15-millimeter by 0.15-millimeter, 7.5-micron-thick chip on Sunday (Feb. 5) at the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) in San Francisco.Full Article by Yoshiko Hara
Paper is typically 80 microns to 100 microns thick, and the chip substrate has been made small and thinned to 7.5 micron to ease application in paper, where it could be used as an intelligent watermark.
Death From Ritalin
The Truth Behind ADHD
Between 1990 and 2000 there were 186 deaths from methylphenidate reported to the FDA MedWatch program, a voluntary reporting scheme, the numbers of which represent no more than 10 to 20% of the actual incidence.
In 1998 at the National Institutes of Health Consensus on ADHD, the following statement was issued: "We do not have an independent, valid test for ADHD, and there is no data to indicate that ADHD is due to a brain malfunction".
Labels like ADHD, ADD, ODD, LD etc are in no sense true diseases. There are no reliable diagnostic methods. Psychiatrists cannot even agree among themselves about how to diagnose ADD/ ADHD. In addition, your child needs to, be put on a medication that is a close cousin to amphetamine because of the ADHD labeled.
We built this website because we didn't want other children to die or suffer side effects because of their parents lack of knowledge.Full Webpage
We did all we could to convince state and federal government about the methods used in the miss-diagnosing of thousands of children with in ADD - attention deficit disorder and ADHD hyperactivity disorder of ADHD and psychotropic drugging of children with Ritalin and other drugs.
Since the death of our 14-year-old son Matthew caused from the use of Ritalin prescribed for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) our family has been informing others world wide via the internet about ADHD and the dangers of psychotropic drugs in memory of our son and countless other children that have died over the years as a direct result of using psychotropic drugs.
We wish to expose the health risks, dangers, deaths and suicides that are a direct result of administering Ritalin and other psychiatric drugs to children.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Natural Migraine Treatment FAQ
Former science chief: 'MMR fears coming true'
A former Government medical officer responsible for deciding whether medicines are safe has accused the Government of "utterly inexplicable complacency" over the MMR triple vaccine for children.Full Article by Sue Corrigan
Dr Peter Fletcher, who was Chief Scientific Officer at the Department of Health, said if it is proven that the jab causes autism, "the refusal by governments to evaluate the risks properly will make this one of the greatest scandals in medical history".
He added that after agreeing to be an expert witness on drug-safety trials for parents' lawyers, he had received and studied thousands of documents relating to the case which he believed the public had a right to see.
He said he has seen a "steady accumulation of evidence" from scientists worldwide that the measles, mumps and rubella jab is causing brain damage in certain children.
But he added: "There are very powerful people in positions of great authority in Britain and elsewhere who have staked their reputations and careers on the safety of MMR and they are willing to do almost anything to protect themselves."
The Fear that Kills
Appalling new evidence reveals that female soldiers serving in Iraq made fatal decisions in their attempts to avoid rape.
In a startling revelation, the former commander of Abu Ghraib prison testified that Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, former senior U.S. military commander in Iraq, gave orders to cover up the cause of death for some female American soldiers serving in Iraq.Full Article vy Marjorie Cohn
Last week, Col. Janis Karpinski told a panel of judges at the Commission of Inquiry for Crimes against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration in New York that several women had died of dehydration because they refused to drink liquids late in the day. They were afraid of being assaulted or even raped by male soldiers if they had to use the women's latrine after dark.
The latrine for female soldiers at Camp Victory wasn't located near their barracks, so they had to go outside if they needed to use the bathroom. "There were no lights near any of their facilities, so women were doubly easy targets in the dark of the night," Karpinski told retired U.S. Army Col. David Hackworth in a September 2004 interview.
It was there that male soldiers assaulted and raped women soldiers. So the women took matters into their own hands. They didn't drink in the late afternoon so they wouldn't have to urinate at night. They didn't get raped. But some died of dehydration in the desert heat, Karpinski said.
Free E-Books
Thanks to the Unhived Mind Forum for this site reference and the past few posts!
Thanks to the Unhived Mind Forum for this site reference and the past few posts!
Plummeting mineral levels suggest nutritional crisis in UK
The plummeting mineral content of milk, meat and vegetables over the past 60 years will have grave consequences for the future health of the UK, according to a shocking food analysis.Full Article by Anthony Fletcher
Dr David Thomas, a primary healthcare practitioner and independent researcher, made a comparison of government tables published in 1940, and again in 2002.
His conclusions, which were published by the Food Commission this month, make alarming reading.
For example, the iron content in 15 different varieties of meat had decreased on average by 47 per cent, with some products showing a fall as high as 80 per cent, while the iron content of milk had dropped by over 60 per cent.
Copper and magnesium, essential for enzyme functioning, also showed losses in meat products. Magnesium levels have typically fallen by 10 per cent while copper levels have fallen by 60 per cent.
Toxic Waste Creates Hermaphrodite Arctic Polar Bears
Wildlife researchers have found new evidence that Arctic polar bears, already gravely threatened by the melting of their habitat because of global warming, are being poisoned by chemical compounds commonly used in Europe and North America to reduce the flammability of household furnishings like sofas, clothing and carpets.Full Article by David Usborne
Polar bears - the world's largest bears - are facing a bleak future because of global warming and experts want them declared a vulnerable species.
A team of scientists from Canada, Alaska, Denmark and Norway is sounding the alarm about the flame retardants, known as polybrominated diphenyls, or PBDEs, saying that significant deposits have recently been found in the fatty tissues of polar bears, especially in eastern Greenland and Norway's Svalbard islands.
Studies are still being carried out on what impact the chemicals might be having on the bears, but tests on laboratory animals such as mice indicate that their effects can be considerable, attacking the sex and thyroid glands, motor skills and brain function.
