Saturday, January 28, 2006
Documents Show Army Seized Wives As Tactic
The U.S. Army in Iraq has at least twice seized and jailed the wives of suspected insurgents in hopes of "leveraging" their husbands into surrender, U.S. military documents show.Full Article
In one case, a secretive task force locked up the young mother of a nursing baby, a U.S. intelligence officer reported. In the case of a second detainee, one American colonel suggested to another that they catch her husband by tacking a note to the family's door telling him "to come get his wife."
PDF Document 1
PDF Document 2
Soy Lecithin: From Sludge to Profit
Soybean lecithin comes from sludge left after crude soy oil goes through a “degumming” process. It is a waste product containing solvents and pesticides and has a consistency ranging from a gummy fluid to a plastic solid. Before being bleached to a more appealing light yellow, the color of lecithin ranges from a dirty tan to reddish brown. The hexane extraction process commonly used in soybean oil manufacture today yields less lecithin than the older ethanol-benzol process, but produces a more marketable lecithin with better color, reduced odor and less bitter flavor.7Full Webpage
Historian William Shurtleff reports that the expansion of the soybean crushing and soy oil refining industries in Europe after 1908 led to a problem disposing the increasing amounts of fermenting, foul-smelling sludge. German companies then decided to vacuum dry the sludge, patent the process and sell it as “soybean lecithin.” Scientists hired to find some use for the substance cooked up more than a thousand new uses by 1939.8
Today lecithin is ubiquitous in the processed food supply. It is most commonly used as an emulsifier to keep water and fats from separating in foods such as margarine, peanut butter, chocolate candies, ice cream, coffee creamers and infant formulas. Lecithin also helps prevent product spoilage, extending shelf life in the marketplace. In industry kitchens, it is used to improve mixing, speed crystallization, prevent “weeping,” and stop spattering, lumping and sticking. Used in cosmetics, lecithin softens the skin and helps other ingredients penetrate the skin barrier. A more water-loving version known as “deoiled lecithin” reduces the time required to shut down and clean the extruders used in the manufacture of textured vegetable protein and other soy products.9,10
In theory, lecithin manufacture eliminates all soy proteins, making it hypoallergenic. In reality, minute amounts of soy protein always remain in lecithin as well as in soy oil. Three components of soy protein have been identified in soy lecithin, including the Kunitz trypsin inhibitor, which has a track record of triggering severe allergic reactions even in the most minuscule quantities. The presence of lecithin in so many food and cosmetic products poses a special danger for people with soy allergies.11-13
More on Soy
What is the RFID-Zapper?
The RFID-Zapper is a gadget to deactivate (i.e. destroy) passive RFID-Tags permanently.Instructions, Details, and Caution Statement
The development-team presently consists of two people (MiniMe and Mahajivana), who had some help from a friend (thank's for that).
Goals are a proof-of-concept and the construction of at least one functioning and appealing prototype, as well as a documentation of the project, so that everyone can build an own RFID-Zapper. Since the project found so much positive resonance, we probably are going to work on some other realizations of the concept, e.g. building an RFID-Zapper from scratch, without a single-use-camera.
Looking Away; Not the Other Way
Many of the "natural cures" I know to work aren't an alternative treatment, as much as an alternative view. We're conditioned to look for a "cure" and ignore "cause". We bounce from a medical doctor to some other commercial therapy and sometimes find ourselves worse off for it. Doctors heads swell as we go running back to them when we've exposed ourselves to allergens and alternative harsh treatments without carefully weighing or investigating the possible outcomes of such treatments.
Here's an example for you: I visit a doctor because I'm depressed. After a short line of questioning; I'm prescribed paxil. The doctor fails to review the possible side effects because this doctor doesn't want a psychosomatic response. I find myself "feeling very spacy and sick. I stick with it to find I'm not really happy - just complacent. I also discover that I'm unusually hostile and prone to violence now. So I quit the drug, seek alternate therapy (b-vitamins) and find some temporary relief. I now go gung-ho on a vitamin regimen just to develop silicon poisoning which can also cause depression among many other things. If I went running back to the doctor, he probably wouldn't know what caused it, but I'm sure I could get some "more" drugs to deal with it. I find that withdrawal from b-vitamins causes temporary depression. The real solution was to actually eat better to begin with which would have prevented the silicon build up and would actually have been cheaper!
Another example of looking the wrong way is taking an article like "garlic being bad for you" and running with it. Many people eat garlic daily. There's different kinds of garlic. Some people are sensitive to garlic. And like some beens; cooking might make them less toxic or more nutritious. Garlic has been known for having good health benefits in the past. Maybe the answer lies in moderation.
We have to take responsibility for ourselves for what treatments we try. What may work for one person may kill another. Often the solution to an ailment is simply identifying and eliminating the cause. There's a lot of people out there trying to sell you something. It used to be that most illness's were psychosomatic; so almost anything would work if you "believe".
Here's an example for you: I visit a doctor because I'm depressed. After a short line of questioning; I'm prescribed paxil. The doctor fails to review the possible side effects because this doctor doesn't want a psychosomatic response. I find myself "feeling very spacy and sick. I stick with it to find I'm not really happy - just complacent. I also discover that I'm unusually hostile and prone to violence now. So I quit the drug, seek alternate therapy (b-vitamins) and find some temporary relief. I now go gung-ho on a vitamin regimen just to develop silicon poisoning which can also cause depression among many other things. If I went running back to the doctor, he probably wouldn't know what caused it, but I'm sure I could get some "more" drugs to deal with it. I find that withdrawal from b-vitamins causes temporary depression. The real solution was to actually eat better to begin with which would have prevented the silicon build up and would actually have been cheaper!
Another example of looking the wrong way is taking an article like "garlic being bad for you" and running with it. Many people eat garlic daily. There's different kinds of garlic. Some people are sensitive to garlic. And like some beens; cooking might make them less toxic or more nutritious. Garlic has been known for having good health benefits in the past. Maybe the answer lies in moderation.
