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Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Dedicated Forum Coming Soon!

Not another forum! Ok -here is why: I want a forum where the admins aren't biased or jerks to those with opposing theological beliefs. One where posts are moved to the appropriate sub forum instead of drowned out in an off topic forum. Where DVD sales commissions aren't more important than truth. Do we need yet another conspiracy forum with less than one post a day? NO! Here's my proposal for topics:

The Mosh Pit
Where people bump uglies

News and Politics
What just happened?

Unexplained Phenomena -Not Dionne Warlock crap!

Big Brother
Get outta my ass!

Secret Societies and Occult
They're so secret we can't talk about them

World Health
Chemtrails, Depleted Uranium, Global warming etc

Personal Health & Nutrition
Show you care

Science and Technology
What are those mad scientists up to?

Allez Cuisine!
Share recipes and cooking tips

Medical Madness!
Beware the doctor

Conspiracy Theories
Or Facts?

Love of money
The all mighty dollar

Economic Independence
The road to financial freedom

Laws and Ordinances
Just what we need: More laws!

Activists Unite!
Share ways to initiate change

Computers and Internet
Security tips, technical assistance, discussion

File details and comments

Bitchfits and Praises
Post your feedback of this site here

Not another 911 Forum
You just can't stop talking about it can you?

My God is bigger than yours!

Discussion and lyrics only: no copyright infringement!

High Heat!
You know you're going to offend somebody. Sensitive people stay out!

Back Alley
Where you're sent to chill

-Will there be censorship? -You betcha! There's a popular "F" word that some people use like a religion. The proposal is to auto-exchange the word with "sexual intercourse" or something else simply so that kids behind filters won't have the site censored to them. Similarily senseless repetition will likely be censored.

I read all the comments here btw (they're emailed to me), and would like to thank everyone that participates on this blog! I understand that not everything I post is accurate news (another reason for a forum), and appreciate the feedback! I'd also like to thank whoever helped promote this blog when it jumped from ~70 hits a day to over 300!

Comments or ideas on the forum?


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