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Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Overthrowing the New Slavery

Today, most people suffer under globalistic slavery: either wage slavery or physical, chattel slavery. There are currently more than 27 million people physically enslaved as chattel. 1 Approximately 95% of the 6.4 billion persons now living suffer under wage slavery at one time in their lives: 6.175 billion.

Note carefully your feelings when you read the word slavery, as though it couldn't possibly be that people are literally slaves today--slavery seems like an outmoded form of life from previous centuries. Whatever we feel, slavery is very much a fact of life for most people in the world today. A person is a slave if he has lost control over his life and is dominated by someone or something--whether he is aware of this or not. Wage slavery is the condition in which a person must sell his or her labor-power, submitting to the authority of an employer, in order to merely subsist.
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"Dr Who"- Revealing Dialogue

I've just been rewatching the recent "Dr Who" series and remembered something that I meant to mention before, but forgot. In the episode "The Long Game" the doctor and Rose land on a space station that controls all media broadcasts to Earth. They came across the ruler of the world, a sinister man called "The Editor", played by Simon Pegg. Listen to what he has to say:

EDITOR: "Create a climate of fear, and it's easy to keep borders closed. It's just a matter of emphasis. The right word in the right broadcast, repeated often enough can destabilize an economy, invent and enemy, change a vote."

ROSE: "So all the people on Earth are slaves?"

EDITOR: "Interesting point. Is a slave a slave, when he doesn't know he's enslaved?"

DOCTOR: "Yes."

EDITOR: "Just 'Yes'? I was hoping for a debate. Come on! You've got to admire this system, just a little bit!"

ROSE: "You can't hide something on this scale. The people would notice!”

EDITOR: “No, they just carry on living their lives, strutting all over the Earth, thinking they’re so individual when they’re just cattle.” (If I was writing this I’d have said: “Why? Who’s going to tell them? They get all their information from me!”)

In this episode, it also is revealed that the REAL ruler of the Earth is not the Editor. He is subordinate to an alien creature called the Jagrofess. The Jagorfess lives in secret so nobody ever sees him and the people all think the Editor is the one really calling the shots.
Forum Post by Hagbard Celine

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