As the crisis in Iraq deepens, youth around the US are confronting military recruiters and driving them out of their schools. From Ohio to Washington, students are taking actions against recruitment efforts.
Some anti-recruitment ideas:
- Set up a table next to the recruiter’s table with anti-war literature and information about debunking the recruiter’s lies.
- Get a group together and surround the recruiting table, loudly chanting and distributing anti-military fliers. Community college students in Seattle did this and forced the recruiter to leave their campus.
- Physically disrupt the recruiting efforts by trashing the military propaganda, puking on the recruiting table, pieing the recruiter, or spilling food/drink all over the recruiter and his table.
- Post anti-military posters and fliers all over your school, letting other students know the truth about what joining the military.
- Pay a visit to the recruiter’s car…
- Organize discussions about the war and the role youth play in it.
- Write articles in your school newspaper about why students should resist recruitment and the war in general.
- Make fliers and posters that draw connections between the war in Iraq and other forms of exploitation and domination.
- Talk to youth in other schools about actions they’re taking and how you can work together.
- Support students punished for their anti-recruitment activities. Never snitch.
Be persistent and don’t give up. If you can’t make the recruiter leave, make sure his time at your school is hell!
# posted by madthumbs @ 10:30 PM