True Ott, a former Mormon excommunicated from the LDS church, woke up one morning at his Cedar City, Utah, home to find a large red cross or X painted on his doorstep.
And this evil sign, according to Ott, is the LDS's symbolic equivalent to the KKK's cross-burning tactics used against Southern Blacks.
Although waking-up to a blood-red cross is terrifying, it was only the beginning of the church-led terror campaign he experienced once "crossing LDS leaders," as his life was subsequently threatened on several other occasions for getting too close to LDS top secrets.
"I am not anti-Mormon or anti any other religion, but just feel the corruption goes so deep into the hierarchy, the truth about the connections needs to be exposed before it's too late for America," said Ott who recently appeared on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal.
A audio version of Ott's entire two-hour interview, exposing top level LDS affiliation with Masonic and less than honest U.S. government-compromised policy makers, can be found under The Investigative Journal archives page at
Full Article by Greg Szymanski
# posted by madthumbs @ 12:14 PM