We have to take responsibility for ourselves for what treatments we try. What may work for one person may kill another. Often the solution to an ailment is simply identifying and eliminating the cause. There's a lot of people out there trying to sell you something. It used to be that most illness's were psychosomatic; so almost anything would work if you "believe".
Friday, January 27, 2006
About AIDS
The government takes your rights.
The doctors take your money.
The medicine takes your life.
A virus takes blame.
"In truth, AZT makes you feel like you’re dying. That’s because on AZT you are. How can a deadly cell toxin conceivably make you feel better as it finishes you, by stopping your cells from dividing, by ending this vital process that distinguishes living things from dead things? Not for nothing does AZT come with a skull and cross-bones label when packaged for laboratory use." - Anthony Brink, AIDS researcherFull Article
"It’s not even probable, let alone scientifically proven, that HIV causes AIDS. If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact.… There are no such documents." - Dr Kary Mullis, Nobel Laureate for Chemistry
Look for HIV-AIDS-Fact.Or.Fiction on nntp, and p2p networks.
Details of Sexual Perversion At Detention Centers More Serious Than Media Reports; Pentagon In Possession Of Videos
Although lower level military are taking the rap for Abu Ghraib abuse, critics contend Rumsfeld authorized the rape of Iraqi children.
Although the U.S. government is possession of video tapes of boys being sodomized at Abu Ghraib and other detention centers, the evidence and public clamor to end the torture and killing has done little to change the mindset of the Bush administration.Full Article by Greg Szymanski
Natural Cures; What Worked for You?
Many "cures" we hear on the internet originated from some con-artist like Kevin Trudeau. They often want us to buy something. It's been my experience that EVERY cure that works has SAVED money; not cost it. It's good to discuss what works with others in a non-commercial environment. For this I direct you to a sub forum of The Forum:
Natural Cures Forum
If you have any personal testimonies to share; I encourage you to help make the world a better place and post them where you can! Now smile and hug someone.
To the person that tried to use the comments here to advertise vitamins; I think you should read how I recovered from Lupus. ;)
Natural Cures Forum
If you have any personal testimonies to share; I encourage you to help make the world a better place and post them where you can! Now smile and hug someone.
To the person that tried to use the comments here to advertise vitamins; I think you should read how I recovered from Lupus. ;)
The life and death of an Iraq veteran who could take no more
Doug Barber wrote this internet article on 12 January, just before he died
"Be all that you can be" :-(
Full Article and story posted by Andrew Buncombe
"My thought today is to help you the reader understand what happens to a soldier when they come home and the sacrifice we continue to make. This war on terror has become a personal war for so many, yet the Bush administration do not want to reveal to America that this is a personal war. They want to run it like a business, and thus they refuse to show the personal sacrifices the soldiers and their families have made for this country.
All is not OK or right for those of us who return home alive and supposedly well. What looks like normalcy and readjustment is only an illusion to be revealed by time and torment. Some soldiers come home missing limbs and other parts of their bodies. Still others will live with permanent scars from horrific events that no one other than those who served will ever understand. We come home from war trying to put our lives back together but some cannot stand the memories and decide that death is better. We kill ourselves because we are so haunted by seeing children killed and whole families wiped out."
"Be all that you can be" :-(
Fluoridation Facts, Did you know that:
· scientifically advanced and health conscious countries such as Denmark, Finland, France. Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden have totally rejected fluoridation?Source
· there has never been a scientific study in Australia or the world to prove the safety of fluoridation?
· no studies in Australia to prove fluoridation perfectly safe for all people?
· fluoride is a poison that accumulates in your body and one-third of a teaspoonful of sodium fluoride is estimated to be a lethal dose?
· there has been no clinical research which proves fluoride stops dental caries, only clever and persistent propaganda?
· young children should never use fluoridated toothpaste because they have no control over the amount swallowed? In fact many children eat the stuff because it is enticingly flavoured.
· fluoridated toothpaste can contain up to 1500 p.p.m. of fluoride? There is enough in one tube to kill a child!
· nature knows best? There is virtually no fluoride in mothers' milk? A bottle-fed baby on formula food reconstituted with fluoridated water, receives 700% above N.H. and M.R.C. and W.H.O. suggested maximum safe daily intake of fluoride for babies. Many world medical scientists consider the fluoride intake should be zero.
· the Tasmanian Royal Commission 1968 and the Victorian Inquiry 1980 estimated 10% of children in fluoridated populations will suffer dental fluorosis, i.e. mottled teeth. The latest research shows 48%.
· the British Medical Research Council and the American Medical Association and the N.H. and M.R.C. state that dental fluorosis is the first sign of chronic fluoride poisoning? Why is this appalling medical condition tolerated?
· there were over 100 Statutory Declarations claiming harm from fluoridation, some with Doctors' Certificates, sent to the Victorian Inquiry through our Association. Not one person was contacted or examined by the Government Committee and no mention was made in the Report so that the Premier was able to announce that "no harm was reported"!!!
Garlic’s not good for you according to Dr Beck
We have all heard that garlic is very good for the health of the body but not according to Dr Robert (Bob) C. Beck, DSc., a well-known name to people interested in alternative medicine and healthcare.Full Article by Steve Andrews
Bob Beck says that garlic is toxic because its sulphone hydroxyl ion penetrates the blood brain barrier and is a specific poison for higher life forms and the cells of the brain.
And apparently, although garlic does kill bacteria and microorganisms, it also kills the ones we need.
Dr Beck discovered the harmful effects of garlic whilst researching human brain function in the 1980s and he claims that garlic causes mental confusion and seriously slows reaction time.
I guess we can chalk garlic up on the list with soy and canola as things we're lied to about.
Mexico suggests U.S. military could be behind border incident
Mexico's foreign secretary suggested Thursday that uniformed men using a military-style Humvee to help drug traffickers on the border could have been U.S. soldiers or criminals disguised as Mexican troops.Full Article by Mark Stevenson
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Vaccinations and Mercury
Vaccination may damage children in several ways. Live or attenuated virus vaccination can actually produce the infection that the vaccine is supposed to prevent. For example, live polio should never be administered to a child who comes in contact with an HIV patient, for the attenuated virus can "leap" to the HIV patient and produce polio. Reports exist of normal parents who have developed polio from the viral vaccine given to their children.Source
A second mechanism of damage comes from neurotoxic materials found sometimes in vaccines. Thimerosol is the most widely discussed, since it contains mercury. The amount is small. Each vaccine is equivalent to the amount of mercury found in a 6 oz. Can of tuna fish. Nevertheless, some argue that even these levels may be important in a vulnerable child.
