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Saturday, February 11, 2006


How Good is Microwaved Food?

Dr Hans Hertel of Germany did the first and only, small but well controlled study of the effects of microwaved nutrients on the blood and physiology of humans. The blood of those who consume microwaved food for two months showed pathological changes compared to matched controls eating food cooked with heat. The changes included a decrease in all haemoglobin values and deterioration in cholesterol, especially the HDL and LDL (high and low density cholesterol) values and ratio. Lymphocytes (white blood cells) showed a more distinct short term decrease after the intake of microwaved food than after normally cooked foods.

Moreover, warming breast milk in a microwave oven destroys 98% of its immunoglobulin - A antibodies and 96% of its liposome activity, reducing the milks resistance to infectious E.coli.

A Spanish study published in the Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture showed significant loss of nutrients in micro-waved broccoli. There was 97% loss of flavanoids and 74 to 87% loss of antioxidants and other cancer-fighting plant chemicals. The researchers found that steaming resulted in the least damage of all cooking methods.

Their findings will most likely apply to other vegetables and foods, but this remains to be studied. These findings were reported in the Medical Post, November 11, 2003.

It appears that the tastiest and most nutritious method of vegetable preparation is to saute with olive oil or animal fat, preferably until veggies are still crisp in texture.

A bit of garlic is good for the heart, but sixty seconds in the microwave can destroy all the benefits. Results of research by Song Milner, published in the American Society of Nutritional Sciences, show that just 30 seconds in a microwave destroys 90 per cent of the enzyme, alliinase, which converts the alliin of garlic into a highly beneficial compound, allicin.

The enzyme is activated when garlic is chopped, and allicin produces the characteristic odour. Apart from lowering blood lipids, allicin is a powerful antiseptic, and it inhibits the development of cancers.

Not safe:
Fun things to do with your microwave
Unwise Microwave Oven Experiments

A good friend of ours suggested that the best use for a microwave oven was as a postbox. Stick it on top of a suitable length pole, and it fits lots of post including packages. Its waterproof and easy for the postie to open!
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