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Saturday, February 11, 2006


"Killing One Person Is Murder: Killing Thousands At 9/11 Is Domestic Policy": This Bumper Sticker Slogan On Seattle Resident's Car Has Led To MKULTRA

Tactics Used Against Her.

Many others like Susan Elmes of Seattle have had 'physical abuse and gang stalking' tactics used against them for simply expressing their freedom of speech rights. Although spygate is a problem, FBI/CIA hired thugs are in force doing the administration's dirty work as illegal wiretapping and surveillance campaign goes on in the background. 11 Feb 2006
The Bush administration spy campaign is reaching epidemic proportions, as well as taking a page right out of Nazi Germany or the old Soviet Union 'destruction of civil liberties handbook.'

"The state of the Union is deplorable," said Seattle citizen, Susan Elmes, who recently has been tailed and harassed by government agents for displaying anti-administration bumper stickers on her car and trying to organize 9/11 truth rallies at local libraries. "It's gone beyond spying. They even entered my house and tried to poison my cats."

To show how the U.S. has deteriorated as a country, Elmes was investigated by government thugs for bumper stickers like "Killing One Person Is Murder: Killing Thousands At 9/11 Is Domestic Policy" as well as such things like MKULTRA street hacks carve satanic symbols in library tables during a recent 9/11 film presentation.

And what gets lost in the Bush Spygate story, where people are calling for his impeachment for bugging phone lines through the NSA, are the horrendous violations of civil liberties going on to thousands of others like Elmes, violations sanctioned by the Nazi-like White House authority run by a paranoid coward Bush.

While constitutional law scholars like Professor John Turley, formerly of Tulane University, rake Bush over the coals for illegally authorizing intelligence gathering by the FBI, CIA and NSA, the center of attention should be on the authorization of "torture and abuse" by street thugs, not merely the wiretapping and data gathering.

"They gather data and wiretap so they can then muscle in on the activist organizations with hired street gangs and MKULTRA-trained individuals in order to stop dissenters before they reach the critical mass," said one former San Diego Air Force Captain now trying to expose the rampant neo con corruption filtering down to even local peace and charitable organizations, not in step with the Bush agenda.
Full Article by Greg Szymanski

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