Elsabeth Baumgartner also spent 10 days locked away, held without right to counsel and clergy, for merely speaking out at a city council meeting. Saying she was held as a political prisoner, she now faces a sentence of 66 years and 6 months for what she calls "trumped-up" charges.
27 Mar 2006
The top dogs in Ohio and the White House are "foaming at the mouth" over allegations made by a former Cuyahoga County attorney who uncovered "their illegal bones" buried deep within the fields of political corruption.
Attorney Elsabeth Baumgartner, corruptly disbarred by Ohio officials, dug a hole so deep into local and state corruption it ended up all the way at the doorstep of 1600 Pennsylvania and its illegally installed occupant, George W. Bush.
Baumgartner, a well-respected bio-tech attorney who graduated first in her class from the University of Toledo law school, basically tried to do "something right" against the "wrong people."
Full Article by Greg Szymanski
# posted by madthumbs @ 10:57 AM