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Monday, October 22, 2007


Do Staged Arrests Validate Freedom Fighters?

--> Alex Jones Arrested

- Always looks staged, he always comes out soon after unscathed. No tasering, visible beating, etc. The biggest insult to his listeners is his worse than fake pro-wrestling growly voice, and his not even b movie quality fake ranting and raving.

--> Alex Jones Exposed!

- This page was published long ago, and quickly climbed google's search engine results for "alex jones" alone. Now you won't even find it on the first page for "alex jones exposed".

Eric John Phelps and a few others have come out with their own "exposed" pages which serve to divert from a site that actually uses Alex Jones to expose himself and shows his corruption without all the Phelps rhetoric, and religious propaganda.

Alex's site traffic is mostly from Digg! apparently he has a team of people, bots or chimps who are organized and keep people coming back to his site via Digg. They censor by conspiring to popularize his shenanigans, and bury other stuff with lame "alex jones exposed" pages.

Now his fans (or agents) will probably say I'm just jealous, or the page is nonsense instead of actually addressing the, not information but evidence! Let's also just ignore that Alex has continually whined about Google censoring him (similarly), and how Myspace was the trojan horse of censorship on the internet (which he's failed to deliver the goods on). Alex wouldn't let me on his site dissing his sponsors or him, he's no different.

Are people like Alex Jones helping or hurting?

--> De-activism: How to Demobilize a Movement

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