Dan Nelson has lost faith in his country, lost faith in most everything.
Disillusioned, he's had a bitter taste of what it's like to buck city hall, a bitter taste of getting pushed around by government thugs.
For most of his life, Nelson, 45, lived peacefully as a carpenter in Livingston, Montana, a place where the biggest excitement comes from inside the bowling alley and bingo parlor
Then six months ago, "all hell broke loose" after he stumbled across some sensitive 9/11 evidence.
And, looking back, he should have stuck to bowling or bingo because ever since taking on 9/11, his life has turned into nothing but "a living hell," including death threats as well as being zapped by high-powered microwave weaponry.
Simple Montana Carpenter Targeted by Microwave Weaponry
Although it sounds clandestine and complicated, Nelson's misadventures unraveled in a relatively straightforward manner. All he did was peruse 9/11information from every source on the planet and then take a magnifying glass to the video tapes, a technique not used by many people but one that ingenuously turned up some rather unusual results.
Whatever Nelson uncovered, it definitely "struck a government nerve" as only hours after he tried to publicize his information on radio and television, government helicopters and agents were swarming down on Livingston, something Nelson admits never happened before in his small hometown.
In order to finally go public and protect his life, Nelson recently appeared on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, on the Republic Broadcast Network at www.rbnlive.com (see archives), telling this incredible story about the treatment he received after trying to go public about 9/11.
Full Article by Greg Szymanski
# posted by madthumbs @ 7:35 PM