Recent FDA hearings have put the nation's attention on the drugs used to treat so-called ADHD. As these drugs have been linked to heart attack, sudden death and the appearance of psychotic symptoms in children, not generally at risk for such, this is definitely a positive move.
But going a step further, the validity of the diagnosis of "ADHD" should also be questioned. In 1998, a group of psychiatrists and doctors attended the U.S. National Institutes of Health consensus conference on "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder," (ADHD) and attempted to establish the criteria for diagnosing this so-called psychiatric disorder.
They failed.
Not only did they fail, but the only "certainty" that resulted, by their own admission, was a total inability to even define the symptoms of the ADHD label, with one of the "experts" called upon literally fumbling with words for minutes on end.
# posted by madthumbs @ 10:23 AM