The third, and probably the most important theory of vaccine damage, relates to allergic reactions and the development of an auto-immune response, stimulated by the vaccine and its adjuvant. Vaccines always contain adjuvants, which are substances known to amplify the body's response to the vaccine. These adjuvants are known to sometimes cause allergic and auto-immune responses on their own.
Mercury poisoning is sometimes confused with MS and is now suspected of being the cause of autism. Mercury in a can of fish is probably much different than mercury in a vaccine. Many fail to realise that mercury in nature tends to be bonded with things and "can" naturally pass through your system. Don't believe me? Read on... -madthumbs
Heavy metal removal using chlorella
Chlorella is a powerful detoxification aid for heavy metals and other pesticides. Numerous research projects in the U.S. and Europe indicate that chlorella can also aid the body in breaking down persistent hydrocarbon and metallic toxins such as mercury, cadmium and lead, DDT and PCB while strengthening the immune system response. In Japan, interest in chlorella has focused largely on its detoxifying properties - its ability to remove or neutralize poisonous substances from the body.Source
What if everything you knew about the income tax was a lie?
What if what your parents, teachers, grandparents, and pastors told you was simply incorrect assumption?Forum Thread by MonkeyPuppet
A simple question that the IRS refuses to answer to anyone is "Can you show me the law that requires the average American worker to pay the income tax?"
The reason they will not answer, and the reason no one, even CPA's and tax lawyers, can answer with any substantial proof, is because there is no such law.
For more information look up "Sherry Peel Jackson" using google above, on usenet, ed2k and other file sharing programs. Take a step toward freedom, and stop supporting mass-murderers and terrorists today!
MPAA finds itself accused of piracy
The MPAA admitted Monday that it had duplicated "This Film Is Not Yet Rated" without the filmmaker's permission after director Kirby Dick submitted his movie in November for an MPAA rating. The Hollywood trade organization said that it did not break copyright law, insisting that the dispute is part of a Dick-orchestrated "publicity stunt" to boost the film's profile.Full Article by John Horn
Looks like it worked. -Nothing like a little hypocracy to cheer us up!
Killing kids... How about your kids?
From: Live FOR the Revolution
These just go together so nicely.
~ Lorri
killing kids... how do you sleep??!
"We expect nations to oppose all terrorists, not just some of them. No political cause can justify the deliberate murder of civilians."
~ George W. Bush

"...the citizens of Iraq are coming to know what kind of people we have sent to liberate them." ~ George W. Bush

"We come to Iraq with respect for its citizens." ~ George W. Bush
"I'm the commander, I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation...."
~ George W. Bush
"The Independent"

"Zimbabwe. We do not recognize the outcome of the election
because we think it's flawed. And we are dealing with --
and we are dealing with our friends to figure out how
to deal with this flawed election."
~ George W. Bush
These just go together so nicely.
~ Lorri
killing kids... how do you sleep??!
"We expect nations to oppose all terrorists, not just some of them. No political cause can justify the deliberate murder of civilians."
~ George W. Bush

"...the citizens of Iraq are coming to know what kind of people we have sent to liberate them." ~ George W. Bush

"We come to Iraq with respect for its citizens." ~ George W. Bush
"I'm the commander, I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation...."
~ George W. Bush
"The Independent"

"Zimbabwe. We do not recognize the outcome of the election
because we think it's flawed. And we are dealing with --
and we are dealing with our friends to figure out how
to deal with this flawed election."
~ George W. Bush
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
White House Declines to Provide Storm Papers
The Bush administration, citing the confidentiality of executive branch communications, said Tuesday that it did not plan to turn over certain documents about Hurricane Katrina or make senior White House officials available for sworn testimony before two Congressional committees investigating the storm response.Full Article by Eric Lipton
The White House this week also formally notified Representative Richard H. Baker, Republican of Louisiana, that it would not support his legislation creating a federally financed reconstruction program for the state that would bail out homeowners and mortgage lenders. Many Louisiana officials consider the bill crucial to recovery, but administration officials said the state would have to use community development money appropriated by Congress.
White House Was Told Hurricane Posed Danger
WASHINGTON, Jan. 23 - The White House was told in the hours before Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans that the city would probably soon be inundated with floodwater, forcing the long-term relocation of hundreds of thousands of people, documents to be released Tuesday by Senate investigators show.
"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees," Mr. Bush said in a television interview on Sept. 1. "Now we're having to deal with it, and will."Full Article by Eric Lipton
Gonzales Says Surveillance Entirely Legal - Good Day for Free Speech!
Speaking to students at Georgetown University law school, Gonzales said a 15-day grace period allowing warrantless eavesdropping under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act demonstrates that Congress knew such surveillance "would be essential in wartime."Full Article By Pete Yost
Gonzales was supplying legal arguments to the president's comments Monday that the effort should be called a "terrorist surveillance program."
Confronting Gonzales during his nearly half-hour speech were more than a dozen young people in the audience who turned their backs to him and held up for a banner for television cameras. The banner, loosely based on a Benjamin Franklin quote, read: "Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither."

*Blog Announcement
Comments should now be enabled for this blog. Sorry; I didn't realize they were disabled.
Bush lied about wire tapping
From the horses mouth" :
Another Excerpt:
Secondly, there are such things as roving wiretaps. Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires -- a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so. It's important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution.Full Article
Another Excerpt:
September the 11th -- when the President says something, he better mean it. See, in order to make the world more peaceful, it's essential that those of us in positions of high responsibility speak clearly and mean what we say.
