Y ou don't have to be a master intellect to divine the conspicuous lack of scientific consistency in the recent hysteria surrounding avian flu, to which we are being daily subjected. It really doesn't add up, does it? Honestly, how can anyone seriously believe what we are being told:
- avian flu is caused by a distinct new virus - H5N1
- it's a real threat
- 60 people have died worldwide from it, so therefore
- 30% of the world's population is in danger of extinction
- millions of birds have died from it, and soon it will mutate to a human form
- drugs and vaccines will save us
- the threat is imminent - no time to lose
It's no wonder most people believe these erroneous notions: who's going to inform them otherwise? The articles trying to expose avian flu as a scam seem more hysterical and less factual than the actual media propaganda promoting it. So once again this website must set the record straight by careful consideration of the fundamental arguments. The difference will be that in this chapter all sources will be cited.
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# posted by madthumbs @ 11:12 AM