Phil Kronzer, nicknamed the "cult buster," has been trying to get to the bottom of corruption within religious groups. His research has turned up a trail of lies and deceipt, leading right to the doorstep of high ranking religious and government officials.
11 Mar 2006
And for years now, since his wife was ripped away from by an underground cult, he has dedicated his life to debunking "the religious cult" behind Medjugorje, who he claims has destroyed his business and personal life.
Kronzer has spent over four years of his life and more than $500,000 investigating the group that "took away my wife" and the authenticity of Medjugorje confident his now ex-wife and other family members continue to be manipulated by the "cult operating within the Church" primarily due to their wealth.
"Through my efforts which are nonstop since I have nothing else to lose," said Kronzer, "I will continue to uncover a trail of lies, deceit, and sensationalism that Medjugorje supporters use to perpetuate this hoax for personal profit and leaving countless victims behind." But what exactly is the significance of Medjugorje and why, according the Kronzer, are the satanists in firm control of the Vatican using it for their evil benefit?
Full Article by Greg Szymanski
# posted by madthumbs @ 9:01 AM