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Monday, January 30, 2006


The Sushi Bar

Lately we've been inundated with various "diets". The most commonly hyped ones are nothing but proven to make us fat. The ones that work all have stuff in common.

What do diets like the paleolithic diet and the raw food diet have in common? They don't have MSG , and they don't have artificial sweeteners.

So Sushi is raw, and safe right? -Check the labels. Imitation crab found in "rainbow rolls" and others contain aspartame aka aspartic acid as well as some brands of gari or "pickled ginger". Salmon is often artificially colored, and certain brands of "wasabi" contain aluminum which is strongly regarded as the cause of alzheimers. Fortuneatly sticky rice requires something sweet and "sticky" which aspartame doesn't fit.

My suggestion is to make your own gari; (pickled ginger) -if you can't eat sushi without it. It's extremely easy to make and can be made with simple cider vinegar, organic sugar or substitute, and ginger. You should be able to find a wasabi w/o aluminum. I don't believe sushi bars are going to stop you from bringing your own condiments as long as you're not scaremongering their other customers. Then again, it's much cheaper to make maki (sushi rolls) than it is to buy them.

MSG can be labled "hydrolyzed vegetable protein", "Monosodium Glutamate", or "natural flavors". You needn't get headaches from it for it to be bad for you: Lab rats are given it to promote insulin production leading to obesity (rats aren't naturally fat).

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