Heart disease, which is chronic scurvy in disguise, can he remedied with high doses of vitamin C together with the amino acid lysine, a therapy pioneered by Nobel Prize winning scientist Dr Linus Pauling but is a threat to the medical/pharmaceutical establishment.
The leading killer in the United States—the condition that those in medicine call "heart disease" or "occlusive cardiovascular disease"—is really a low-grade form of scurvy. This fact is becoming increasingly more difficult for modern medicine to deny.
Heart disease is a misnomer. The disease is characterised by scab-like build-ups that slowly grow on the walls of blood vessels. The underlying disease process reduces the supply of blood to the heart and other organs, resulting in angina ("heart cramp"), heart attack and stroke. The correct terminology for this disease process is "chronic scurvy", a sub-clinical form of the classic vitamin C deficiency disease.
# posted by madthumbs @ 7:33 PM