NEW ORLEANS (NNPA)—On Sept. 12, Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan was in Charlotte, N.C., as part of a 23-city tour to promote the Millions More Movement mass assembly in Washington, D.C., then mere weeks away, when he made a statement that has stirred ripples of reaction in the public pool.
“I heard from a very reliable source who saw a 25-foot-deep crater under the levee breach,” Minister Farrakhan said. “It may have been blown up to destroy the Black part of town and keep the White part dry.”
He is not alone in believing that the poor and Black of New Orleans were somehow targeted to sustain the worse of Katrina.
“Mother Nature is one thing but this goes beyond Mother Nature,” said Raynold Fenelon, a New Orleans cabdriver. “They blew that levee. I believe the Canal Street levee broke, but they blew that one by the Ninth Ward. Then, they were talking about a barge hit the levee,” he said.
There is no question that the Ninth Ward was an unsightly scene. Black bodies floated in the poisonous stew of gasoline and sewage; Black men, women and children were marooned on roofs and ignored by passing helicopters; Black people were crammed into a putrid Superdome by the thousands, going for days without food or water; and Black homes sustained the worst of the damage.
Many believe it was planned.
Full Article by Zenitha Prince
# posted by madthumbs @ 3:19 PM