All Signposts Lead To Imminent Nuclear Attack In America: Intel Army Capt. Eric May Issues 'Red Alert' For Next 9 Days For Texas City-Houston Area
I hate scaremongering, but I also believe that spreading this information can have a positive effect on prevention, or at least waking some people up if it happens. -madthumbs
Going back to last August, the signs were already obvious that the Bush administration, through Cheney's direct orders to Strategic Command (STRATCOM), had specific plans to nuke Iran "if a nuclear blast occurred on American soil."Full Article by Greg Szymanski
I hate scaremongering, but I also believe that spreading this information can have a positive effect on prevention, or at least waking some people up if it happens. -madthumbs
Laetrile Testimony
The medical establishment wrote her off because she had breast cancer and her insurance ran out. Gave her 6 months. She went to Mexico for Laetrile and lived 10 years more. Got hit by a beer truck in downtown Tijuana.remowus a member with 430 posts in STR forum
For those that don't know: Laetrile is the chemical brand name for amygdalin (the cure for cancer found in nature) also touted as "B-17". Laetrile is banned in the USA it's best natural resources (best bet is chewing on apricot seeds after shelling them). You can google Laetrile, B-17, amygdalin at the top of this page. You will see negative press about it. -This is expected since it appears more people make a grand living of treating cancer than there are people dying from it. -madthumbs
Impeachment hearings: The White House prepares for the worst
Sources said a prelude to the impeachment process could begin with hearings by the Senate Judiciary Committee in February. They said the hearings would focus on the secret electronic surveillance program and whether Mr. Bush violated the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.Full Article
America’s Top Bin Laden Expert: Osama’s Dead, the Tape is Phony:
ABC News section=local&id=3828678
As a Ph.D. Islamologist and Arabist I really hate to say this, but I’ll say it anyway: 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. The war on terror is as phony as the latest “Bin Laden tape.”Full Article
More Bird Flu Scare Mongering
Now for the real news....
Tamiflu causes scare
Esposito showed some of the same symptoms experienced by 12 Japanese children who later died after taking Tamiflu, the same antiviral that Esposito took 30 minutes before becoming desperately ill. Esposito said doctors later told her that she had an adverse reaction to the medication, which is now being touted as treatment for avian flu as well as traditional influenza.Full Article By Michelle L. Start
The "age of modern medicine" is becoming an increasing joke as Big Pharma repeatedly plays politics with the "problem -> reaction -> solution" game. -madthumbs
Democrats and Republicans Both Adept at Ignoring Facts, Study Finds
And they get quite a rush from ignoring information that's contrary to their point of view.Full Article by LiveScience Staff
Google Agrees to Censor Results in China
Because of government barriers set up to suppress information, Google's China users previously have been blocked from using the search engine or encountered lengthy delays in response time.Full Article by Michael Liedtke
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy Revisited
Supplement to The Art of Getting Well
How I Stopped Prostate Cancer by inhaling hydrogen peroxide
Remember that there are different grades of Hydrogen Peroxide. The common stuff you find in the department stores and drug stores is not fit for consumption. Do research before jumping into H202 therapy! -Thanks to my sister Brenda for these links!-
According to Douglas, the Baylor University Medical Center may "have gone a long way toward proving that H2O2 dripped into the leg and carotid vessels of patients known to have severe arteriosclerosis will clear those arteries of disease. When these patients died, autopsies were done to compare arteries that had been treated with H2O2 with those not treated. They reported: `The elution [separation] of lipids from the arterial wall by dilute hydrogen peroxide has been accomplished. . . .' In simple English that means the plaque buildup was removed by injecting H2O2 into the blood vessels. . . . That was over 20 years ago2."Full Article
How I Stopped Prostate Cancer by inhaling hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide is the most over looked chemical used by man. New uses of it are coming to light every day. Bad bugs be they, in your garden or your body, they cannot live in an oxygen rich environment.Full Article
Remember that there are different grades of Hydrogen Peroxide. The common stuff you find in the department stores and drug stores is not fit for consumption. Do research before jumping into H202 therapy! -Thanks to my sister Brenda for these links!-
Latest Bin Laden Tape
Latest Bin Laden Tape: Another of the NeoCons' "Greatest Hits"
Bin Laden threats may boost Bush
Experts already begin to come forward with revelations that Latest tape just another CIA fakeSpying? Torture? Illegal airstrikes? SHUT UP and hate Bin Laden.
Bin Laden threats may boost Bush
It may raise awkward questions about why the world's most advanced military and intelligence services are unable to capture Bin Laden, believed to be hiding in a rugged area along Afghanistan's border with Pakistan.Full Article
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
State rebuffs raw vote demand
The official vote results from the last general election are riddled with discrepancies and impossible for the public to make sense of, the Democrats said Monday. A detailed analysis of the underlying data could answer lingering questions about an election many thought was over more than a year ago, they say.Full Article by By Lisa Demer
Urine therapy is healing me from my seven year battle with lyme disease
I just wanted to let anyone out there with lyme disease know that I'm being healed of lyme disease with urine. I didn't expect to be recovering this quickly. I've only been doing urine therapy for a little over a week. The muscle pain and arthritis that was KILLING me is now easing up considerably!! Although I have been improving with natural suplements, nothing has helped me this drastically ever! I thought I was going to die with this, now I know I won't! My whole family has lyme but only me and my son are doing the therapy. He had kidney stones and was in terrible pain and now he has NO stomach pain. I am a believer in urine therapy and I will do it until I completely recover and even after I do. This has been my best friend and the biggest blessing from God!!by MichelleT
Nothing beats a personal testimony of a free therapy imho.
Google Video on Depleted Uranium
No tossup regarding legality of Liberty coins
Southtowns businessman Daniel Buczek said he has had "no trouble" using Liberty silver dollars to buy coffee, oil filters for his car and other items at a number of area businesses.Full Article by Dan Herbeck
But when someone in his family tried to use them to buy beer at a Buffalo Sabres game, Buczek and his son wound up in trouble with the law.
Buczek, 55, and Shane Buczek, 34, both of Derby, are believed to be the first people to be charged in this region for trying to make purchases with the Liberty dollar, a privately minted $20 coin.
