Saturday, March 04, 2006
Calling Bush "Hitler" Is A No No In Colorado High School, As Patriot Act Violations Mount Across Country
High School teacher suspended for anti-Bush comments as 150 students walk out of class in support of teacher's free speech rights. Patriot Act passes U.S. Senate 89-10 as violations of civil rights spread thoughout country like wildfire.Full Article by Greg Szymanski
As the Patriot Act flew threw the U.S. Senate Thursday by a lopsided vote of 89-10, the fascist screws of a militaristic, thought-controlled society were tightening down in a Colorado high school.
The story received high profile news coverage, as major networks told how an Aurora, Colorado, high school teacher was suspended by the local school district for telling geography students President Bush reminded him and was acting like the Nazi leader Adolph Hitler.
Attempts to contact teacher Overland High School social studies teacher Jay Bennish went unanswered, but his Denver attorney, David Lane, is expected today to file a federal law suit to protect the embattled teacher's first amendment rights.
The incident is another indication of the lock down of free thought taking place in America as even he slightest condemnation of President Bush and his policies is now getting severe retribution with Bennish getting suspended from teaching for supposedly violating school district policies.
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