There is also evidence that compounds similar to the PBDEs have contributed to a surprisingly high rate of hermaphroditism in polar bears. About one in 50 female bears on Svalbard has both male and female sex organs, a phenomenon scientists link directly to the effects of pollution.
The media assault on Mexico's alternative cancer clinics
The mainstream press seems downright giddy over reports that Coretta Scott King (widow of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.) recently died of cancer while exploring an alternative cancer treatment clinic in Mexico. What the press didn't report is that conventional medicine had already given up on her and left her to die (after poisoning her with the usual cancer treatments first, of course). It's no surprise she would want to check out alternatives. Sadly, she was too late.Full Article by Mike Adams
The truth is that many patients only seek alternative care after they been poisoned, radiated and chemically bombarded by conventional medicine. At that point, even the best alternative medicine in the world has very little left to work with. But at least naturopaths can offer some degree of realistic hope for terminal cancer patients, long after conventional oncologists have told them to go home and die (after they pay their $150,000 chemotherapy bill first, of course).
Blaming an alternative cancer clinic for the death of a patient who was terminal when they walked in the door is like suing an auto body shop worker for damaging the car you towed in after it was totaled in a high-speed collision. The press, as usual, is blaming the wrong party. But someone has to play the propaganda role in the grand effort to suppress health freedom, right?
Dungeon Vatican Rituals At Satan's Altar Was How Joanna, Born Into The Illuminati, Spent Her Childhood Days
Now free from the cult's chains, Joanna is warning America about the "deadly intentions" of the cult she once called her family.
Joanna spent time as child in the dungeons of the Vatican, attending rituals of torture at the altar of the devil.Full Article by Greg Szymanski
Joanna's story follows the same satanic pattern as the incredible story recently told by former Illuminist Svali, born into the Illuminati and who witnessed a four-year-old boy sacrificed at her underground Vatican induction ceremony at the age of 12.
Now Joanna of Florida comes forward, saying she was a "blood liner," born into the French House of the Illuminati, her exact placement in the worldwide cult being in the spiritual sector.
"I was born into a multigenerational family that one side was Masonic and on the other Illuminati. My family were members of the DAR, referred to as bluebloods," said Joanna in an extended conversation from her Florida home, having finally rid herself of the Illuminati influence.
"Most of my childhood was spent in training and grooming, and I attended rituals at the Vatican, in a sub basement, where I was used as an "oracle". "The militia I was involved with was connected to a Masonic group and my childhood was almost all training for the Illuminati and intense military type training for the militia. Extreme torture was used to form what is known as alters, with amnesia barriers that kept me from knowing that I was a slave for these cults.
Cough-medicine alert silences the quackwatchers
If you're concerned about sham medicine, look up the countless Internet watchdog groups that promise to protect us from rampant health-care fraud.Full Article by Julie Deardorff
There's Quackwatch, a skeptical view of virtually everything except pharmaceutical drugs and surgery, and its sister site, Homeowatch, which criticizes homeopathic cures.
Acupuncture Watch tells us why inserting tiny needles into the body is a waste of time and money.
Chelation Watch warns us about the dangers of removing heavy metals from the system.
And Chirobase sounds an alarm about chiropractic care.
Yet most "quackwatchers" were strangely mum after the heretical announcement this month by the nation's chest physicians that over-the-counter cough medicines do little, if anything, to relieve coughs.
According to new guidelines issued by the American College of Chest Physicians, the over-the-counter cough syrups generally contain drugs in too low a dose to be effective or contain combinations of drugs never known to treat coughs.
So Americans waste billions of dollars on these ineffective medications every year. Why isn't this a national scandal?
A message from the citizens of Iraq to the citizens of America
E-tracking may change the way you drive
The U.S. Department of Transportation has been handing millions of dollars to state governments for GPS-tracking pilot projects designed to track vehicles wherever they go. So far, Washington state and Oregon have received fat federal checks to figure out how to levy these "mileage-based road user fees."Full Article by Declan McCullagh
Now electronic tracking and taxing may be coming to a DMV near you. The Office of Transportation Policy Studies, part of the Federal Highway Administration, is about to announce another round of grants totaling some $11 million. A spokeswoman on Friday said the office is "shooting for the end of the year" for the announcement, and more money is expected for GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking efforts.
New Details Revealed on CIA Leak Case
Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff told prosecutors that Mr. Cheney had informed him "in an off sort of curiosity sort of fashion" in mid-June 2003 about the identity of the CIA officer at the heart of the leak case, according to a formerly secret legal opinion, parts of which were made public on Friday.Full Article by David Johnston
The newly released pages were part of a legal opinion written in February 2005 by Judge David S. Tatel of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. His opinion disclosed that the former chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby Jr., acknowledged to prosecutors that he had heard directly from Mr. Cheney about the Central Intelligence Agency officer, Valerie Wilson, more than a month before her identity was first publicly disclosed on July 14, 2003, by a newspaper columnist.
"Nevertheless," Judge Tatel wrote, "Libby maintains that he was learning about Wilson's wife's identity for the first time when he spoke with NBC Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert on July 10 or 11." Mr. Russert denied Mr. Libby's account. Ms. Wilson is married to Joseph C. Wilson IV, a former ambassador who has criticized the Bush administration's Iraq policy.
Over all, the new material amplified and provided new details on charges outlined in the October 2005 indictment against Mr. Libby. The indictment accused Mr. Libby of falsely telling investigators that he had first learned about Ms. Wilson from reporters, when he had, according to the charging document, learned of it from other government officials like Mr. Cheney.