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Monday, January 30, 2006


What is Usenet/ Newsgroups and Why Should You Care?

Usenet often referred to as nntp (network news transfer protocol), or newsgroups is one of the oldest and still the best method of distributing information and files.

What makes it special?

The drawback is a monthly bill, and the need of some software. Grabit is a free popular client and Newsleecher is a good "pay" client which you can probably find on any p2p. Large downloads often come in binary form typically with the RAR extension. Winrar has a free trial period and is excellent for recombining these files to get what you want. (It's very much like winzip for zip files). You'll probably find excellent tutorials and help from newsgroup client websites if you have troubles.

As you may have noticed; I decided to use Newshosting as an affiliate, and put their link on the links list (left column). I can highly recommend them and hope that you choose them. Others to consider would be Giganews, or Giganews has better retention (files stay on the server longer), but cost more. Usenet server has a great set of plans and can cost slightly less for slightly lesser service if you buy the 3 month plan. They have a 3 day for $3 plan for anyone wanting to test the waters. Please consider supporting this site by using the affiliate link if you sign up. -Thanks

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