Democrats Denounce Bush's Human Pesticide Testing Plan
This is yet another example of the Bush Administration choosing to ignore the letter of the law and going its own way. Congress passed legislation to curb the practice of unethical pesticide testing on humans, but with this rule the Bush Administration is authorizing systematic testing of pesticides on humans which not only fails to meet its congressional mandate but which will increase the number of unethical studies," said Congresswoman Solis. "Americans should be concerned about just how far the Bush Administration will go to allow pesticide testing on pregnant women and children and, the ease at which it chooses to ignore the law. The Bush Administration must revise this rule to meet its Congressional mandate and give Americans a policy which is moral, ethical, and safe."Full Article
The Man Behind The Vaccine Mystery
Just before President Bush signed the homeland security bill into law an unknown member of Congress inserted a provision into the legislation that blocks lawsuits against the maker of a controversial vaccine preservative called "thimerosal," used in vaccines that are given to children.Full Article
Drug giant Eli Lilly and Company makes thimerosal. It's the mercury in the preservative that many parents say causes autism in thousands of children ñ like Mary Kate Kilpatrick.
Asked if she thinks her daughter is a victim of thimerosal, Mary Kate's mother, Kathy Kilpatrick, says, "I think autism is mercury poisoning."
Unfathomed Dangers in PATRIOT Act Reauthorization
A provision in the "PATRIOT Act" creates a new federal police force with the power to violate the Bill of Rights. You might think that this cannot be true, as you have not read about it in newspapers or heard it discussed by talking heads on TV.Full Article by Paul Craig Roberts
Go to House Report 109-333 USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 and check it out for yourself. Sec. 605 reads:
"There is hereby created and established a permanent police force, to be known as the 'United States Secret Service Uniformed Division.'"
Say No to Soy Milk and Rice Milk
With greater awareness of the many health problems associated with pasteurized dairy products, many people are turning to vegetarian milk substitutes like soy milk and rice milk. I’m not a big fan of either. Here are some reasons why I don’t think soy or rice milk should be staples in your diet:Full Article by Dr. Ben Kim with a recipe for Almond Milk
1. Many brands of soy and rice milk contain polyunsaturated vegetable oils which can contribute to an imbalance of essential fatty acids in your body. As harmless as this might sound, I am convinced that a chronic imbalance of essential fatty acids caused by regular consumption of polyunsaturated vegetable oils is a major cause of cardiovascular disease. Polyunsaturated fats that contribute to this harmful imbalance are found in safflower, corn, soybean, sunflower, and cottonseed oils. I recommend that you stay away from these oils completely.
2. Some brands of soy and rice milk contain rice syrup, evaporated cane juice, or some other natural sweetener. Natural or not, most sweeteners put significant stress on your pancreas and liver. They also raise your insulin levels, which significantly increases your risk of suffering from unhealthy weight gain, high blood pressure, heart disease, premature aging, and several other negative side effects.
3. While fermented forms of soy like miso, tempeh, and natto can be healthy choices for some people, non-fermented soy products can cause a variety of health problems if consumed in large quantities on a regular basis. I will discuss the details of when soy can be good and when it can be bad in a future newsletter.
Lactose Tolerance in Humans
All human babies, being mammalian ones, are essentially 100 % tolerant to milk. One of the principal ingredients of milk is the complex sugar lactose that is broken down into simpler digestible form by the enzyme lactase. As in most mammals, once the weaning period is over the availability of milk becomes scarce and the matured animals move on to other forms of sustenance. So it is with humans. Over the 3 million years of bio-cultural evolution humans have been through the particular gene coding that initiates lactase production becomes inactive by the time most humans reach adolescence (Robert Jurmain et al, 1999).Full Article by Sumanta Sanyal
All you need to know about milk
One piece of research says women who have more than 90g of fat a day from sources such as full cream milk are at an increased risk of breast cancer. This could be because pregnant cows produce oestrogen, which goes into the milk. Excess oestrogen has been linked to breast cancer.Full Article by Angela Epstein
This could also explain Japan's low rates of breast cancer - they prefer soya milk.
Because whole cow's milk is high in saturated fat, it can lead to heart disease, high cholesterol and even cancer. Milk is also considered a trigger for eczema.
Anecdotal evidence links drinking milk to increased phlegm production. It therefore should be avoided by those with respiratory conditions such as asthma.
Another study linked high consumption of full-fat milk to increased risk of coronary heart disease in women. Again, this could be because of its high fat content, which is linked to elevated cholesterol.
Meanwhile, a study in Finland has suggested that children may be vulnerable to insulindependent diabetes later in life after exposure to cow's milk - as opposed to breast milk - while very young. The evidence has not been regarded as conclusive, however.
Milk needs to be avoided by those who have lactose intolerance - a deficiency in the body of the enzyme lactose which is needed to break down and digest dairy products.
Now new Swedish research has linked drinking more than a glass of milk a day to ovarian cancer. The milk sugar lactose is thought to over-stimulate the production of hormones, which could encourage tumours.
This applies not only to fullcream milk, but also to semiskimmed and skimmed cow's milk.
Raw milk is probably a lot safer to use since it has enzymes and other little goodies that are killed by pasteurization (For those who find it hard to quit). Raw milk also has the cream separate from the milk making the actual milk naturally low fat if you use the cream for making butter instead of drinking it. I personally use olive oil instead of butter, and butter instead of shortening.
Evidence indicates Bush wire-tapped alternative media
Is Bush using warrant-less spying as a pretext to monitor U.S. “enemies” list?
There is evidence that President Bush’s executive order authorizing eavesdropping on phone conversations of U.S. citizens, monitoring email and gaining access to private computers while failing to follow the law requiring court-ordered warrants may amount to criminal activity.Full Article by Tom Flocco
Internet IP address logs from this writer’s computer firewall security system provide evidence that the Department of Defense (DOD) is conducting surveillance, since logs show DOD internet identification numbers during specific occasions while we conducted phone interviews with intelligence agents and sources, and also while reports were being word-processed for stories regarding White House crime family activities.
DOD intrusion attempts to monitor the contents of our computer, track key-strokes or install a surveillance device were listed in our firewall security log as “high-rated attacks” by the U.S. government, the circumstances about which this writer and other witnesses would be willing to testify if subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury or Congress.
