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Saturday, January 13, 2007


The Jesuit Order - Why I don't Subscribe

The people I see pushing the 'Jesuit's Did It' notion, not only tend to have far reaching evidence to support their theories; but they give little or no reason for exposing Jesuits over Zionists or world bankers. They appeal to people's urge to 'dig deeper' as if they're on to something even more sinister and secret. They often appear to have religious propaganda to mix in with some incredible story telling.

Zionism is easy to understand, it's effects are visible, the evidence against it is plain to see; once you know what it is and how it works (through religion). Exposing Zionism, religion, world bankers, and commercialism's control of the masses appears to me to be the most effective things we can expose to instill change and halt the genocide, rape and torture in Palestine and Iraq. The Jesuit Order propaganda appears to be a diversion from what is effective.

Are it's Advocates Credible?

After reading the Arctic Beacon by Greg Szymanski for a while, I started to feel like I was reading a tabloid.


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