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Thursday, March 16, 2006


Why Has the FBI Investigation into the Anthrax Attacks Stalled?

The Evidence Points One Way

The more a government emphasizes its commitment to defense, the less it seems to care about the survival of its people. Perhaps it is because its attention may be focused on more distant prospects: the establishment and maintenance of empire, for example, or the dynastic succession of its leaders. Whatever the explanation for the neglect of their security may be, the people of America have discovered that casual is the precursor of casualty.

But while we should be asking what George Bush and his cabinet knew and failed to respond to before September 11, we should also be exploring another, related, question: what do they know now and yet still refuse to act upon? Another way of asking the question is this: whatever happened to the anthrax investigation?
Full Article by George Monbiot

I thought this was reported on the mainstream news as being an inside job, then the next day it seemed like there was a gag order on it.

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