International Jurists from 14 Countries Trying To Nail Bush and His Killer Cronies For Illegal Murder And Torture
The Bush killing machine is no secret overseas, as a coalition of legal experts based in Canada want to put Bush and his band of renegades behind bars. Too bad American jurists don't have the guts to do the same!
If a group of prominent international jurists get their way, a little known Canadian lawsuit could finally spell the end to President Bush and his killer cronies.Full Article by Greg Szymanski
It is no secret the Bush administration has libeled and defamed the American people's good name, flaunting international law while torturing and slaughtering millions of innocents worldwide.
In fact, the Bush administration's "arrogance and bully-like swagger" when it comes to ignoring long-recognized, established principles of international law has become an utter embarrassment, changing America's longstanding motto of the Land of the Free to a country wrapped tightly in chains called the "Home of the Neocons."
Adding even more embarrassment is the sad fact that any serious legal battle to stop Bush in his tracks from ripping apart the country has not come from American jurists and lawyers, but from legal minds living abroad.
Monday, January 23, 2006
The MS Mystery Solved?
I don't know what the hell this information was doing on a "zapper" site! It seems to make sense, but the solution would be carefully removing fillings or other causes of mercury poisoning followed by chelation therapy; So why is "the ultimate zapper" being touted as a cure for MS on the same site? Please contact me or comment if you have any personal experience on this topic other than visible lab tests. -Thanks!
According to the National MS society (NMSS) MS develops only after exposure to some unknown environmental agent...... Dr. Swank, an expert who has researched and studied MS for nearly 50 years states that, "In all probability something changed in the environment in the last 150 to 200 years to cause Multiple Sclerosis". (Multiple Scleroris Diet Book Dr. Swank)Full Article
MS was first recognized as an illness in 1836 in France.(Principles or Neurology textbook 1993) "Silver" dental fillings (called amalgams) were first used commercially in France in 1826, ten years before the first cases of MS were documented. These amalgam fillings which contain 50% mercury and only 30% silver are still used today to make "silver" fillings. (American Dental Association)
Chronic mercury poisoning causes many problems including symptoms indistinguishable from MS: numbness, fatigue, blindness, paralysis, etc. (Alternative Medicine Textbook published by Future Medicine Publications 1993, and OSHA.)
I don't know what the hell this information was doing on a "zapper" site! It seems to make sense, but the solution would be carefully removing fillings or other causes of mercury poisoning followed by chelation therapy; So why is "the ultimate zapper" being touted as a cure for MS on the same site? Please contact me or comment if you have any personal experience on this topic other than visible lab tests. -Thanks!
The Other Big Brother
The Pentagon has its own domestic spying program. Even its leaders say the outfit may have gone too far.
The demonstration seemed harmless enough. Late on a June afternoon in 2004, a motley group of about 10 peace activists showed up outside the Houston headquarters of Halliburton, the giant military contractor once headed by Vice President Dick Cheney. They were there to protest the corporation's supposed "war profiteering." The demonstrators wore papier-mache masks and handed out free peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches to Halliburton employees as they left work. The idea, according to organizer Scott Parkin, was to call attention to allegations that the company was overcharging on a food contract for troops in Iraq. "It was tongue-in-street political theater," Parkin says.Full Article by Michael Isikoff
But that's not how the Pentagon saw it. To U.S. Army analysts at the top-secret Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA), the peanut-butter protest was regarded as a potential threat to national security. Created three years ago by the Defense Department, CIFA's role is "force protection" - tracking threats and terrorist plots against military installations and personnel inside the United States. In May 2003, Paul Wolfowitz, then deputy Defense secretary, authorized a fact-gathering operation code-named TALON - short for Threat and Local Observation Notice - that would collect "raw information" about "suspicious incidents." The data would be fed to CIFA to help the Pentagon's "terrorism threat warning process," according to an internal Pentagon memo.
If your suntan oil can change the sex of fish, what can do it to you?
The stuff is not only on our skin: it's in our tap water and lunches too
Spare a thought for the male hornyhead turbot. For despite its name, it is changing gender. And the sunscreens that symbolise bronzed sex appeal may be partly to blame.Full Article by By Geoffrey Lean
Scientists have found that male hornyhead turbot and English sole, feeding near sewage outfalls on the Californian coast, are being feminised - and a chemical found in sunscreens is the likely culprit.
Meanwhile, Swiss researchers have found other suspected gender-bender chemicals from sun creams and oils building up in fish in their rivers.
Our Deadly Diabetes Deception
Greed and dishonest science have promoted a lucrative worldwide epidemic of diabetes that honesty and good science can quickly reverse by naturally restoring the body's blood-sugar control mechanism.Full Article
If you are an American diabetic, your physician will never tell you that most cases of diabetes are curable. In fact, if you even mention the "cure" word around him, he will likely become upset and irrational. His medical school training only allows him to respond to the word "treatment". For him, the "cure" word does not exist. Diabetes, in its modern epidemic form, is a curable disease and has been for at least 40 years. In 2001, the most recent year for which US figures are posted, 934,550 Americans died from out-of-control symptoms of this disease.1
Your physician will also never tell you that, at one time, strokes, both ischaemic and haemorrhagic, heart failure due to neuropathy as well as both ischaemic and haemorrhagic coronary events, obesity, atherosclerosis, elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, impotence, retinopathy, renal failure, liver failure, polycystic ovary syndrome, elevated blood sugar, systemic candida, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, poor wound healing, impaired fat metabolism, peripheral neuropathy as well as many more of today's disgraceful epidemic disorders were once well understood often to be but symptoms of diabetes.
If you contract diabetes and depend upon orthodox medical treatment, sooner or later you will experience one or more of its symptoms as the disease rapidly worsens. It is now common practice to refer to these symptoms as if they were separable, independent diseases with separate, unrelated treatments provided by competing medical specialists.
It is true that many of these symptoms can and sometimes do result from other causes; however, it is also true that this fact has been used to disguise the causative role of diabetes and to justify expensive, ineffective treatments for these symptoms.
