Let’s get this straight. The Alabama serial arsonists (Benjamin Moseley, Russell DeBusk, and Matthew Lee Cloyd) were good kids who simply went bad, and the nine Christian churches they burned to the ground (causing over $2 million in damages) was just “a prank.”
But before the guilty parties were arrested, the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) was conducting an extensive investigation; church-goers in Alabama were horrified that they had psychopath-terrorists on their hands; while the media was going ballistic (ala the Unabomber, Ted Bundy, and Charles Manson).
But then the truth emerged about this matter. It seems three Jewish teenagers were the actual culprits; and all of a sudden the corporate press went silent (hell, they didn’t even mention that they were Jewish); while the religious elite (Amen Corner) didn’t utter a peep.
Still, these kids were just involved in a “joke,” right? WRONG! According to Judicial-inc.biz, these little bastards actually used “specially-designed thermite, or incendiary magnesium” to light the fires. Now ask yourself, how many of you have thermite lying around the house to start your barbeque in the backyard? Or do you think there’s more to the story?
Full Article by Victor Thorn
# posted by madthumbs @ 10:22 AM