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Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Christian Complicity to Murder

First off, if you call yourself a Christian; you are indicating to rational people that you endorse the Bible as Christ's handbook for our world. Even if you don't believe in the Bible; you are still responsible for promoting it by calling yourself a Christian.

Definition of Complicity:
Associated with or participating in a questionable act or a crime; having complicity: newspapers complicit with the propaganda arm of a dictatorship.


Proof that Christianity endorses murder:

Exodus 22:18 18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

*Note that Exodus applies to Judaism.

Jesus did not come to change the law!

Matthew 5:17 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Don't let Christians lie to you! They may show you the verse where a woman caught in fornication is brought to him. Pay careful attention to the wording. He condoned the stoning, it was the accusers who would not follow through. Jesus was not responsible for stoning her because he did not witness the fornication. -What if they had stoned her?

Jesus is a political link between Jews and Gentiles who's traits are borrowed from older religions including Atanism, and Mithraism. The New Testament is more readable than the Old Testament, and the Old Testament is widely ignored by Christians.

Christianity was imposed on Native Americans by separating the youth's from their families forcing them through Christian based schooling. The victims of the Black Slave Trade also had this crypto-barbaric religion imposed on them.

More Resources:

Jesus: Blood Lust, Torture and Terror
The Inquisition: Christian Religion in Action

Lets not forget the Witch Hunts either.

Push to have religion taught in schools! Religion has control of our government, the only reason to suppress it in schools is to keep children from learning the horrors of it!

Because I'm too busy lately, and this isn't my site:

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