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Monday, January 30, 2006


Blood Money Part I: The Big 'Allivane-Astra' Picture. The Trail of Illegal Weapons Sold To Iran And Iraq Starts In Washington And London.

High-level officials on both sides of the Atlantic hide their 'dirty scheme' to profit from illegal Middle East weapons sales. MI6 and CIA infiltrate overseas 'front companies' to make sure illegal sales goes off without a hitch

As Saddam Hussein sits rotting in a Baghdad jail awaiting a hangman's noose, the last thing Prime Minister Tony Blair and President George W. Bush wants is for Hussein to spill the beans, tell the truth and talk.

They want him out of the picture since he could add even more damaging information to the solid body of evidence that over the period of 1982-90 Iraq and Iran were supplied by the U.S. and UK with WMD, including biological cultures and chemical precursors of nerve gases and radioactive material, including caesium-137.
Full Article by Greg Szymanski

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