The mainstream press seems downright giddy over reports that Coretta Scott King (widow of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.) recently died of cancer while exploring an alternative cancer treatment clinic in Mexico. What the press didn't report is that conventional medicine had already given up on her and left her to die (after poisoning her with the usual cancer treatments first, of course). It's no surprise she would want to check out alternatives. Sadly, she was too late.
The truth is that many patients only seek alternative care after they been poisoned, radiated and chemically bombarded by conventional medicine. At that point, even the best alternative medicine in the world has very little left to work with. But at least naturopaths can offer some degree of realistic hope for terminal cancer patients, long after conventional oncologists have told them to go home and die (after they pay their $150,000 chemotherapy bill first, of course).
Blaming an alternative cancer clinic for the death of a patient who was terminal when they walked in the door is like suing an auto body shop worker for damaging the car you towed in after it was totaled in a high-speed collision. The press, as usual, is blaming the wrong party. But someone has to play the propaganda role in the grand effort to suppress health freedom, right?
Full Article by Mike Adams
# posted by madthumbs @ 10:27 AM