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Thursday, March 02, 2006


ADHD: The new stimulant threat

An estimated six million of our children are taking powerful prescription amphetamines known to speed freaks as the champagne of uppers.
An estimated six million of our children are taking powerful prescription amphetamines known to speed freaks as the champagne of uppers. And everybody wants the kids to take more, more, more!

A recent report from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), says the number of U.S. kids taking methylphenidate (brand names Ritalin, Metadate and Concerta) has skyrocketed, thanks to greedy drug companies, impatient parents, overwhelmed school systems and prescription-happy doctors. Although methylphenidate was banned in Sweden in 1968 and is considered a Schedule II controlled substance (like cocaine, morphine, opium and barbiturates), it has become the “drug of choice” in America for treating Attention Deficit Disorder — a diagnosis that teachers, doctors and parents eagerly slap on energetic kids who act up in class.
Full Article by Cathy Oats

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