The BYU physics professor who claims the WTC fell from a controlled demolition and 9/11 was an inside government job now wants to organize a Watergate-type independent investigation in order to get at the illusive truth hidden by corrupt Washington Luciferian worshipping politician.
Coming from Utah and the LDS church, whose hierarchy is infested with satanic traditions and rituals, Professor Steven E. Jones is an unlikely candidate to be swinging the 9/11 truth torch, swinging it from the historically Masonic-Freemason BYU podium where these traditions have a long and storied background in the foundation of LDS principals.
Jones, however, appeared at first to be a straight-shooter but in the 9/11 truth movement, where deception is wielded with an unsteady sword, it has always been difficult to put the true finger on the real players and the real imposters.
Full Article by Greg Szymanski
# posted by madthumbs @ 9:28 AM