Lets cut the crap about Illuminati all the time and see The Society of Jesus who pull their strings. Everyone is indoctrinated into this scary Illuminati which isn't as scary as The Jesuits who run them. Good job people like Eric Phelps, William Cooper, Ian Paisley, Barry Chamish etc have the balls to stand up as I do and expose the real puppet masters THE JESUIT ORDER from The Church of Gesu in ROME, ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do your homeworks guys and see how you've all been steered in the wrong path by people like Alex Jones, David Icke, Noam Chomskey etc, ask yourself why they are so global and get away with exposing the orders. Its not just about the amount of people following them now which stops them being assassinated. They could have been annilated well before now like poor Phil Schneider etc. It hasn't happened because they are helping to keep the veil down on the JESUIT ORDER who own the Illuminati and every organisation on this planet. They're all playing a game to keep the intelligent sheeple still locked away to a point, feed them some truths and have them hook line and sinker then divert them away from the real culprits. Alex Jones etc are all TEMPORAL CO-ADJUTORS for The Society of Jesus who has insiders in every side of conflict. The Jesuits are the most intelligent people on this planet especially in the high end part of the Jesuit Order. They forget to tell you about how the Jesuits are Alchemists, Sorcerors and Occultists just like your scary scary Illuminati. They love to promote Illuminati on Mainstream TV on films like Chainsaw Massacre but wheres the Jesuit advertising? NONE! They're feeding you what they want but you are foolish enough to desire.
I promise people if they re-open their minds and start looking at the facts a bit further now and in the direction of The Jesuits they will be shocked to find all the answers in front of them. No one isn't saying Illuminati isn't powerful because they are second in command to The Jesuits and no one else is higher than them. The Illuminati Consist of B'Nai B'Rith, Grand Orient, Council of 33rd degree Masons of Scottish Rite, Council of 13 degrees of the Bavarian Illuminati, Black Nobility & The Committee of 300.
Alex Jones had openly admitted being a Roman Catholic Christian. Alex amazingly gets into Bohemian Grove without getting killed or removed unlike no other person attempting it. Alex Jones will not talk to anyone who knows of the Jesuit Order being supreme ruler. David Icke has mentioned very minutely that the Jesuit Order are very power players but thats ultra rare and he too promotes this scary Illuminati mystical force of Order. David Icke isn't a stupid man hes very intelligent and his knowledge of the order is very large which in itself can be alittle suspicious but maybe not. Do you honestly think Mr.Icke wouldn't know the true power of the Jesuit Order? Of course he does but he either chooses to not expose them through his own fear like many others or he is on their side as a Temporal Co-Adjutor. Just be careful who you follow fully, take note of all they say as a lot of it is truth but do your own following on. Alex Jones and that Bohemian Grove is the biggest cat out of the bag showing hes a Temporal Co-Adjutor. How can he walk around B.G with video tapes capturing alot of video but never EVER capturing one of his many so-called security checks which he claimed happened? Think my friends because the Jesuits are riding you like cowboys at a rodeo.
# posted by madthumbs @ 10:38 PM