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Friday, March 24, 2006


Remember The October Surprise? Who Is Ernest Backes And Why Does George H. Bush Want Him Out Of The Picture?

Ernest Backes, finanacial officer for the Clearstream network, holds the "financial keys" to the many Illuminati scandals, including the October Surprise, The Vatican Bank scandal and more.

One man that the ruthless and diabolical George H. W. Bush wants dead or out of the picture probably more than anybody else goes by the surprising and unknown name of Ernest Backes.

And it may come as even a bigger surprise that Backes isn't even a "fat cat" political foe or an undercover FBI agent with information about Bush's Iran Contra drug smuggling days.

Although not a big shot, the information he learned as a backroom banking officer for the Clearstream Banking Network is big news and pins Bush right to wall for lying about what has come to be known as the "October Surprise."

Regarding the Iranian hostage crisis, Bush has always denied any wrongdoing or that he negotiated secretly with Iranians for keeping the American hostages locked up until Ronald Reagan became President.
Full Article by Greg Szymanski

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