Epidemic Type II diabetes is curable. By the time you get to the end of this article, you are going to know that. You're going to know why it isn't routinely being cured. And, you're going to know how to cure it. You are also probably going to be angry at what a handful of greedy people have surreptitiously done to the entire orthodox medical community and to its trusting patients.
Is Law a Religion?
Isaac wrote:
Is law a religion? What constitutes a religion? Is there such thing as a secularist religion? Is patriotism religion? Does pledging allegiance to the country and our system of law constitute a religious activity? Does forcing kids to recite the pledge (even if there were no "Under God" in it) constitute an establishment of religion - the religion of patriotism and respect for the rule of law?Myspace Forum
Privatizing New Orleans
The day of hope and celebration was shattered when, towards the end of the route, three people were shot in three separate incidents on Orleans Avenue between Claiborne and Broad, in the Treme, a Black neighborhood with a long history and culture of resistance.
On top of our personal sorrow, there is also a pressure all of us here in New Orleans feel, this awareness that we are being judged by the media and by politicians in Baton Rouge and Washington. The question constantly comes up, are we deserving of rebuilding? I feel certain no other US city would be facing this questioning, but we have to constantly prove ourselves as being “worthy”.
It is also paternalistic, with experts brought out, one after another, to tell us -- especially poor and Black New Orleanians -- what is best. You can’t come to this neighborhood yet, it’s not safe for you. You can’t rebuild, we don’t know if your neighborhood will be viable. You can’t move back to New Orleans -- we think you’ll be better off somewhere else, where the welfare is better.Full Article
For the city’s poor, more hurdles are being put up. Some residents who have returned are blocking the installation of FEMA trailers in their neighborhoods. Hotels are planning evictions of New Orleanians in preparation for Mardi Gras tourists. The city plans to demolish homes before people can even come back to see them.
The Lie of the Century
"All war is based on deception." -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
There is nothing new in a government lying to their people to start a war. Indeed because most people prefer living in peace to bloody and horrific death in war, any government that desires to initiate a war usually lies to their people to create the illusion that support for the war is the only possible choice they can make.
It is inescapable historical reality that leaders of nations will lie to their people to trick them into wars they otherwise would have refused. It is not "conspiracy theory" to suggest that leaders of nations lie to trick their people into wars. It is undeniable fact.Full Article
Chicken Implants Would Warn of Avian Flu Fever
-propaganda and scaremongering
Although the company admits that avian flu is not the only reason for an elevated temperature in a monitored chicken, if a representative sampling of tagged birds spiked a fever, it could indicate trouble.
Digital Angel biothermal chips can be implanted in a single inoculation, just like their RFID chips for animal identification, and their VeriChips for human identificationFull Article
-propaganda and scaremongering
U.S. to dispatch delegation to calm Japanese mad cow fears
Japanese stores ditched American beef products Saturday amid renewed mad cow fears and officials demanded an explanation after a contaminated meat shipment prompted Japan to restore a U.S. beef import ban.Full Article
If the official story about mad cow is true: We'd all be doomed. I'm pretty sure that it's just a cover for some chemical poisoning.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors Good?
Psychiatric Drugs: Chemical Warfare on Humans - interview with Robert Whitaker
Prozac linked to child suicide risk
Prozac documents turned over to U.S. regulators could mean trouble for Eli Lilly & Co.
Antidepressant drugs found in drinking water; pharmaceuticals have now become environmental pollutants
I've had personal experience with paxil in particlular. I noticed that it made me extremely hostile and prone to potential murder. I'm quite the opposite without it. It also made me feel very wierd, and indifferent; Not Happy! Eating right,(avoiding soy, canola, overprocessed foods, silicon, caffeine, refined foods, artificial sweeteners, etc), drinking more water (good tasting makes a difference), and walking ~20 minutes in the sun almost daily has seemed to work wonders!
The story becomes even more frightening when we look at the aggressive tactics these giant drug companies have used to silence prominent critics by defaming them in the press, and by using their money and power to have widely respected scientists and eminent medical researchers fired for daring to point out the hazards and risks of suicide and premature death caused by these drugs.Full Article
Whitaker starts by debunking the effectiveness of these massively hyped wonder drugs -- antidepressants like Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil, and the new atypical antipsychotic drugs like Zyprexa. His research shows how they often are barely more effective than placebos in treating mental disorder and depression, despite the glowing adulation they have received in the mainstream media.
But he goes on to make the startling claim that these new psychiatric drugs have directly contributed to an alarming new epidemic of drug-induced mental illness. The very drugs prescribed by physicians to stabilize mental disorders in fact are inducing pathological changes in brain chemistry and triggering suicide, manic and psychotic episodes, convulsions, violence, diabetes, pancreatic failure, metabolic diseases, and premature death.
Prozac linked to child suicide risk
A large new study added to previous research on Prozac shows that kids taking the drug have about a 50% higher risk of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts than those getting placebos, says Robert Temple, director of the Office of Drug Evaluation at the Food and Drug Administration.Full Article
Prozac documents turned over to U.S. regulators could mean trouble for Eli Lilly & Co.
Summary:Full Article
* A British medical journal said Friday that it had given U.S. regulators confidential drug company documents suggesting a link between the popular anti-depressant Prozac and a heightened risk of suicide attempts and violence.
* The journal said the documents, reportedly missing for a decade, had formed part of a 1994 lawsuit against Eli Lilly on behalf of victims of a workplace shooting in Louisville The gunman who killed eight people and himself in 1989, Joseph Wesbecker, had been prescribed Prozac a month before the shootings.
* The journal said one of the records, dated November 1988, reported that fluoxetine, the generic name for Prozac, had caused "behavioral disturbances" in clinical trials.
* The journal said it had turned the documents over to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which had agreed to review them.
* The journal said the office of Congressman Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y., also was examining the documents to determine whether Eli Lilly had withheld data from the public and the FDA.
* "This is an alarming study that should have been shared with the public and the FDA from the get-go, not 16 years later," Hinchey was quoted as saying.
* In a statement to the journal, Eli Lilly said Prozac "has helped to significantly improve millions of lives."
