The title could also read "beware, the medical/pharma. conspiracy, because, it brothers and sisters, this more than all is the most diabolical, and evil of all the injustices. I would imagine all of you, at one time or another, has lost someone you loved and felt like it could have been different, well, your probably right.
Once upon a time doctors had green houses next to their clinics and enlightened their patients to the ideals of how better to care for their own health and wellness, today, everything is a disease, and by law, only a drug can cure it, when in reality, if we examine most drugs and their ingredients, you find the "herb" as being the common factor. In most cases, unnessesary sugeries, misdiagnosed illnesses(because they do not understand illness)resulting in what amounts to the reason for most deaths in this nation, not A.I.D.S., not cancer and not heart disease, the #1 cause is complications arrising from surgery, #2 drug complications, #3 misdiagnosed illness, and the perscriptions that follow, all 3 from them, a university in Washington state did the research, btw, death from herbs and suppliments finished 32nd just above lightning strikes!
To their credit, if I break a bone, accident, ect. western medicine is second to none(minus the drugs durring recovery)outside of that, forget it, their insustry still follows the failed doctrination of a french chemist named Louis Pasteur, who admited near the end of his life that his work was incomplete, his partner Antoine Bechamp(1816-1908)understood the body as being a host for illnesses, his study of pleomorphism, if had been given a chance would have revolutionized medicine with its profound insight into the nature of life, thus providing cures for many sicknesses and diseases that science is still seeking today. BUT YOU GUESSED IT, NO PROFIT FROM MOTHER NATURE. YOU CANNOT PATENT AN HERB OR THINGS THAT OCCUR IN NATURE.
You need not go any further than the CODEX ALIMENTARIS issue to see that your best interest is not on the minds of these people. Imagine government regulating suppliments the way they regulate alcohol, drugs, believe me drugs are regulated, tobacco, in britain, you want vit-c, sure it will only cost you 40-50 "dollars" and the potency is a joke!
I write all of this knowing full and well that suppliment and those in the area of complimentary medicine can be scam artist as well, but people use your heads, when the Gerson clinic in Mexico based on the life work of Max Gerson, boasts a 98% sucsess rate in stoping cancer using a natural approach and these people are still using what amounts to left over waste from the korean war(chemo-radiation treatment) I mean,excuse me, who thinks up this stuff!! They are in the SICK care business, not health care, get that straight first, suck 'em of their insurance money, then leave 'em twisting in the wind.
solution: get the pharma. companies out of the business of controlling the decisions of hosptals and doctors with their vast amount of money, it's rather like a lobbiest in Wash. D.C.(sin city) and let complimentary medicine and science work hand-in-hand. ex. in europe after surgery, systemic enzymes are used to control scar tissue build up and M.S.M. for inflamation, inexpencive and effective and prevents follow up surgeries(money saved).
But as it stands in the Republic, guess what, the same money and power that controls Washington, contributes money to the universities, that trains(indoctrinates) these doctors and contributes to hospitals, also controls the big pharma. companies, so where does this leave guessed it, twisting in the wind, some would say popuation control, I put nothing past these people, not the doctors, but those who control.
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# posted by madthumbs @ 10:54 PM