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Thursday, February 23, 2006


International Call of Action to Stop Oxford Lab from Building A Primate Torture Center

Imagine yourself in a laboratory.

Imagine that your skull has been sliced open and part of your brain has been removed. Then imagine that you have spent fifteen years imprisoned in a barren cage denied contact with your own species, never feeling the sun, the wind or the rain on your face, never experiencing the natural world into which your forebears were born, and that you have been experimented on over and over again by your jailers. Without any respite, without any hope. Now imagine that this scenario is being enacted as you are reading this. This isn't fiction - it's fact. That's what animals at Oxford University are forced to endure every day.

Now Oxford University want to increase the number of animals they use in experiments and are attempting to build a new research centre.
Full Article by Matttttttty
Science and Technology Forum

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