* "It is one of the most studied drugs in the history of medicine and has been prescribed for more than 50 million people worldwide.
* The safety and efficacy of Prozac is well studied, well documented and well established."
* In October, FDA ordered that all antidepressants carry warnings that they "increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior" in children.
Antidepressant drugs found in drinking water; pharmaceuticals have now become environmental pollutants
Pharmaceuticals are now being found in drinking water, according to a study conducted in England. The study looked at 12 pharmaceuticals thought to pose an environmental threat, including painkillers, antibiotics, and antidepressants, and it found traces of these pharmaceuticals in both sewage waters and drinking water. It also found traces in the rivers downstream from the sewage treatment plants.Full Article
I've had personal experience with paxil in particlular. I noticed that it made me extremely hostile and prone to potential murder. I'm quite the opposite without it. It also made me feel very wierd, and indifferent; Not Happy! Eating right,(avoiding soy, canola, overprocessed foods, silicon, caffeine, refined foods, artificial sweeteners, etc), drinking more water (good tasting makes a difference), and walking ~20 minutes in the sun almost daily has seemed to work wonders!
Study: College students lack literacy for complex tasks
More than half of students at four-year colleges -- and at least 75 percent at two-year colleges -- lack the literacy to handle complex, real-life tasks such as understanding credit card offers, a study found.Full Article
Big Content would like to outlaw things no one has even thought of yet
The EFF's Deeplinks section has a pretty alarming post about the RIAA and MPAA's attempts to freeze the progress of consumer electronics technology and then start turning back the clock on all of us. Fair use, meet your successor: "customary historic use."Full Article
Two Myths That Keep The World Poor
Two of the great economic myths of our time allow people to deny this intimate link, and spread misconceptions about what poverty is.Full Article
First, the destruction of nature and of people’s ability to look after themselves are blamed not on industrial growth and economic colonialism, but on poor people themselves. Poverty, it is stated, causes environmental destruction. The disease is then offered as a cure: further economic growth is supposed to solve the very problems of poverty and ecological decline that it gave rise to in the first place. This is the message at the heart of Sachs’ analysis.
The second myth is an assumption that if you consume what you produce, you do not really produce, at least not economically speaking. If I grow my own food, and do not sell it, then it doesn’t contribute to GDP, and therefore does not contribute towards “growth”.
People are perceived as “poor” if they eat food they have grown rather than commercially distributed junk foods sold by global agri-business.
What Is Fluoride?

Fluorine compounds or fluorides are listed by the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) as among the top 20 of 275 substances posing the most significant threat to human health. Fluorides, hydrogen fluoride and fluorine have been found in at least 130, 19, and 28 sites, respectively, of 1,334 National Priorities List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Consequently, under the provisions of the Superfund Act (1986), a compilation of information about fluorides, hydrogen fluoride and fluorine and their effects on health was required. This publication appeared in 1993.Webpage
Fluorides are cumulative toxins. The fact that fluorides accumulate in the body is the reason that U.S. law requires the Surgeon General to set a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for fluoride content in public water supplies as determined by the EPA. This requirement is specifically for the purpose of avoiding a condition known as Crippling Skeletal Fluorosis (CSF), a disease that progresses through three stages. The MCL, designed to prevent only the third and crippling stage of this disease, is set at 4ppm or 4mg per liter. It was assumed that people retain half of this amount (2mg), and therefore 4mg per liter is considered ``safe." However, a daily dose of 2-8 mg is known to cause the third crippling stage of CSF.
Fluoride and the A Bomb
* Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in low doses was generated by A-bomb program scientists who had been secretly ordered to provide "evidence useful in litigation" against defence contractors for fluoride injury to citizens. The first lawsuits against the American A-bomb program were not over radiation, but over fluoride damage, the documents show.Webpage
* Human studies were required. Bomb program researchers played a leading role in the design and implementation of the most extensive US study of the health effects of fluoridating public drinking water, conducted in Newburgh, New York, from 1945 to 1955. Then, in a classified operation code-named "Program F", they secretly gathered and analysed blood and tissue samples from Newburgh citizens with the cooperation of New York State Health Department personnel.
* The original, secret version (obtained by these reporters) of a study published by Program F scientists in the August 1948 Journal of the American Dental Association1 shows that evidence of adverse health effects from fluoride was censored by the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)-considered the most powerful of Cold War agencies-for reasons of "national security".
* The bomb program's fluoride safety studies were conducted at the University of Rochester-site of one of the most notorious human radiation experiments of the Cold War, in which unsuspecting hospital patients were injected with toxic doses of radioactive plutonium. The fluoride studies were conducted with the same ethical mindset, in which "national security" was paramount.
ADD, and ADHD Fraud
They made a list of the most common symptoms of emotional discomfiture of children; those which bother teachers and parents most, and in a stroke that could not be more devoid of science or Hippocratic motive--termed them a 'disease.' Twenty five years of research, not deserving of the term 'research.,' has failed to validate ADD/ADHD as a disease. Tragically--the "epidemic" having grown from 500 thousand in 1985 to between 5 and 7 million today--this remains the state of the 'science' of ADHD."
In addition to scientific articles that have appeared in leading national and international medical journals, Dr. Baughman has testified for victimized parents and children in ADHD/Ritalin legal cases, writes for the print media and appears on talk radio shows, always making the point that ADHD is fraudulent--a creation of the psychiatric-pharmaceutical cartel, without which they would have nothing to prescribe their dangerous, addictive, Schedule II, stimulants for--namely, Ritalin (methylphenindate), Dexedrine (dextro-amphetamine), Adderall (mixed dextro- and levo-amphetamine) and, Gradumet, and Desoxyn (both of which are methamphetamine, 'speed,' 'ice').
The entire country, including all 5-7 million with the ADHD diagnosis today, have been deceived and victimized; deprived of their informed consent rights and drugged--for profit! It must be stopped. Now!
US Lawyers Warn Bush on War Crimes
"Our primary concern ... is the large number of civilian casualties that may result should U.S. and coalition forces fail to comply with international humanitarian law in using force against Iraq," the group, led by the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights, said in a letter to Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.Full Article